Miracle drugs are unusually rare.

Even the entire Beili tribe has a limited inventory.

He also intends to use steel on the blade.

If Chen Nan eats them all, it will be a big loss!


"My Eight Nine Xuan Gong has been cultivated to the seventh layer."

"There are the last two layers to complete the merit."

"It's just."

"These last two layers are very difficult to reach."

Chen Nan sat cross-kneeled.

His cultivation during this period can be said to have advanced by leaps and bounds.

Although there are only lower gods in the realm.

But if he fights with all his strength, with his current supernatural powers.

Able to kill enemies beyond the level and kill the powerhouse of the upper God Venerable Realm.


Above the deity is the holy deity.

Although there is only a word difference, it is a world of difference.

"If you want to step into the Central Divine Venerable, you need at least 50 million years of skill!"

"And a 10,000-year elixir can be comparable to 50,000 years of power at best."

"If you want to step into the Central God Venerable Realm."

"I still have to take at least a thousand thousand elixirs."

A thousand thousand elixirs does not seem to be much.

But don't forget.

After Chen Nan came to the Divine Realm, he also took more than two hundred ten thousand years of divine medicine.

This thousand thousand years elixir was not a small amount for him.

Thinking of this, he looked at the nine-headed flame lion: "Are there any other great demons in the second heaven?"

After a pause, he added, "The richer kind." The

nine-headed flame lion gave Chen Nan a roll of his eyes: "Is it okay to leave a mouth of soup for the creatures of the second heaven?" Ninety percent of the magic medicine in the second heaven has all entered your stomach! "


a hundred miles away.

Mu Yang's face was weak and hidden inside the body of a big tree in the sky.

He had several sword marks on his body.

Each one hurts the muscles.

It looks shocking.

"Mu Ningfeng, you wait, one day I will kill back the tribe and cut you by a thousand cuts!" Mu Yang's eyes revealed a strong killing intent.

He strayed into the Misty Bottom for eighteen years.

I have long been accustomed to a life of not asking about the world and focusing on the Tao.

That's why.

When he left the Misty Valley to return to the tribe, he thought about returning and gave up the position of leader to his half-brother.

Because he trusted this younger brother.

I also believe that he will definitely be able to manage the tribe well.

When he went back and saw the tribal people Ding Xingxing, it made him firm up his previous thoughts.


It was halfway through the reception banquet.

Just as he was about to hand over the chief's token.

What happened next left him grieving.

It's still hard to accept.

Mu Ningfeng first stabbed himself with a dagger.

And slandered Mu Yang for being tyrannical and fratricidal.

And then.

Mu Yang became the target of everyone.

The leader who was loved by the clan and had great prestige became a rat crossing the street.

They were besieged by their clansmen.

Even if he explained it, no one believed him.


"Why don't you wait for me to finish that drink?"

Mu Yang clenched his fists, his eyes bloodshot.

He had thought of drinking that glass of wine at the reception banquet and officially handing over the position of chief.

But Mu Ningfeng didn't give him a chance.

So much so that the brothers turned against each other.

It cut his heart like a knife.

If only time could be repeated.

He certainly won't leave the Misty Valley.

He would rather spend his whole life in the Misty Valley.

I don't want my brothers to turn against each other.

Right at this moment.

A faint shout came from a distance: "Mu Yang, don't hide!" "

I learned someone was chasing me.

Mu Yang's heart suddenly raised his throat.

Then the voice grew louder and louder from far and near: "There has just been news from the clan, your lifesaver Chen Nan has arrived in the tribe.

"You shouldn't have forgotten the name Chen Nan, right?"

"He came to the tribe to visit you specifically."

"If you don't want him to die because of you, give up resistance and grab him."

Mu Yang suddenly snorted.

I never expected that the other party could say the name Chen Nan.

I didn't expect Chen Nan to be under house arrest.

This made him anxious.

Because he is a man of great affection.

Chen Nan himself saved his life.

How could he let Chen Nan encounter any accidents because of him?

Even if you can't get it!

He can't even burden Chen Nan!

Once people forget their roots.

What's the difference between that and animals?

Just when he gathered his courage and was ready to show up.

But subconsciously frowned.

"Old Ancestor Hong Fu Qi Tian, with great creation and great powers."

"If he goes to the tribe to find me, how can he not sense my breath?"

For Chen Nan.

He was in awe.

He also knew that Chen Nan's strength was extremely terrifying.

"If the ancestors knew that I was not in the tribe."

"Then why are you willing to stay in the tribe?"

"Could it be that Mu Ningfeng deceived him?"

"No, no, no!"

"The old ancestor is the chosen son, how can Mu Ningfeng's lies deceive him?"

"Even if the sun rises in the west, I don't believe that Mu Ningfeng's scum can deceive the ancestor."

"Unless... The ancestors were willing to be deceived! "

Think of this.

A cold light flashed in Mu Yang's eyes.

"If I'm not mistaken, Mu Ningfeng will definitely lie and say that I am in retreat."

"In this way, I put my ancestor under house arrest, so that I could send someone to inform me of this matter and coerce me to show up."

"And before I showed up."

"He will definitely do everything to please the ancestors."


"It's a pity that the ancestor is a righteous gentleman who is honest."

"If only it were a sinister villain."

"You can take the opportunity to ask for some miracle medicines treasured by the tribe."

"With my end to Mu Ningfeng's scum."

"If the old ancestor takes the opportunity to ask for the miracle medicine, he will definitely meet the old ancestor's request."

Think of this.

He blocked out the shouts around him.

Sitting cross-kneeled, recovering from his injuries.

At this time, his jealousy of Mu Ningfeng had disappeared.

Anyway, with Chen Nan, the chosen person sitting in the Beili Tribe, what he had to do next was to restore his strength and restore his strength to the peak as much as possible.

Even after going back, he is not the opponent of Mu Ningfeng and the others.

But in front of Chen Nan.

At least it won't be so embarrassing!

"Mu Ningfeng, do you think that if I put my ancestor under house arrest, I can force me to submit?"

"You really don't know the horror of the ancestors!"

"You think you're smart, but how do you know it's luring wolves into the house?"

"We'll see!"

"When I go back, it will be your doom!"


"Father, it's light!"

"It's light!"

"Not a drop left..."

"Oh no!"

"It's a 10,000-year elixir gone!"

"They've all been eaten clean by Chen Nan!"

In the Northern Li tribe.

Mu Yu cried and told his father about the situation in the pharmacy.

Mu Ningfeng, who was cultivating, jumped like thunder: "Damn, could it be that Mu Yang's old thing is already dead?" Ten days have passed, why has he not appeared?

"He really doesn't care about Chen Nan's life or death?"

Mu Yu asked nervously: "Father, are we losing money?"

"It's not just a loss, it's a big loss!" Mu Ningfeng's face was gloomy.

And right at this moment.

A loud and familiar voice came from under the night sky: "Mu Ningfeng, don't you get out and die?" "

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