
Chen Nan almost didn't spew out a mouthful of old blood: "Are you serious?"

"How? Look down on lions, huh? The eyes of the nine-headed flame lion were full of pride: "You can enter my sound channel, I will let you feel the horror of my sound channel!"

"Even if you are talented and powerful."

"But I can also guarantee that within three minutes you will be relented and surrendered."

Chen Nan sighed: "Let's change the name!" The name of the sound channel is not good, not beautiful enough, in my opinion, it is called the sound range avenue! The

nine-headed flame lion stubbornly said: "No, my divine power is to rely on the sound, the sound channel is the most appropriate, simple and rude, why do I need to change the name of the sound range avenue?"

"It's not..." Xuan Qingyun in Chen Nan's arms was full of doubts: "Are you two really talking about the Dao?" Why do you feel like you're off track?

Chen Nangang wanted to speak.

Several powerful auras appeared in all directions.

Followed by.

Four humanoid creatures came across the void.

"So strong!"

The eyes of the nine-headed flame lion became solemn: "The strength of these four humanoid creatures should have reached the realm of gods!"

Chen Nan asked, "Can your sound channels defeat them?"

"You can try!" Although the nine-headed flame lion was nervous, it did not hesitate at all, took a deep breath, and let out a deafening lion roar.

The entire void trembled at this moment.

It gives people a sense of déjà vu that will explode at any time.

Even the four humanoid creatures had painful expressions on their faces.

They reached out and covered their ears.

But the Dao of the Nine Flame Lion not only affected the body.

Also for the soul.

Chen Nan's eyes lit up.

There is a saying.

The magical power of the nine-headed flame lion has two brushes.

According to the current situation.

The four-headed humanoid monsters could not last more than three minutes at all.

Just when the four-headed humanoid alien demon was full of pain, black demonic energy appeared behind him.

The nine flame lions fell to the ground.

Its vocal range power also disappeared in an instant.

There was a dead silence between heaven and earth.

Chen Nan looked at the weak nine-headed flame lion on the ground with a stunned expression: "What do you mean?" The

nine-headed flame lion said embarrassed: "It's been a little long, lack of oxygen..."

Chen Nan was speechless.

Just this is still delusional to kill the enemy?

"Are you from the Second Heaven?" A humanoid asked in a human voice.

Chen Nan: "Yes, I am new to the Three Heavens and I am not familiar with this place, I hope you can tell me about the Three Heavens!"

"Are you questioning me?" The humanoid sneered.

Chen Nan also waved.

A destructive knife intent tore through the sky, instantly penetrating the body of that humanoid creature.

There was an incredible look in the eyes of the humanoid creature.

Immediately, a red blood line appeared on its forehead.


Accompanied by a blood mist.

That humanoid creature exploded directly in the air!

"Lion grass!" The nine-headed flame lion was creepy: "Master, your strength is actually so strong? Not

only the nine-headed flame lions were shocked.

Even Xuan Qingyun in Chen Nan's arms widened his eyes.

Of course.

The eyes of the other three humanoid creatures were also full of shock.

I didn't expect the strength of the guy from the second heaven to be so terrifying.

Chen Nan looked at the other three humanoid creatures: "Which of you can answer my previous question?" "

He can feel it.

The strength of these humanoid creatures was not much different from that encountered in the Erchong Heaven.


At that time, his cultivation was too low.

If it weren't for the help of that burning stick, he wouldn't be able to kill the other party at all.

But today is different.

Even if he didn't use that burning stick now, he could easily kill these four humanoid creatures in seconds.

"The Three Heavens have long been ruled by us, if you don't want to die, you will obediently surrender." The humanoid made an icy sound.


Without warning.

Chen Nan once again cut out a sword intent, cutting the humanoid creature that had spoken before into a blood mist.

Even if the other party has already prepared a posture to resist.

Can face the hegemony, unstoppable knife intent.

But they don't even have the qualifications to resist.


A trace of jealousy flashed in the eyes of the other two humanoid creatures.

I didn't expect it at all.

Ling Xiao was trampled through.

There are even people who are more arrogant than them.

"Didn't anyone want to answer my previous question?" An intriguing smile appeared on Chen Nan's face, and then he waved his finger, and another sword intent flew out.


Accompanied by a red blood mist.

There is only one humanoid creature left in heaven and earth.

Chen Nan: "Come on, you answer my previous question.

The humanoid creature's face was nervous: "If I tell you, will you release me?"

"What qualifications do you have to bargain with my master?" The nine-headed flame lion stood up with difficulty, feeling that he was doing it again.

The humanoid creature hesitated and said, "There are eight million six million alien demons in the Divine Venerable Realm in the Three Heavens, and hundreds of millions of ordinary alien demons, even if we don't know how many there are."

Chen Nan's heart trembled.

8.6 million alien demons comparable to the powerhouses of the Divine Venerable Realm.

This amount made him feel depressed.

Chen Nan said again: "Tell me the information of the Terran and Demon Race!" The

humanoid creature said, "There are five tribes of the Terrans, one of which has already defected to us, and the other four have disappeared. The demon tribe has three tribes, namely Niu Niu Cave, Rabbit Mountain, and Pig Den.

"Bull Cave? Rabbit Mountain? Pig den? What's going on, right? The eyes of the nine-headed flame lion were full of incredulity: "Who obtained these names?" Can't you just take the name of the hanging sky?

"I always thought I wouldn't pick a name, but now it seems... I'm okay. "

The Wild Lion Cave is not very domineering though.

But also than the Bull Bull Cave.

Rabbit Mountain.

The pig nest is much stronger!

Chen Nan asked, "The strength of those three demon beast tribes is very strong?" The

humanoid creatures shook their heads: "Their realm is not strong, but they can't be killed, and their strength is very strong."

Chen Nan nodded slightly.

He only felt that the Ox Cave, Rabbit Mountain, and Pig Den had an extraordinary origin.

But now there is not so much time to think about anything else.

He looked at the humanoid creature and said, "Inform me of the whereabouts of the Phoenix Grass."

"I don't know, I really don't know."

A sword glint flashed in Chen Nan's eyes: "Don't take my words as a deaf ear, the same question, I don't want to ask a second time on a person." The

words did not fall.

A terrifying knife intent rushed straight into the sky, tearing the sky, and it was terrifying.

"I say, I say!" The humanoid creature hurriedly said, "There is a mountain range ten thousand miles west of this place, and that mountain is called Phoenix Ridge, and there are traces of Phoenix Grass there.

"It's right, Phoenix Grass does live in Phoenix Ridge." Xuan Qingying spoke up.

It's clear.

She had done her homework and knew some things about the Triple Heaven.

Chen Nan said again, "There is one last question, how do you alien demons breed?" The

nine-headed flame lion subconsciously clamped its tail and asked nervously: "Master, you asked this kind of privacy when you first met?" You don't want to know about them, do you? "

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