Feng Yu withdrew his gaze, looked at Long Yuan, and couldn't help but ask: "Long Yuan Daoist, take the liberty to ask, has the Divine Dragon Old Ancestor reached the realm of the Ancestral Dragon?" "


The first dragon of the dragon clan.

Also known as Dragon Ancestor.

Holy Dragon.

He is the strongest of the dragon race.


There are only legends about the Dragon Ancestor in the Three Realms, but very few people have seen the whereabouts of the Dragon Ancestor.

I don't even know if the Dragon Ancestor is alive or dead.

Among the thousands of Dragon Ancestors, only the Divine Dragon Old Ancestor is expected to reach the realm of the Dragon Ancestor.

Long Yuan shook his head: "After the Divine Dragon Old Ancestor completed eight transformations, he finally failed to break through the shackles, stayed in the eighth layer of the Divine Dragon Technique, died and disappeared between heaven and earth. "

It's a topic that makes them feel heavy, depressed.

But that's what it is.

"It's a pity!" Feng Yi sighed softly.

The death of the Divine Dragon Old Ancestor was unexpected.

After all, many people are optimistic about the Shenlong Old Ancestor.

It is believed that it can break through the shackles and become an existence of the level of the ancestral dragon.

But in the end, it failed to break through the shackles.


Knock knock!

Chen Nan continued to walk towards the body of the Divine Dragon Old Ancestor.

The terrifying dragon power rushed towards him.

But at this time.

His internal organs were as hard as iron, and it was difficult to hurt him in the slightest.


When he was only five hundred meters away from the corpse of the Divine Dragon Old Ancestor.

But it is difficult to get closer.

The mighty dragon power formed a barrier visible to the naked eye.

It seems that he doesn't want to let people get too close, thus desecrating the body of the Shenlong Old Ancestor.

"Senior, junior has no intention of offending, but the green dragon's flesh body is destroyed, and junior needs to borrow your flesh body!"

"I beg your pardon for the offense!"

Chen Nan clenched his right hand.

The cold knife condensed from his hand.

Then he held the handle of the knife in both hands and slowly closed his eyes.

Then condense the knife intent on the cold knife and slash forward.

The sword intent of the horse was like an aurora falling heavily on that barrier.

The next moment.

The knife intent rebounded and slashed towards Chen Nan.

The speed was so fast that Chen Nan couldn't guard against it.


The knife intent fell on Chen Nan's body, emitting a crisp sound like metal impact.

Immediately, the knife intent was ejected and flew to the rear.

"Not good!"

Long Yuan's face changed suddenly, and he didn't expect that standing in the distance to watch the excitement would be affected.

Don't think about it.

He pushed forward with both palms out.

I saw two golden dragon claws transformed by divine power appear out of thin air.

Directly blocked the sword intent that flew on Chen Nan's body.


But a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

His expression was painful.

You can imagine what kind of impact he suffered from the blow just now.

"Patriarch, are you all right?"

The clansmen of the Green Dragon Tribe were all full of concern, but they didn't expect Long Yuan to be injured.

Long Yuan's eyes solemnly looked at the tall figure in the distance, and he couldn't help but sigh: "There are talented people in Jiangshan Generation, and they have led the way for hundreds of years.

"I estimate that no one will be able to surpass this in the next ten thousand years."

"It is not too much to say that there are no ancients before, and there are no people who come after."

"I really didn't expect that my Terran would give birth to such a terrifying existence!"

"He obviously only has the early stage cultivation of the Divine Venerable Realm!"

Long Yuan has the late cultivation of the Divine Venerable Realm.


Chen Nan struck at random, but he was hit hard.

He didn't dare to imagine what kind of situation it would be like to fight with Chen Nan with all his strength.

Everyone else was shocked.

I didn't expect the patriarch to give Chen Nan such a high evaluation.

Some young women did not hide their inner thoughts: "I want to practice with him!"

"Idiot! How can you monopolize this kind of talented hero? In my opinion, let's practice with him together!

"Can you add me one?"



Chen Nan turned into a knife.


The sword intent pervaded this small world.

Under everyone's nervous eyes, he slashed heavily towards that barrier.


A deafening loud noise resounded in the heavens and the earth.

It's like a thunderclap.

The shock made everyone dizzy and blood and qi rolling.


And that's all!

That barrier didn't even have the slightest turmoil.

Seeing this, Long Qi let out a light sigh: "His old man may not want to be disturbed!" "

Although this is just a physical body used by the Divine Dragon Ancestor.

But they know.

This body has already produced spiritual intelligence.

"I hate strongmen!"

"But if you can make the green dragon have a powerful physical body."

"I'm willing to become someone I hate!" Chen Nan's eyes were firm, and his loud voice echoed between heaven and earth.

He rushed high into the air again.

The azure blue knife intent enveloped him.

This sword intent is better than before.

Its appearance distorts the void.

The cold and piercing knife intent caused a thick layer of goosebumps to rise on everyone's bodies.

"Break it for me!"

Chen Nan's voice was like thunder.

Transformed into a blue light, it fell heavily on the barrier under everyone's nervous or expectant eyes.


Accompanied by a deafening roar.

Chen Nan was like a kite with a broken line, spitting blood in his mouth and flying out hundreds of meters under everyone's stunned eyes, and then fell violently to the ground, splashing a puff of dust and smoke.

'Ahem! Chen

Nan gulped blood, covered his chest, and walked out in the dust and smoke with difficult steps.

He looked at the corpse of the Divine Dragon Old Ancestor in front of him in confusion, and his eyes gradually became angry: "I want to know, why are you doing this?"

"Why turn a blind eye to the survival of the Three Realms?"

"Are you greedy for life and afraid of death?"

Long Yuan was furious: "Chen Nan Xiaoer, you want to be disrespectful to the Divine Dragon Old Ancestor!"

The others were also shocked, they didn't expect Chen Nan to say such disrespectful words to the corpse of the Divine Dragon Old Ancestor.

Although this is only the corpse of the Divine Dragon Old Ancestor.

But everyone knows.

This corpse has already produced spiritual intelligence!

Chen Nan himself did not receive the recognition of this corpse, let alone denigrate the Divine Dragon Old Ancestor in public.

"Am I disrespectful to him?" Chen Nan laughed angrily: "You ask him, why did he give up the divine position of the four divine beasts?" Is it really dedicated to the Dao, wanting to become a strong person of the level of the Dragon Ancestor? "




"Even if it becomes a four-divine beast, after obtaining the divine position, it can still be cultivated in seclusion."

"There is no conflict between the two."

"On the contrary, after becoming a four-divine beast, it has gained even more benefits."


"But he chose to give up the throne."

"Are you blind? Can't you see what he's running away from?

Chen Nan's voice was like thunder, containing endless anger: "To put it bluntly, he is a long worm that is greedy for life and fears death, and he knows the responsibility he will bear after becoming a four-god beast."

"Because of this, he gave up the divine position of the four divine beasts to the green dragon on the grounds of retreat."

Chen Nan's words were like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, which made it difficult for everyone in the Qinglong tribe to accept.


They were powerless to argue with it.

Because Chen Nan was right.

There are indeed many benefits to having a divine position, and those benefits are even more conducive to cultivation!

Chen Nan: "Until now, you still don't know why it died and failed to break through the shackles?"

"It's because he's greedy and afraid of death."

"Even if he dies, he is to blame!"


Without warning.

A thunder resounded in the heavens and the earth.

In an instant, the wind and clouds surged, and the phantom of a dragon appeared in the sky, and an angry roar came out of his mouth: "Young man, who do you say is greedy for life and afraid of death?" "

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