The mighty dragon power permeated from above the nine heavens and shrouded the entire earth.

At the same time.

Countless people saw a golden dragon appear in the air.

It has a strong posture and strong claws.

Exudes the momentum of staring at all living beings.

A strong sense of oppression rises in people's hearts.

"What is this thing? How could there be such a powerful dragon clan in the Three Realms? Gui Falcon's eyes were full of shock, and it could feel that the strength of this golden dragon was very strong.

Comparable to when the green dragon was alive.

The dragon appeared in the sky above Shennongjia, and a slap of the divine dragon swung its tail to blast the Buddha-figure of Gui Falcon out tens of thousands of meters, and he didn't know how many mountains he knocked down.

Heaven and earth erupted with a deafening roar.

"After a long time, I didn't expect you to die too!" Qinglong looked at the old friend in front of him with complicated eyes, no, it should be a senior to be precise.

"yes!" The Divine Dragon Old Ancestor let out a light sigh: "I thought that I could break through the shackles and become an existence comparable to the ancestral dragon. But in the end, I failed!

Qinglong said weakly: "I once saw the Divine Dragon Technique you created, that exercise is very against the sky, I regret that you failed!"

The Divine Dragon Old Ancestor asked, "You have long seen the flaws of the Divine Dragon Technique, haven't you?"

Qinglong: "That exercise does have some flaws, but in my opinion, with your talent and understanding, you will definitely be able to perfect that exercise." Shenlong

Laozu's eyes were complicated: "I did perfect the Shenlong Technique, but I still failed."

Qinglong: "This is very undeserved!"

Shenlong Laozu laughed at himself: "A junior named Chen Nan said that the reason why I failed was because I was greedy for life and afraid of death, and he said that I was a coward."

Qinglong's heart trembled.

Dare to say that this greedy is afraid of death.

Look at the entire three worlds.

That's why Chen Nan has this guts, right?

Shenlong Old Ancestor let out a long sigh: "Although I am angry, it is undeniable that he is right.

"If I hadn't given up the position of the Four Divine Beasts back then."

"If I really have a responsibility."

"Maybe you have been reborn in adversity!"

"It's a pity, there are no ifs!"

Qinglong: "So?"

"So here I am." Shenlong Old Ancestor: "I am willing to use my body to make up for it and do something for the three realms."

"Although this was proposed by that junior named Chen Nan."

"But I feel that it seems to make sense!"

There was a pause.

He continued, "Qinglong, I hope you can one day achieve my dream and become an existence comparable to the ancestral dragon!"

"In the future, this body of mine will be controlled by you!"

As soon as the words fell, his eyes darkened.

He used his last spirit to tear the void and come to the mortal world.

Just to fulfill Chen Nan's request to him.

Qinglong sighed lightly: "I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you, senior, I didn't want to become an existence comparable to the ancestral dragon, I just wanted to protect the three realms and protect all living beings!" The

words did not fall.

He turned into a dazzling white light and soared into the sky and submerged into the body of the divine dragon.

Next second.

The dull eyes of the Divine Dragon Old Ancestor burst out in vain with a divine radiance that was even deeper and dazzling than the stars.

The huge dragon body tumbled in the air.

The aura of the divine dragon became more and more powerful.

"You want to control this physical body? Do you think I'll give you a chance? With a roar, Gui Falcon lifted a mountain and smashed heavily into the body of the divine dragon.


Accompanied by a dragon swinging its tail.

That mountain was instantly shattered.


The dragon tail fell fiercely on Gui Falcon's body, and once again blasted it out 10,000 meters.

Black blood spat out of his mouth.

"You are no longer my opponent!" The green dragon made a loud sound, like rolling thunder, making this heaven and earth boil.



A deafening dragon groan echoed in all directions.

The body of the Divine Dragon Old Ancestor erupted with a dazzling divine light.


Light up the night sky.

It also made Li Mu and others subconsciously stretch out their hands to block in front of them.

"What happened? Why did Brother Long's momentum suddenly become so powerful? Li Mu was dumbfounded.

Nezha said, "It is controlling the body of the Divine Dragon Ancestor.

Li Mu grinned: "I like this ending.

"yes!" Nezha also smiled: "It has shouldered too many responsibilities, shouldered it, otherwise there would not be only this wisp of remnant soul left." Fortunately, Uncle Chen helped him find a body that matched it.

"It's not in control of the dragon's body." Guo Yu gave his opinion: "It is breaking through, breaking through the realm. "

It's evolving, the bloodline is evolving."

Nezha looked at the body of the Divine Dragon Old Ancestor and saw the light blooming from its four dragon claws, and couldn't help but gasp: "Uncle Long, is this going to evolve five claws?" "

Is it a dick?" Li Mu looked embarrassed, feeling that he was a 2G online user, while Nezha and Houyi were both 5G online users, and he didn't understand what they said at all.

Nezha said: "The dragon race is an extremely powerful race, with countless branches, and in layman's terms, it is like a pyramid.

"The five-clawed golden dragon is the boulder at the top of the pyramid."

"It's just a pity."

"Since the birth of heaven and earth, only a terrifying existence like the Dragon Ancestor has been born."

"And now, Uncle Long is about to become an existence comparable to the Dragon Ancestor."

"Once it derives five claws, it can become a holy dragon."

Speaking of this, he paused and looked up at the firmament: "I just don't know, this piece of heaven, is not allowed to give birth to a holy dragon."

Guo Yu looked up at the night sky: "This piece of heaven is the place of origin and has given birth to many saints, even if the heavenly way is ruthless, but it also has its mercy and compassion!"

"I trust that it will not turn a blind eye to its guards!"

The voice just fell.

A purple lightning bolt instantly tore through the sky and landed unmistakably on the body of the Divine Dragon Old Ancestor.

It was also accompanied by this purple lightning.

A golden dragon claw appeared above each of the four dragon claws of the Divine Dragon Old Ancestor.

In a flash.

A colorful glow appeared in the night sky.



Next second.

The body of the divine dragon transformed into the appearance of a personable young man.

He is handsome and extraordinary.

The gesture exudes a detached temperament.

It is like a figure of nothingness.

It feels extremely unreal.

"It's done, it's done, Uncle Long has become an existence comparable to the ancestral dragon!" Nezha shouted excitedly.

Qinglong looked at his hands, and a wry smile appeared on his face: "When I really have the intention to plant flowers and flowers, I have no intention to insert willows and willows."

"I didn't expect to become a holy dragon by mistake."

"Speaking of which, this is thanks to that guy Chen Nan!"

"You actually became a holy dragon?" The Gui Falcon in the distance let out an incredible scream, and he didn't expect that the green dragon would have such a big creation.

Qinglong turned his head and looked at it, with a playful smile on his face: "Isn't it time to settle the old accounts between us?" "

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