"Huh?" Zhao Jie had a confused expression, and bean-sized sweat continued to slide down his face.

What happened

? Am I in a broken piece

? Why does it feel as if I missed some important message?

Countless humanoid alien demons swarmed and directly blocked the entrance of the cave.

The atmosphere of the scene instantly became solemn to the extreme.

The terrifying demonic aura made everyone tremble.

Although they have taken refuge in the devil.

But he also knows the character of the demon.


And a small pot friend.

The kind that doesn't even spit out bone slag.

"Commander Pingba, we have been wronged, we have been wronged!" Zhao Jie's eldest son, Zhao Long, reacted extremely quickly, he looked at Chen Nan angrily and said, "We don't know this son at all, he slandered us, you must not fall for him!"

"Yes, Commander Pinba, we are not with him. "The elders of the Donghe tribe are completely panicked, if Pingba mistakenly thinks that they and Chen Nan are together.

Even if they have a hundred heads, they are not enough to cut off.

"This commander despises those who dare not do it the most, you all deserve to die!" Pinba roared, and then opened his mouth sharply.

In a flash.

Its face seems to have turned into a blooming man-eating flower.

Each petal is covered with sharp, dense teeth.


A terrifying devouring force instantly enveloped the six elders of the East River tribe.


!" "Commander Pimpa spare your life!" the

six screamed heartbreakingly.

But Pingba did not give them a way to live, until all six people were sucked into their mouths, and the hideous-looking petal slowly closed.

It's just that when closed, it makes a crisp bone breaking sound.

It's like chewing crispy bones while eating.

The difference is.

The corner of Pingba's mouth overflowed with red blood, and it looked disgusted: "Sure enough, when people are old, the taste is very poor, and they lack delicious taste." Saying that, he looked at Zhao Long, who was trembling and was already frightened.

"You should taste good, right?" "

Commander Pingba, we have really been wronged!" Zhao Jie burst into tears: "This person is called Chen Nan, and he is the last hope of the Terrans."

"We arrested him just to do our filial piety, that's all

!" "Ask Pingba to let our father and son live!"

"What, you are Chen Nan?" Pingba looked at Chen Nan like a great enemy, and an inexplicable uneasiness appeared in his eyes.

Roar! The

nine-headed flame lion let out a low roar, instantly broke the restraints on his body, and after helping Tangtai Shuang untie the rope on his body, his face was full of disdain: "Just by a broken rope you want to trap us

?" "Bah!" "

Really think we don't know your methods?"

"Really think we don't know that you poison the drink?"

"Lord Pingba, did you hear that, we are really wronged, we are really not with them!" Zhao Jie grabbed the important words in the nine flame lions.

Although he didn't know why the other party was able to break the shackles of the rope.

Although he didn't understand why Chen Nan and the others could ignore the poison they had.

But at the moment.

None of this matters.

It's important to set aside the relationship with them.

Otherwise, their father and son would definitely die here.

Pingba ignored Zhao Jie, but looked at Chen Nan intently: "If I'm not mistaken, Yunying should have died in your hands, right?"

But the heart is very puzzling.

Because Yunying's strength is very strong.

Looking at the entire Triple Heaven, there are only a handful of people who can kill it.

But now.

It seems to know the answer.

Yunying was killed yesterday, and today Chen Nan appeared.

Is there such a clever thing under the sky?

"Yes, Yunying was indeed killed by me. Chen Nan showed a shallow smile: "In addition to Yunying, and those alien demons led by it, there is also a human named Zhao Xiang!"

You... You killed Wu'er?"

Chen Nan nodded: "Yes

!" "I will kill you to avenge my son!" Zhao Jie was angry, and a sharp long sword instantly appeared in his hand, just when he was about to kill Chen Nan.

The nine-headed flame lion blasted him out with a palm, and then said seriously: "This is a high-end game, it's best not to play a little minions like you, otherwise you will lose your life!"

His face was full of sadness, and he didn't expect his son to die in the hands of Chen Nan.

Pingba slapped his hands with a playful smile on his face: "Sure enough, the seven emotions and six desires of your human beings are the most wonderful drama in the world

!" "It is said that the greatest pain in the world is that the white-haired person sends the black-haired person, Patriarch Zhao, I really feel sorry for you!" "I

also ask Commander

Pingba to avenge my son!"

"Let's discuss the matter of revenge, after all, I am the leader of Silver Moon Valley, if I listen to your orders, won't it seem that I am faceless?" Speaking of this, an evil smile appeared on its face: "However, I can let you come out of the pain of losing your second son."

Zhao Jie crawled on the ground and shouted loudly: "Please also ask Pingba to lead the rescue of the old slave!"

An invisible force instantly enveloped Zhao Long in the distance.

Then slowly flew over.

Zhao Long was terrified, feeling as if the bones in his whole body were shattered, and he lost his voice and screamed: "Pingba Commander Rao..."

The words are not finished.

He saw Pingba open his blood basin again.

And then...

He was in severe pain and lost consciousness.

Zhao Jie was stunned to see Pingba chewing and swallowing, and the whole person seemed to be stupid.

Pingba showed a perverted smile: "Is it like I said?" "

Did you come out of the pain of losing your second son?"

The nine-headed flame lion gloated: "Although you died your son, I don't feel sad at all, and I even feel unfulfilled!"

"Do you understand retribution

?" Pingba looked at the nine-headed flame lion with a look of disgust: "Are your words a little too much?" The nine-headed flame

lion's eyes widened: "What are the words? If you don't want to hear it, cover your ears!" Pingba didn't

pay attention to it at all, but looked at Chen Nan with a smile: "I've heard your name, it is said that you killed Hatu and leveled the Phoenix Ridge."

"He even killed Wu Qiao and destroyed the Silent Mountain."

"However, I really didn't expect that you would have the audacity to break into the Silver Moon Valley to such an extent.

Chen Nan calmly asked, "Which of these three forces is the strongest?"

Pingba shrugged: "Obviously, it is naturally my Silver Moon Valley."

"Oh!" Chen Nan pondered for a moment and asked, "Do you feel like a fool


Chen Nan smiled and asked, "The question is, since I'm not a fool, have you ever wondered why I dare to break into the base camp of Silver Moon Valley?"

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