"Girl Tangtai, why are you so excited?" the nine-headed flame lion asked puzzled: "We just want to send you home, and we don't push you into the fire pit, and your reaction is too fierce, right?"

Speaking of this, I couldn't help but let out a soft sigh.

Although it sometimes shoots a little... Colored.

But I also have a deep affection for the word 'home'.

It is also homesick.

But I don't know where my home is.

Because it only remembers that it is from the Three Heavens.

I don't know anything else.

"The greatest pain in the world is not homelessness, but the inability to return home!" Chen Nan lit a cigarette, and his mood suddenly became a little sad.

He was homesick too.

Missing my parents, sister, daughter, and lover... guys.

He also wants to live the life of an ordinary person.

But he shoulders the future of the Three Realms.

There are too many responsibilities carried.

Doomed to displacement.

Enduring the pain of separation of loved ones.

Tangtaishuang's eyes were full of pain: "I also want to go home, but I can't go back."

"Brother Chen, you don't know something. "

The Terrans and Demon Races of the Three Heavens have been united.

"It's all the way east.

"It is said that he will go to the Cave of Ten Thousand Devils, level there, and recover the mountains and rivers occupied by alien demons. "

What does this have to do with you having a home and not being able to go back?" Chen Nan's face was full of embarrassment, how could I not know about this?

"But I've heard that the leader of the Terrans is a lustful, lustful and lustful demon.

"Wherever he went, he ordered people to sacrifice the women of his clan to him.

"When the tribe learned of this, they thought of giving me to that satyr first.

"I naturally refused, so I escaped from the tribe." ???


Chen Nan and the nine-headed flame lion looked at each other.

They all saw confusion in each other's eyes.

The nine-headed flame lion even sent a message: "Boss, the person mentioned in the mouth of the Tangtai girl should not be you, right?

But definitely not the kind of person who sees the color and is unscrupulous.


He didn't know why he had become a lustful fellow!

"Brother Chen, please don't send me back to the tribe, okay?" I can be by your side as your handmaid, you can do whatever you want me to do, but please don't send me back.

"They'll be arriving in the Black Mountain Tribe in two days, and I really don't want to be given to that satyr as a doll."

Her face was full of nervousness, and crystal tears rolled in her eyes.

It's inexplicably distressing.

I had a feeling of pity.

The nine-headed flame lion grinned and showed a malicious smile: "Double cultivation can't do, magnesium aluminum?"

I didn't expect the nine-headed flame lion to ask such a sharp question.

She glanced at Chen Nan nervously, and said with a red face: "If Big Brother Chen doesn't dislike me, I..." I... I am willing to double practice with Brother Chen.

"Lady Tangtai, I have something very important to leave, and I can't take you with me on this trip. Chen Nan forced a smile: "So, I'd better send you back to the tribe!" The

alien demon had already learned of his existence, and even knew that he had gathered people, and the strong men of the two demon races rushed to the Ten Thousand Demon Cave for the final battle.


To be cautious, he had to find out first.

Then wait for the powerhouses of the Three Heavens to arrive, and join forces with them inside and outside to break through the Ten Thousand Devils Cave.

And before that, he couldn't take the Tangtai Frost with him.

Even if you can take her into the small world of your own creation.

But it is not enough to ensure the safety of the cream.

After all.

When danger strikes.

He was ready to introduce alien demons into the small world.

Say a thousand ways and ten thousand.

Tangtai Shuang can't follow himself.

There is one more important reason.

Chen Nan wanted to follow Tangtai Shuang back to the Black Mountain tribe.

First join the powerhouse of the Three Heavens.

Take a look at which turtle grandson who has been stabbed a thousand knives in the end to ruin his reputation.

How did a peerless beautiful man who was so sunny and handsome and full of positive energy become a lustful and unbridled color demon?

The nine-headed flame lion said happily: "Tangtai girl don't need to be nervous, you have also seen the strength of my boss, it is not too much to say that he is invincible in the world, right?"

"If he comes forward, the patriarch of your tribe will definitely not dare to give you to that satyr."


"My boss is your lifesaver, are you sure you want to go against his opinion?"

Tangtai Shuang quickly released the hands that were tightly grasping Chen Nan, and hurriedly wiped the tears from his face: "I'm sorry Brother Chen, I shouldn't have violated your words." "


Chen Nan saved his life.

He is his own lifesaver.


Nan: "Okay, take us to your Black Mountain tribe


She couldn't go against Chen Nan's words.

But she would never give it to that color demon as a doll.

Death is not enough.

That's it.

Chen Nan landed on the back of the nine flame lions with the Tangtai Frost, and flew thousands of miles to the south, returning to Chen Nan satisfactorily on the way.

He was taken into the small world, when the sun was about to set.

A majestic black mountain appeared in front of Chen Nan's eyes.

"Brother Chen, this is our tribe!" said Tangtai Shuang in a low voice, this is her home, the place where she was born and raised.

She has always loved this black mountain.


Since I heard that I was going to be given to the Terran leader.

Her heart home became an endless purgatory.

Everything she was familiar with around her had turned into a hideous demon.

The demons grinned at her, trying to tear her to pieces.

She wanted to escape.

But I found that there was no escape.

This made a strong fear rise in her heart, unwilling.

As well as --- despair.

Do you want to kill us?" As soon as she arrived at the front of the tribe, a middle-aged woman in her fifties ran out cursing.

She is the mother of Tangtai Shuang, named Wu Mei.

"Mother, I..." Tangtai Shuang opened his mouth, but did not know what to say.

Wu Mei looked at Chen Nan behind her and asked with anger on her face, "Who are you?

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