Chen Nan looked back in the direction of the Black Mountain tribe.

I saw a tall woman wearing a long white skirt with beautiful facial features looking at this side.

There was an inexplicable nervousness in his eyes, as well as expectation.

Chen Nan sighed lightly: "Forget it, we don't have that fate!" "

Young Lord, this is the medicinal herbs prepared for you by our Qinglong Tribe, Vermilion Bird Tribe, Xuanwu Tribe, and the three major demon forces, I hope your cultivation will improve." Long Yuan took out a storage bag: "There are almost more than five thousand medicinal herbs, please be sure to accept them

!" Chen Nan smiled bitterly: "My current cultivation does not need these medicinal herbs anymore!"

Nowadays, medicinal herbs did not help him much.

It is not enough for him to improve his cultivation.

However, it is more than enough to recover from the injury and replenish the divine power.

After Chen Nan put away the storage bag, a flame appeared under the feet of the nine-headed flame lion, carrying Chen Nan to the sky and taking off to the far east, saying, "Boss, what you call you two don't have that fate, didn't the Tangtai girl take the initiative to take off her dress in front of you?"

Although you are a person, I feel that you are not a good person.

Chen Nan sighed lightly: "Tonight, eat the lion's head

!" "I was wrong!" ------

twenty days later.

A majestic, tall mountain range appeared directly in front of Chennan.

The black pressure in the air is a phenomenon caused by the gathering of demonic energy in the air.

The terrifying demonic qi made even Chen Nan feel palpitations.

This is the Cave of All Devils.

It is the base camp of the alien demon in the Three Heavens.

According to incomplete statistics, there are at least three million alien demons comparable to the Divine Venerable Realm here.

As for ordinary alien demons, there are countless more.

Chen Nan had already collected the nine-headed flame lion into the small world, and he turned into a flying insect and finally landed on the mountain of the Ten Thousand Devils Cave.

Just landed on the hill.

Chen Nan felt a powerful aura.

All he could feel was a strange demon comparable to the Divine Venerable Realm.

There are too many to prevent.

"We haven't been so lively for a long time!"

"That's not it, before the nine major commanders were guarding outside, but now except for the three leaders who were destroyed by Chen Nan, as well as their forces, the other six forces have returned to the base camp.

"We now have more than six million God Venerable Realm powerhouses, even if that guy named Chen Nan has three heads and six arms, he has to hate this place."

"I really want to meet that guy soon!"

"------It turns out

that the other six leaders have returned to the Ten Thousand Demon Cave, no wonder so many strong people will gather here."


"I have destroyed the three forces of Phoenix Ridge, Silent Annihilation Mountain, and Silver Moon Cave.

"The alien demon must know that I am coming to the Ten Thousand Devils' Cave.

"After all, this is the only place to pass through to the Four Heavens.

"They will definitely be in ambush here waiting for my arrival."

"However, they should not guess that I have mixed into their home base."

"The priority is to find the location of the holy spring."

"After ten days to destroy the holy spring, you will be able to join forces with the Terrans and launch an onslaught towards the Ten Thousand Devil Cave!"

But it is very difficult to practice.

The reason is none of it.

The Cave of All Devils is too big.

There are countless caves, entrances, and intricate inside.

And he didn't dare to release his soul power with great fanfare, after all, there were too many strong people here.

Once he unscrupulously releases the power of his soul, he will definitely be disparaged by alien demons.

If so.

The consequences are unimaginable.

Even if he controls the Seven Series Avenue.

Even if there is gluttony.

Even if there is a small world.

But he also did not think that he could wipe out the base camp of alien demons on his own.

Six days passed.

In the past six days, Chen Nan has changed his form from time to time, and no one cares about his flying insect.

These six days were not for nothing.

He knew that the Ten Thousand Demon Cave Demon King was called Yan Tu.

This person's strength is extremely terrifying.

It is said that there is a Saint Venerable Realm cultivation.

It is the existence of one of the thirteen heavenly kings.

It had led an army of alien demons into the Lingxiao Treasure Hall ten thousand years ago.

He joined forces with other heavenly kings to kill the Jade Emperor.

The strength is not to be underestimated.

"Ten thousand years ago, the thirteen heavenly kings joined forces to kill the Jade Emperor, and now Yan Tu's strength should be even stronger

!" "It should have reached the middle and late stages of the Saint Venerable Realm!"

Chen Nan felt a strong sense of oppression.

If Yan Tu was a strong person in the early stage of the Saint Venerable Realm, he could completely kill him with his strength.

But if it reaches the middle and late stages of the Saint Venerable Realm.

It was also a bit tricky for Chen Nan.

This night.

He heard the excited voice of a drunken man in the dim and winding cave: "I have lived in the Ten Thousand Devils Cave for so many years, and I have finally saved enough merit to exchange holy water, and I can exchange holy water immediately and break through!"

Chen Nan's heartbeat instantly accelerated, and he immediately found the drunken alien demon, quietly landed on its body, and continued to move forward with it.

"The species of alien demons is indeed weird!"

"Same-sex unions can not only produce children, but even break through cultivation."

"It's really perverted

!" "It's also thanks to them that they don't have seven emotions and six desires, otherwise this race will definitely go against the sky!"

They can even give birth to heirs.

This point even Chen Nan felt strange.

I followed the drunk man along the winding cave for almost an hour.

The front suddenly became empty, bright, and much quieter.

A strange and incomparable fragrance pervaded.


For Chen Nan, this fragrance is a little pungent.

It's uncomfortable.

But he saw a spring glowing white in front of him, and the spring water that the alien demon longed for was bubbling inside.

It's a pity.

Chen Nan failed to get close to the holy spring.

Because there is a strange magic near the holy spring, other species other than alien demons cannot approach at all.

After the drunken demon approached the holy spring, he took out a wooden sign and handed it to the alien demon guarding the holy spring, and then left along the way he came with a jar of holy water in his hand.

"How did this holy spring come from?" "

Where is it connected?"

Chen Nan was puzzled in his heart.

Right at this moment.

A green-eyed, red-haired humanoid alien demon walked in and said to the few alien demons guarding the holy spring: "Lord Demon King has an order, the Terran powerhouse is on the way to come, in order to improve the strength of our clan, let go of the holy spring from tomorrow."

"But all the clansmen of the God Venerable Realm can come and collect it, and your side needs to be carefully counted. "


the humanoid alien demon who had just exchanged an altar of holy springs before was directly stunned.

It took me thousands of years of accumulated merit to exchange for an altar of holy water, and now you tell me that tomorrow it will be free?

Chen Nan's eyes lit up on the side: "Starting tomorrow to distribute free holy water, can I do something here?"

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