"King, why don't we feel that the holy water has changed its taste?" The

figures in the cave who were lingering in sorrow all stopped, and everyone's eyes were a little confused.

These people are Yan Tu's right-hand men.

There are not only six ruler-level existences.

The others were also powerhouses comparable to the late stage of the Divine Venerable Realm.

"There is an indescribable feeling!" Yan Tu smacked his lips, he drank holy water every day, and he was very familiar with the taste of holy water.

Of course.

Because it is because of the demon king.

It can break through directly with holy water.

There is no need to find companions.

"No, holy water has always smelled like this.

"Could it be that our realm is too low to taste the difference between holy water?"

everyone spoke one after another.

Yan Tu waved his right hand and took out a pot of holy water that had not been drunk yesterday, and his brows couldn't help but wrinkle deeper after taking a sip.

It can feel a slight difference in holy water.

But the difference is small.

When given to others, none of them noticed any difference.

"There must be something wrong with the holy water!" Yan Tu said with a hint of affirmation: "For so many years, I have been drinking holy water every day, and I am very familiar with its taste. "

Could it be that too much holy water was distributed today that the concentration of holy water weakened?" a ruler-level powerhouse began.

"Nope. There is a saying: "The holy spring does not affect its efficacy by taking too much water." Moreover, today there are only one million people who draw water, far from the upper limit of the holy spring.

Yan Tu pondered for a moment and said, "Have you ever felt anything strange after drinking the holy water?"

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads.

One of them grinned maliciously: "I feel that the effect of holy water is stronger!" Yan

Tu looked at the two clansmen in the early stage of the Divine Venerable Realm, let them lean back and forth, and gave the two altars of holy water to drink.

One of them was short of breath after drinking the divine water taken yesterday, and his hormones soared.

This is a normal reaction.

But the other only showed signs of shortness of breath and weak eyes.

Then he slumped directly on the ground.

It's like a puddle of mashed meat.

"Great King, I feel that my soul is weak, and my whole body strength seems to have been drained by someone!" The humanoid demon who drank holy water behind him was full of exhaustion.

The other people in the cave looked confused.

Why don't we feel this way?

"It's not good, the holy water has been poisoned!" Yan suddenly sat up, and his blood-red eyes flashed with anger: "Hurry up, let people stop fetching water."

Everyone else stood up with shocked faces.

Someone asked: "Great King, is someone really poisoned in the holy water? No, who has such a great ability to poison the holy water?" Yan

Tu's eyes were as cold as a snake and scorpion: "If I'm not mistaken, it should be that guy named Chen Nan who mixed into the Ten Thousand Devils Cave!"


faces of the others were filled with shock.

Although they know that there is a vicious war with the Terrans.

But no one expected to start in this way.

After all.

There are millions of people taking holy water today.

If these people all drank poisonous holy water.

For them, it will be a fatal blow.

"We underestimated that guy, his means are really despicable!" Yan Tu's face was full of anger, and then he let out a roar that shook all directions: "Everyone listen, holy water is poisonous, stop taking it!"

Yan Tu's voice echoed in the heavens and the earth.

It was like a thunderbolt that terrified the alien demons who were lining up for holy water.

It also made those alien demons after taking the holy water panic.

Because they don't know what side effects they will have after drinking holy water.

All in a word.

With Yan Tu's roar.

The Ten Thousand Devils Cave was a complete mess.

Morale plummeted.

People are unstable.

"Damn, why do I feel so weak?"

"Shouldn't I be poisoned?" the

eyes of many Divine Venerable Realm early stage demons who had taken holy water were filled with deep fear.

They can clearly feel that the body is affected.

And not only them.

Even some of the alien demons in the middle of the Divine Venerable Realm felt like they were drunk, and they felt dizzy and groggy.

Right now.

A striking azure sword intent shot up into the sky, tearing the demon cloud in the sky above.

This knife destroys the decay.

This knife shook the world.

This sword allowed the golden sunset to shine into this mountain range that had been shrouded in demon clouds for ten thousand years.


A tall figure proudly appeared in heaven and earth.

He was dressed in an azure robe, with long hair gently fluttering in the breeze behind his back with one hand.

It gives people a sense of déjà vu under the heavenly gods.

And so he suddenly appeared.


It's hard to guard against.

"It's too late to find out the poison now, right?" Chen Nan had a playful smile on his face.


accompanied by a monstrous demonic qi.

Yan suddenly flew into the air, and the demonic aura behind him was monstrous, like a demon god revived, and there was even more vicious hatred in his eyes: "You are Chen Nan, right?" "

I really didn't expect that as the hope of the Three Realms, your means would be so despicable!"

Chen Nan not only did not panic in the slightest, but even took out a cigarette, and he made an indifferent voice between swallowing clouds: "Between us."

"There are no means.

"Only life and death!"

Yan suddenly snorted coldly: "Don't you think that with your own strength, you can level the Ten Thousand Demon Cave

?" The

words fell.

Countless alien demons appeared behind Yan Tu, and the black pressure was pressed, like a dark cloud covering the sky.

A pair of scarlet eyes make dense phobias patients have goosebumps when they see it.

"Who said I'm the only one?" a playful smile appeared at the corner of Chen Nan's mouth.

In a flash.

There was a terrifying and powerful aura in the western sky.

I saw flying magic weapons carrying tens of thousands of people coming quickly.

At the same time, there were also many powerful flying demon beasts carrying millions of demon races and rushing over.

They stopped behind Chen Nan.

Although the number is less than one-third of the alien demon.

But they are imposing and amazing.


Tu didn't have any nervousness, and even showed an unexpected expression: "I really didn't expect that there were so many Terrans and demon beasts in the Three Heavens!"

"Since you have gathered together, let's kill you all today!" Speaking of this, it waved its big hand, and countless god-venerable realm demons rushed forward.

"More than people, I will be afraid of you?" Chen Nan's face was full of disdain, he took out the jade coffin and squeezed it with both hands.

With the beans inside flying out.

Countless 'Chen Nan' also appeared in the air.

He scattered beans into soldiers.

Even if you give everything you have, you must win the final victory today!

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