On his chest was a sword mark about three centimeters long.


The black power of destruction pervaded around the sword marks.

The wound is also getting bigger.

It was as if a silk handkerchief had been lit by a faint flame, and the flames were spreading around.

Of course.

That terrifying force of destruction did not stop raging.

Along his meridians, he swallowed up his internal organs.

"I said that unless you control the complete Seven Series Dao, even if you control the Three Thousand Dao, it is impossible to defeat King Ben. A disdainful smile appeared on Yan Tu's face.

Everyone else was also full of nervousness and unease.

I didn't expect Chen Nan to be injured at all.

If his opponent is an ordinary person, it would be fine.

But quite the opposite.

His opponent is a powerful alien.

And it also controls the Dao.

Just when everyone was worried about Chen Nan.

Chen Nan made an unexpected voice: "I can't remember how long no one can hurt my body!" "

However, you think this injury can kill me?"

The Seven Series Avenue once again enveloped him.

His expression gradually became solemn.

He delusionally wanted to force out the Avenue of Destruction in his body through the Seven Series Avenue.

But it turned out to no avail.

Yan Tu said lightly: "Don't be dying, now that the power of destruction has spread in your body, it won't be long before you will die

!" "Even your Seven Series Avenue is not enough to resist my power of destruction!"

"Really?" Chen Nan showed a disdainful smile.

Next second.

His wound was shrouded in a yellow mist.

This mist seemed to have magical power, instantly dispelling the destructive power of Chen Nan's wound, and his injury also healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, the wound was intact, not even a trace remained.

Yan Tu was taken aback: "What kind of means are you?" "

The means to kill you!" Chen Nan roared angrily, disappearing into the night sky like a ghost.

Next second.

He appeared in the air less than 10,000 meters away from Yan Tu.

The space realm instantly covered the void of 20,000 meters.

"Monster, you are really a monster, not only control the Seven Series Avenue, but even control the Space Avenue!" Yan Tu's eyes were full of killing intent: "If you are given enough time, you will definitely become an existence beyond the ancient saints."

"But today, King Ben must kill you in the cradle!" Chen

Nan's talent was terrifying.

He felt a deep sense of unease and trepidation.

Although it had always known that the Terrans had the last hope.

But every time it happens.

Ten thousand years ago, so many saints fell.

What waves can the last hope turn over?

But now.

It must pay attention to Chen Nan.

Without waiting for it to come to its senses, a azure blue long knife appeared in Chen Nan's hand.

For some reason.

There was also a yellowish glow above the blade.

Extremely sharp, make it fearful.

"Die!" Chen

Nan controlled the space avenue shrouded in the cold knife, like a laser killing towards Yan Tu.


enough!" "Your strength is far from enough to kill me!" Yan Tu raised his hand and shot out two sword qi condensed by the power of destruction.

Chen Nan raised his knife to resist, but was blasted out for thousands of meters.

Even with the assistance of Space Avenue.

But he couldn't get close to Yan Tu.

Not only that.

He also felt a dull pain in the mouth of the tiger.

This was the impact force he received against Yan Tu's sword qi that spread to his hand through the cold knife.

Thanks to his ancient holy body, his body is terrifying.

If you change to a cultivator of the same realm, it is very likely that this force will directly blast into meat mud.

"I control one-third of the Avenue of Destruction, and although there is only this one, it is not something you can compete with. Yan Tu laughed maniacally, and the Avenue of Destruction roared out from its body, with it as the center, covering 300,000 kilometers in all directions.

Chen Nan only felt a terrifying force of destruction sweeping in all directions.

The whole person seems to be transformed into a lonely boat in the vast ocean.

It was as if it would be torn to pieces by this force at any moment.

Don't think about it.

He quickly released the two paths of yin and yang.

A Taijitu with a diameter of more than 100 meters appeared at his feet, and then slowly turned.

Yin and yang give birth to all things.

Even if he is now in the avenue of destruction.

But the appearance of Taijitu also helped him offset the impact of the Avenue of Destruction.


Yan suddenly shouted, and a series of terrifying sword qi appeared in the Avenue of Destruction between raising his hand, and those sword qi appeared around Chen Nan, pointing the sword in his direction.


accompanied by a sudden press of Yan Tu.

Those sword qi stabbed towards Chen Nan at the same time.

Chen Nan's eyes were indifferent, and he didn't even resist.

Just when those sword qi was a hundred meters away from him.

The yin and yang qi burst out of the Taijitu is more powerful, and the speed has also been significantly improved than before.

The power generated when spinning also successfully resisted the influence of the Heavenly Sword Qi on Chen Nan.

"Chen Nan, you can't kill me

!" "But I can slowly torture you to death!" Yan Tu had a playful smile on his face, it didn't say that it could kill Chen Nan in seconds, after all, the yin and yang qi on Chen Nan's body was too terrifying.

Even if it wanted to kill Chen Nan, it would be difficult.

"Indeed, you are a formidable opponent!" Chen Nan's voice changed: "But your reliance is only the Avenue of Destruction, if I break it, how will you kill me?"

Chen Nan did not deny it.

Although the law is boundless.

But for cultivators, as long as the Dao they control can spread a million kilometers, they can become saints.

Although he also controlled the seven Dao methods.

But the coverage area is very small.

He didn't think he could have an epiphany in such a short time and control a third of the avenue.


He also knew Yan Tu's strength.

"This guy has controlled 300,000 kilometers of Dao, and according to the realm division, it has already surpassed the Saint Venerable Realm and reached the realm of pseudo-saints.

"Above the false saint is the half-saint.

"Above the half-saint is the true saint.

"My current strength has the power to fight against the Divine Venerable Realm.

"But facing a pseudo-saint-level powerhouse, there is still a great challenge. "


But Chen Nan did not panic at all.

Countless bean grains appeared in his hand, scattering them and transforming into his appearance.

Then Chen Nan poked out a palm, and the Avenue of Destruction in front of him was briefly broken by the Space Avenue.

Countless external avatars killed Yan Tu.

See this scene.

Yan Tu frowned slightly: "You external incarnations may be effective in facing the powerhouses of the Divine Venerable Realm, but in the face of this king, is it too self-sufficient?" Chen

Nan showed a shallow smile on his face: "Do you know what true destruction is?"

He raised his right hand and snapped his fingers crisply.

In a flash.

Countless external avatars burst out a brilliant light at the same time.

It's like a nuclear bomb that has been detonated, directly exploding in the air!

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