Xuan Qingyun: "What does it mean?"

Chen Nan cleared his throat and said, "It means that the woman has figured it out." "

Figured it out, what do you mean?" a big question mark rose in Xuan Qingying's heart.

Chen Nan looked embarrassed.

I didn't expect this girl to be so pure.

After a moment of silence, he said, "You can understand that the woman is in love with the other party and is willing to marry him." Only men and women who are happy with each other will lead each other home!"

Xuan Qingying's face turned slightly red and asked, "Then are you willing to take me home?"

Chen Nan was speechless.

I didn't expect Xuan Qingying to ask such a question.

Although the two have already had a relationship.

But walking the kidney is not the same thing as walking the heart!

"Wait for the peace of the three realms, why not take you home?" Chen Nan still didn't say cruel words in the end.

After all, he is a pure scumbag.

And one of the three elements of scumbags is not to refuse.

Xuan Qingyin said softly: "I know that there is no emotional foundation between the two of us, but I always believe in it and have been in love for a long time."

Chen Nan's eyes lit up and said, "You are right, I also believe in the saying that you have been in love for a long time." But only if you cooperate.

Xuan Qingyun's brows furrowed: "Are we talking about long-term love the same thing?" "

Shh!" Chen Nan made a silent gesture, he looked into the distance, and said, "Someone is coming!"

After all, this guy has mastered the nine avenues.

"Do you feel that our cultivation has been suppressed?" Xuan Qingying summoned Chen Nan, and a strong uneasiness rose in his heart.

"There are strange things here!" Chen Nan's expression suddenly became solemn.

Even Xuan Qingyin could feel that his cultivation was suppressed.

Not to mention him.

He felt like an ordinary person at this time.

Whether it is the divine power in the body.

Or the power of the soul.

It's all as if it's gone.

"Who are you, and why are you in my Eastern Sang Kingdom?"

without warning.

A black tiger appeared in front of Chen Nan and Xuan Qingying.

This black tiger is about ten meters long, with a fierce face, which blends well with the night.

If it weren't for the six burly middle-aged men on its back, Chen Nan wouldn't even be able to see this black tiger.

In fact, the strength of these six people is not strong.

Only possess the cultivation of the God King Realm.


The cultivators of the God King Realm were also enough to crush Chen Nan and Xuan Qingying.

"I have seen six adults, our husband and wife are people from the mountains, and because we fled to our relatives in the city, we were lost in this mountain forest!" Chen Nan showed some panic, not daring to look into the eyes of the black tiger.

His performance is also in line with the reaction of an ordinary person when he sees a powerful person and sees a powerful demon beast.

As for what the two of them were wearing.

Although glamorous before.

But before in the three heavens, a vicious battle was stained with dust.

It looks tattered.

The middle-aged man at the head looked around and said, "Have you ever seen anything strange?" Before

Chen Nan could speak, a person behind him said with a smile: "Boss, if there really is a big murderer here, do you think the two of them will still appear in front of us alive? The

middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, and sighed with a smile: "What you said makes some sense!" After

a pause, he looked at Chen Nan and Xuan Qingyun and said, "It's not peaceful here, since we met, you should follow us back to the city!" With a

wave of his right hand, a divine force roared out, wrapping Chen Nan and Xuan Qingyin and landing on the back of the black tiger.

The black tiger let out a low roar, like a gust of wind, carrying everyone into the East Sang Kingdom.

"Go and go to your relatives!" The middle-aged man put Chen Nan and the two in the city, and then disappeared from the sight of Chen Nan and the two in the black tiger.


After they left, Chen Nan and Xuan Qingying's cultivation did not resume.

"Find an inn to rest for the night first, and by the way, inquire about the affairs of the Four Heavens. Chen Nan casually grabbed Xuan Qingying's slightly cool hand and led her towards a large inn in the distance.

There are too many unknowns in the Four Heavens.

Like what.

Why are they suddenly ordinary people?

This made him curious.


If after entering the Four Heavens, their cultivation would be suppressed in an instant.

This situation is easy to understand.

That must be the suppression of them by the rules of the Heavenly Dao.

But that's not the case.

After they entered the Four Heavens, they clearly had cultivation.

But then it was inexplicably gone.

It's weird.

You have to find out.

Xuan Qingying didn't expect Chen Nan to suddenly grab his hand.

She instinctively wanted to pull it back.

But eventually abandoned the idea.

Because she thought of what Chen Nan said: The premise is that you have to cooperate.

Although she didn't understand how to cooperate.

But she still held Chen Nan's hand tightly.


Just a small hand-holding, but it made her heart beat faster and her face red.

The picture of when he was with Chen Nan flashed in his mind.

"Hello, is there still a vacant room?" said Chen Nan after entering the inn, looking at Xiao Er, who was sleepy on the counter.

Xiao Er suddenly opened his eyes, and after seeing Chen Nan and Xuan Qing's dusty servants, their gray faces, their originally enthusiastic expressions changed instantly.

Becoming very disdainful, he waved his hand impatiently and said, "Where is it called Hanako, hurry up and live somewhere else, we are a high-end inn, how can you call Hanako afford to live

?" "Do you know how much it costs to stay with us for one night?"

Seemingly casual asking.

But it can also give him a clear understanding of the currency of the Four Heavens.

Xiao Er sneered and asked, "Twenty taels of silver, do you have it?"

Chen Nan looked embarrassed.

Damn it!

The four heavens of the God Realm, the transaction currency is still gold and silver?

"I don't have silver, but there is something else. Chen Nan said that a crystal clear divine stone appeared in his hand: "I got this jade by accident, do you see if I can use it to pay for the room?"

He subconsciously rubbed his eyes.

After making sure that he was not mistaken, his attitude turned a hundred and eighty degrees.

Hurriedly said: "Yes, absolutely yes, this god..." Jade can be used as a room fee. Xiao

Er was excited.

This is a

divine stone! A divine stone can be exchanged for 10,000 taels of gold.

But this earth bun treats it as an ordinary jade.

I really haven't seen the world.

Chen Nanhu looked at him suspiciously: "Your expression has changed a little big, could it be that this

jade is a treasure?" Xiao Er tried hard to hide his emotions, and smiled awkwardly: "Don't hide it, this jade in your hand is indeed a good thing, but it is not a treasure."

"However, it is completely enough for the two of you to stay with us for ten and a half days!"

Chen Nan smoothly threw the divine stone to the other party: "Then help us open the best room and prepare some hot water and wine!"

Wait a minute.


do two people open a room?

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