He left the inn with Xuan Qingyin.

Visit the bustling capital of Higashi-san Country.

I bought a lot of jewelry and clothing with Xuan Qingyin.

These were all things that Xuan Qingying had never seen before.

I like it very much.

It was not until the evening that the two walked towards the inn.

"Why do you feel that you are not very interested in those clothes I bought, what style of clothing do you like in your heart?" said Xuan Qingyun holding Chen Nan's arm.

After last night's contact, she was used to Chen Nan by her side.

"What kind of clothes do I like?" Chen Nan thought for a while and said, "The long skirt is also very good, but after looking at it for a long time, it is inevitable that there is some aesthetic fatigue."

"As for what kind of clothes do you like..."

"Flight attendant

costume?" "Maid costume

?" "Nurse suit?"

"But my favorite is Black Silk."

"The crotch open!"

he didn't hide his inner proclivities.

After all, in his realm, living is already very transparent and pure.

Xuan Qingyin gave him a roll of his eyes and said with disgust: "Although I don't know what these styles you said look like, the bad smile at the corner of your mouth makes me feel that those clothes you said are very informal."

Chen Nan smiled and did not explain.

The clothes must be very serious.

It is also worn by serious people.

It's just...

If the two of them put on serious clothes before going to bed, it will become very unorthodox.

Just as the two returned to the inn.

Chen Nan found a familiar face at the door.

It was the same guy who followed him before by the Tigers.

Chen Nan: "What are you doing here?" the

middle-aged man said nervously: "Our boss asked me to pass you a message, Jiang Zhuo is listening to music in Piaoxiang Courtyard now, and he doesn't like to have bodyguards next to him when he listens to music, which is the perfect opportunity to get rid of him."

"I see!" Chen Nan said lightly, and then went upstairs with Xuan Qingying, and after a few simple instructions, he left the inn and headed towards the Floating Fragrance Courtyard.

He was not worried about Xuan Qingying's safety.

Unless the cultivator made a move, ordinary people could not hurt her at all.

Piaoxiang Courtyard.

The largest green building in the capital of Dongsangkoku.

Brightly lit and magnificent.

At the door, you can see many women dressed up in flowers waving handkerchiefs in the street to solicit customers.

After Chen Nan appeared.

Immediately, more than a dozen dusty women came to them: "Master, do you want to go upstairs and sit? The slave family's work is very good, it is guaranteed to satisfy

you!" "Master, order me, order me, life is not expensive!" "Master

, you look at me, look at me, as long as you order me, not only is it free, but even I will give you red envelopes and post your money." "

Chen Nanji Yuxuanang, a talent.

This kind of looking man is definitely the Prince Charming in the hearts of thousands of girls.

Even if you come to the Qinglou, you can prostitute for nothing.

Of course.

The reason for this is that most of the dust women are more superstitious.

When you think you're unlucky.

You can find a handsome guy like Chen Nan to change your luck.

Chen Nan glanced twice, and finally fixed his gaze on a pair of twin sisters.

They painted women with light makeup and good looks.

He hugged the two sisters left and right, hugged the two sisters into his arms, and showed a bad smile on his face: "Tonight, you two will sleep!" A

woman snuggled into Chen Nan's arms and said with a snort: "It is our sister's honor to spend a good night with Gongzi! ------


Chen Nan followed the sisters into the green building.

After entering it, I suddenly felt a sense of déjà vu of coming to my daughter's country.

There are countless women around Yingying Yanyan.

Although he already had a pair of twin sisters in his arms, there were still many girls who threw winks at him.

It looks like they want to play together.

But Chen Nan refused.


Chen Nan was also looking at the pattern of the Piaoxiang Courtyard.

The temple has nine floors.

It's just that the ninth layer is not something that ordinary people can enter.

On the stairs of the ninth floor, there were also eight burly middle-aged men, who guarded there, making people afraid to approach.

As for Chen Nan.

He came to the eighth floor.

Before entering the room, I heard the beautiful sound of the piano and the laughter of the woman.

After he entered a room on the eighth floor, someone immediately brought drinks, pastries, and fruit plates.

The twin sisters invited Chen Nan to take a seat, helped him take off his coat, and helped him pour drinks.

"Who's up there?" asked Chen Nan curiously.

My sister's face was full of surprise: "Master, shouldn't it be your first time to come to Piaoxiang Courtyard?" Chen

Nan said brazenly: "Not only am I coming to Piaoxiang Courtyard for the first time, but I am even a place." "

Listen to this.

A hot light suddenly appeared in the eyes of the sisters, they never expected to meet a place today, which was simply a huge bargain.

For them in the green building, this is a great fortune.

My sister said: "It's not someone else upstairs, it's the boss of our Piaoxiang Courtyard, the Jiang gang leader of the Oolong Gang, and only he can go to the top floor to listen to music."

Chen Nan nodded slightly, and said, "I have heard some of the deeds of the Jiang Gang Lord, it is rumored that he is a dragon and phoenix among people, very strong, able to fly in the sky and can do anything!"

The pair of sisters were stunned.

Why don't we know?"

My sister stopped talking.

Some things can't be said nonsense.

But when she saw Chen Nan take out two small yellow fish, her eyes immediately lit up, and she whispered: "For the sake of what Ye wants to know so much, we can tell you some news that ordinary people don't know."

"You should have found that there are no cultivators in the city, right?"

Chen Nan: "I really didn't find it." The

younger sister interjected, "Actually, there are many cultivators in the city, and so are the masters of our family's Jiang Gang, but they are not as omnipotent as you say.

"It's just that all cultivators will lose their cultivation in the Eastern Sang Kingdom.

"Why is that?" Chen Nan's face was full of curiosity.


I also have some regrets in my heart.

I shouldn't have gone to the medicinal herb store to inquire about intelligence at all.

Qinglou has no more information than a pharmacy?

If it is an old color batch, it will definitely think of the Qinglou for the first time.

The younger sister said, "Because the Eastern Sang Kingdom is a forbidden place, it is said that no matter how powerful a cultivator is here, he will lose his cultivation.

"Yes, I once heard a person in the palace say that the Dongsang Kingdom is like a Dharma Formation, and as long as a cultivator comes in, it will be affected.

Chen Nan frowned.


the country of Dongsang is really a forbidden place.


Nan asked, "Do you know how

the forbidden law land was formed?" and "Is there a way to crack the impact of the forbidden law?"

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