A huge wave rose in Jiang Zhuo's heart.

He is a god general.

He couldn't accept that Chen Nan put his hand into his chest and pulled out his heart like a probing object.

"Why do dead people need to know so much?" Chen Nan's right hand exerted force.


With a blood mist exploded.

Jiang Zhuo's heart exploded directly.

And Jiang Zhuo also fell to the ground and lost his breath.

Chen Nan held the long sword in his hand, cut off Jiang Zhuo's head, and took off the jade ring that Jiang Zhuo was wearing.

After all, this is a good thing, which can allow cultivators to resume their cultivation.

He picked up a pink belly pocket on the ground, wrapped Jiang Zhuo's head, and swaggered out of the green building.

No one in the bustling green building noticed what was happening on the top floor.

And no one will believe it.

The boss of the Oolong Gang died here.

After he left.

The frightened women in the room let out ear-piercing screams.

None of them expected it.

The powerful Jiang Zhuo would actually be killed on his own territory.

Even after death, he was beheaded.

They know.

I'm afraid the national capital is about to change.



Chen Nan came to the base camp of the Tiger Gang and threw Jiang Zhuo's head on the table, and blood soon dripped down the gap in the table and fell to the ground.

Song Dahu ordered people to open their belly pockets, and when they saw that familiar and unfamiliar face, they couldn't help but sigh: "I didn't expect you to kill Jiang Zhuo so quickly, it's powerful!"

He knew that Chen Nan would definitely die if Jiang Zhuo made a move.

It's just that he didn't expect this day to come so quickly.

Chen Nan asked, "You shouldn't violate the previous agreement, right?"

Song Dahu smiled: "Although I, Song Dahu, am not a decent gentleman, I will definitely not say anything." If you can't believe me, you can go to Cheyenne's house now.

"If their mother and daughter lose a single hair, you can come and cut off my head."

"After all, you have the ability."

Chen Nan turned and left.

He believed that Song Dahu should not mess around.


For the sake of caution, he still went to Cheyenne's house.

It's just that he didn't go in.

Through the courtyard, I heard the conversation between the mother and daughter.

Wu Yue asked puzzled, "Mother, who are those people who picked us up to see a doctor before?" Are there really so many good people in this world? "

The mother and daughter were picked up for medical treatment and then sent back.

She didn't understand this kind of thing.

Because she had met a good person since she could remember, it was Chen Nan.

Everyone else looked down on them, let alone took their mothers to the doctor.

Cheyenne Ruo stroked her daughter's head distressedly: "Of course, there are many good people in this world, but we haven't met them before!" "

Say it all.

But she knew that the other party was not good.

Picking her up to see a doctor is also impure.

It must be to blackmail Chen Nan with this.

Let Chen Nan help them do things.

If not.

They would not ask for the money bag that Chen Nan gave to their two mothers.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

The important thing is that they have returned home.

This indicates that they are safe.

Maybe something was felt.

Cheyenne turned her head to look out the window, and there was a tall figure under the hazy moonlight.

Although she couldn't see the man's appearance clearly.

But there were still grateful eyes.

Because she knows.

The man in the secret must have been the one who helped them.

Chen Nan turned around and disappeared into the night.

After that, he returned to the inn.

Seeing Chen Nan's safe return, Xuan Qingying's hanging heart also landed.

She did not ask for specifics.

As long as Chen Nan comes back, it is enough.

She had people bring hot water, helped Chen Nan loose clothes, and helped him wipe his body after he entered the barrel.

"I inquired clearly." Chen Nan enjoyed the services provided by Xuan Qingying: "The Dongsang Kingdom is a forbidden place, no matter what realm of masters come here, they will lose their cultivation. "

Forbidden Land?" Xuan Qingying thought hard, and then a brilliant light flashed in his eyes: "I seem to have seen the records of forbidden places in ancient books, and it is said that this is a magical power that only saints can perform."

"That's not right!"

"If this is really a forbidden place, then why did the six people we met before all have cultivators?"

She thought of the six men riding the black tiger she had met before.

All are cultivators.

Chen Nan raised his right hand, and there was a jade wrench on his ring finger: "It should be related to this jade ring..." He said again about the incident when he fought with Jiang Zhuo.

Xuan Qingyuan suddenly realized: "In other words, this jade wrench can shield the influence of the forbidden place, and can make people restore their cultivation?" "

If that's the case, then great, we can go to the Dongsang Kingdom Royal Palace, there must be clues to the Ancient God Race in the palace."

"The question is, do you know how to use it?"

"Any magic weapon, artifact needs to drop blood to recognize the Lord, and this jade ring is no exception." Chen Nan said and bit his fingertips.

Pale golden blood dripped onto the jade ring.

It's disappointing.

The jade ring did not absorb Chen Nan's blood, but instead emitted a subtle cracking sound.

Followed by.

The jade ring was directly shattered into slag and fell into the wooden barrel.

The two looked at each other.

They all saw the stunned and puzzled in the eyes of the other party.

"Why is that?" Xuan Qingyun's face was full of doubts: "Could it be that this jade ring is a disposable consumable?"

Chen Nan shook his head: "Can't figure it out." "

Before coming to the God Realm, Qinglong told him a lot about the God Realm.

He asked himself that he also knew a lot about the divine realm.

Available in the Four Heavens.

But I found that I had touched my own knowledge blind spot.

Of course.

Nor can he be blamed for his ignorance.

In the final analysis, this piece of heaven is ruled by the ancient god race.

"Do you know how to get this ring?" Xuan Qingying asked again.

Chen Nan: "Tomorrow, the palace will post a notice to recruit guards." It is said that as long as you become a second-rank martial general, you will be able to obtain this ring of the forbidden place.

"So you're going to sign up?" Xuan Qingying showed a strange expression.

Chen Nan shrugged: "What's the problem?"

Xuan Qingying cried and laughed, "I really can't understand that you were so powerful in the Three Heavens that you even killed a Half-Saint realm demon.

"Your strength can be regarded as a master in the entire Three Realms, but when you come here, you have to sign up to become a guard in the palace."

"Even if you don't say it, I'll feel a gap for you."

"Aren't they all ghosts in this forbidden place? Why else would I be so embarrassed! Chen Nan sighed deeply, he didn't want to do this, but now there was no other way.

Becoming a guard is the only way to get a jade ring.

Only by obtaining the ring and restoring cultivation.

He was able to find the Ancient Protoss.

in order to find the way to the five heavens.

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