Chen Nan looked embarrassed.

You can't ignore my strength just because I'm handsome!

He looked behind the middle-aged man and said in horror: "Be careful! The

middle-aged man's face changed sharply, and he subconsciously turned his head.

Only to find that there was no one behind him.

He knows.

He was tricked by Chen Nan.

He turned back angrily: "You dare to lie to me..."

The words are not finished.

He saw a sandbag-sized fist come into view, getting bigger and bigger.

Haven't reacted yet.

A sharp pain came from the bridge of his nose, making him dizzy.

Directly fell to the ground.

Even the wooden cards on his body fell into Chen Nan's hands.

"Don't say so much useless nonsense in the future, it's over!" Chen Nan stepped on the middle-aged man's chest and rushed towards a young man next to him.

"Five thousand people, only a thousand people can advance."

"In other words, as long as I get three more identity cards, I can directly enter the second level."


Chen Nan's body is strong and his strength is infinite.

I easily got five identity cards.

Although he has the ability to get more wooden cards, it is not necessary.

He knows the truth of the gun shooting the first bird.

After obtaining the five identity tokens, Chen Nan originally wanted to find a secluded place to rest, but he never thought that six young people directly surrounded him.

They were gorgeously dressed, and at a glance they knew that they were not disciples of ordinary people.

The first one held a folding fan, giving people a gentle feeling, and he looked at Chen Nan with a smile: "Brother, you should know what we mean, right?"

"Hurry up and hand over all the tokens on you."

"It's also saved us to grab everywhere."

His name is Wen Ningyang.

Previously, he noticed that Chen Nan had snatched four identity tokens.

That's why.

Only then would he aim at Chen Nan.

Isn't it more comfortable to grab one and get five identity tokens for grabbing once?

Chen Nan: "I only need five identity tokens, so you guys better hurry up!"

Wen Ningyang snapped and closed the folding fan in his hand, and a cold light flashed in his eyes: "What do you mean?"

Chen Nan said casually: "It's nothing, if you really want to snatch the tokens in my hand, I don't mind taking all the tokens on your body for myself." "

Speak wildly!" A young man shouted angrily: "Just with you a little deflated three, how can you defeat the six of us?" Do you really think we're vegetarian?

"Believe it or not, Xiaoye broke your legs and stuffed your skin swallows?"

"You're a dirt bun from the country, right? Do you know who this personable noble son in front of you is? I tell you, he is Wen's grandson. Wen

Ningyang's younger brothers all shouted.

Chen Nan was relieved.

He did know the Wen family.

It is said that the Wen family is one of the four powerful families of the Eastern Sang Kingdom, and has wealth that rivals the country.

A young man looked a little impatient: "Hurry up and give the token on your body to Young Master Wen, otherwise you will definitely be spattered with blood today..."

The words are not finished.

Chen Nan kicked out.


As if he had been hit head-on by a truck, the young man slid out more than ten meters on the ground.

After stopping, he covered his abdomen and rolled up, and a heart-rending scream came out of his mouth.

"Give the face something that is not a face, my people you dare to hit? Are you tired of living? Wen Ningyang was furious, as one of the four great masters of the Eastern Sang Kingdom, when had he ever been despised like this?

Chen Nan's actions were tantamount to punching him in the face.

It made him feel a burst of killing intent in his heart.

"Scrap this guy for me!" Wen Ningyang's face was full of anger.

Chen Nan had no one in his eyes, and it was difficult for him to bear.


"I'll let you know the end of offending Young Master Wen!"

The other four young men rushed towards Chen Nan with a shout, each of them had hideousness written on their faces, looking at the posture and wanting to tear Chen Nan to pieces.


A disdainful smile appeared on Chen Nan's face, and when someone appeared in front of him, he punched out a straight punch.


The other party let out a scream and flew out.

After the blow hit, Chen Nan whipped his right leg and kicked another person next to him.

Just a blink of an eye.

Wen Ningyang's four younger brothers all fell to the ground and lost their combat effectiveness.

Looking at Chen Nan, his eyes were full of deep jealousy.

Their strength is not weak either.

Everyone has the ability to fight one against three.

But who would have thought.

The four of them shot at the same time, but they couldn't hurt a single hair of Chen Nan?

Instead, he was beaten down by the other party so easily.

This person's strength is really terrifying.

"You kind, let's walk and see, I will definitely make you pay a heavy price!" Wen Ningyang was so frightened that his face turned earthy, and after leaving a cruel word, he quickly disappeared into the crowd.

He originally thought about snatching Chen Nan's identity token, but He Cheng thought that this guy's combat power was so amazing.

When it is really stealing chickens, it is not possible to erode the rice.

"You don't need me to do it myself, do I?" Chen Nan came to the five young men who had been injured by him, and then stretched out his right hand.

One of them looked at Chen Nan nervously, and said reluctantly: "Buddy, you all have five identity tokens, there is no need to ask for our tokens, right?"

"Give face, let's keep competing, okay?"

Chen Nan's eyes widened: "Can't you understand people?" "

See the fierce light in his eyes.

The five people were immediately stunned.

These eyes are too scary to look at each other.

Although reluctantly.

But he still handed over the identity token to Chen Nan.

"You can get out!"

Chen Nan snorted angrily.

The five people were amnestied and left the martial arts training ground in embarrassment.

Right at this moment.

A friendly voice came from behind Chen Nan: "Handsome guy, how are you?"

Chen Nan turned around.

I saw that the fat man before was looking at himself with a smile.

It's just that he didn't look closely at the other party before.

Take a look now.


This fat man is estimated to be able to sacrifice the gluttony.

Conservatively estimated, it must have five hundred pounds, like a meat ball, fat and toot.

Especially when he smiles, the squinting makes people feel good.

"Is something wrong?" Chen Nan asked casually.

"My name is Wu Di, you can call me fat." The fat man said with a smile: "Little brother has a reluctant request, can you give me four identity tokens?"

"After all, you have so many identity tokens, and more is not much use."

"If I can become a bodyguard, I will definitely repay your kindness."

Chen Nan: "It's okay to give you an identity token, but I want to ask, how much does it weigh?" The

fat man was stunned for a moment, and asked with some embarrassment: "Does it matter?"

Chen Nan was amused: "The second round of the competition is equestrian, as far as I know, the biggest load of all the horses in the Dongsang Kingdom is only three hundred and fifty pounds, are you overweight?"

"Even if you enter the next level, I'm afraid you won't be able to enter the third level, right?"

"Oh, I have six hundred and sixty-six pounds." The fat man showed a confident smile: "Although I am overweight, I have a sure way to advance to the cut." "

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