"Waiter, help me move the table outside, the fat master is going to have a fair judge!" Meng Guo ordered the waiter.

Then looked at Chen Nan: "Brother Chen, fat brother can't eat your things in vain, let's give you propaganda today!"

Chen Nan looked puzzled.

"Boss, he seems to be a fat master."

The bar cashier was thrilled.

Chen Nan couldn't help but ask, "Is he famous?"

"Don't you watch short videos?" The cashier said: "The fat master is the strongest food broadcaster in the entire short video field, and in the early years, he became famous by eating thirty-five cubits in one meal.

"Even now, he is the king in the field of food broadcasting, and the fat master relationship is very hard and hard."

"Before the short video field cracked down on food broadcasting, he blocked a lot of millions, tens of millions of big Internet celebrities, but he was at peace."

"Someone once said that the fat master is the ancestor of the short video platform!"

"Otherwise, there would be no such treatment!"

Chen Nan showed surprise, but he didn't expect Meng Kuo to be a food broadcast.

As for why his account was not blocked, I think it should be related to the identity of the guardian!

Thirty elbows for a meal...

It's terrifying!

"Another point is that the fat master never accepts any advertisements and does not explore shops. Even if someone gives tens of millions of advertising fees, he is stunned and does not look at it. The cashier became more and more excited: "Now that he helps us publicize, our store's business will definitely prosper."

"Then let the back kitchen prepare more special dishes."

Chen Nan grinned.

I really didn't expect that the hall guardian was still a big eater.


"Boss, the fat master is here."

As soon as Luo Guangyao returned to the office, Secretary Bai He pushed the door and entered.

Luo Guangyao frowned: "Which fat master?"

Bai He gasped: "It's the number one fat master who has more than 100 million fans on the whole network!"


Luo Guangyao gasped: "If I'm not mistaken, we shouldn't have invited him, right?" "

It's not that he doesn't want to invite the fat master.

Instead, he invited the other party countless times and wanted to invite him to stand for the newly opened chain store of Roche Catering.

It's a pity that the other party doesn't bird him at all!

Now that he suddenly appeared, why wasn't Luo Guangyao excited?

Bai He said, "The fat master came uninvited and packed five servings of tiger skin elbow and braised elbow. "

Packing?" Luo Guangyao frowned, and then said, "The fat master finally came to our restaurant, and he had to keep him in whatever he said!" With that, he ran straight out of the office.

After eating at Shannan Restaurant, Luo Guangyao had a strong sense of crisis.

If Roche Catering can't turn Shannan Restaurant dry... After the popularity of Roche catering has weakened, customers are bound to be attracted by Shannan catering.

If this is the case, the situation of Roche catering will definitely be difficult.

Therefore, he must seize the situation of the fat master to stabilize Roche Catering and crush Shannan Catering in one fell swoop!

Just when Luo Guangyao came to the hall, he found that the fat master had already left.

Seeing that there were many people watching at the door, he hurriedly walked out, and the picture in front of him made his face turn green.

At this time, the fat master was sitting in front of the Shannan restaurant, set up his mobile phone, and looked like he was going to live broadcast!

If it's just a live broadcast.

The problem was that he had twenty elbows in front of him.

Ten of them are from their restaurant and ten are from Shannan Restaurant.

"Damn, was he invited by Shannan Restaurant?" Luo Guangyao's face was gloomy, and he didn't expect things to be like this.

Although he hired more than a dozen mukbangs to shoot the publicity.

But he knew that the more than ten fans of the mukbang were not as good as the fat master.

Influence is even more different!

After all, this is the pioneer of the food broadcasting industry!

And his live broadcast is not fixed.

However, every time he broadcasts, millions of fans watch it online.

Because this guy eats very well and has a good sense of humor!

Right at this moment.

Many people have received the start of the broadcast reminder from the fat master!

Of course, there are also many people watching the live broadcast scene of the fat master.

I saw Meng Kuo smiling at the camera: "Brothers, it's been a long time, have you missed me?" Come to Jeju these two days, and I want to do a review when I'm idle!

"Say it in advance, no one asked me to do the promotion!"

"Hey, I'm very puzzled, I'm also the number one anchor in the food broadcasting industry, a ceiling-level person, and I have to pay for it out of my own pocket when I come out to eat, it's incredible!"

"Without further ado, let's get straight to the point."

"I bought five braised elbows and tiger skin elbows at Roche Restaurant and Shannan Restaurant respectively, today we will try the difference between the elbows of the two rival restaurants!"

"Don't blame me for picking trouble, these two stores opened on the same day, and they opened opposite each other, isn't this incompatible?"

Gifts flew all over the place in the live broadcast room.

There is also a lot of contempt.

"You're not provoking, you're arching fire!"

"On arch fire, I will serve the fat master!"

"I thought that Shannan Restaurant must have offended the fat master, otherwise the fat master would not have engaged in it like this."

"Yes, Roche Catering has a history of nearly 100 years and ranks among the top ten in the national catering industry. People are still very rich, now in comparison, Shannan catering will definitely fail! "

There's a lot of talk online.

Everyone thinks that Shannan dining should be cool!

Some people disagreed, saying that the dishes of Roche Catering are too single, all dishes are one taste, and they have not been updated for a long time.

It may feel good the first time you eat it, but after a few meals, it will be boring.

Right at this moment.

The fat master started the live broadcast.

He found a random passerby, closed his eyes, and asked the other party to give him a random elbow to show fairness.

Then, he began to eat happily, and said while eating: "This elbow tastes good, the meat is tender, the lips and teeth are fragrant, it is definitely the most delicious elbow I have ever tasted, yes, this is definitely the ceiling of braised elbow!"

As soon as these words came out, countless people felt incredible.

The fat man has never praised a restaurant like he does today.

Is it too much advertising money?

Of course, this is also a kind of ridicule, because everyone knows that the fat master does not accept any advertisements.

He started the live broadcast to simply deliver happiness and food!

Especially three mouthfuls and one elbow proves that he is not lying!

"Grandpa, you can rest in peace in the spirit of heaven, and I saw the fat master three mouthfuls and one elbow again!"

"You have to eat your elbow to see the fat master!"

The millions of fans in the live broadcast room, as well as the people watching live, were appetizing.

This is the benefit of watching the fat master live broadcast, the live broadcast room is full of joy, the people here talk well, is it not more interesting than watching those boring female anchors?

After that, someone handed the fat man an elbow.

The fat master opened to eat, and his expression suddenly became subtle, as if he was wearing a mask of pain.

This elbow, he ate for almost a minute.

And the taste of the elbow that I ate at the beginning was instantly judged.

Just after eating, the fat master began to vomit, almost did not spit out the bile.

Passers-by in the live broadcast room and onlookers were taken aback.

Which restaurant elbow is this?

Can make the fat master vomit directly, how unpalatable must this be?

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