Xu Meifeng sneered: "If you can afford that car, I'll chop off my head and give you a night pot!"

Chen Nan was amused: "Thanks to my lack of diabetes, otherwise I would think you want to taste some sweetness."


Xu Meifeng's face turned green.

But he didn't know how to refute Chen Nan.

Chen Nan ignored Xu Meifeng and looked at a sweet-looking, slightly restrained female saleswoman: "Hey, beauty, can you help me introduce that big G?"

Tian Rui's face was full of nervousness.

She has just started working and is in the learning period.

Although I also learned some basic knowledge, I can't work independently!

Moreover, this is still Xu Meifeng's customer.

"This customer gave it to you, you play with him!" Xu Meifeng snorted angrily, stepped on her high heels and walked towards the drink area angrily.

Chen Nan's words just now made her disgusting!

She needs a cup of coffee to temper her emotions!

"Meifeng, why are you so angry?" The woman in the drink area asked curiously.

"Bring me a cup of coffee!" Xu Meifeng's face was frosty: "I met a nasty guy and made me sick!"

The woman glanced at Chen Nan, picked up the coffee pot and poured a cup of coffee for Xu Meifeng, and said with a smile: "Is that guy also quite handsome?"

Xu Meifeng looked disdainful: "Can this handsome be eaten as a meal?" The

woman smiled wickedly: "It can't be eaten as a meal, but it can be used as a seasoning!"

Xu Meifeng took a sip of coffee: "It's not my sister bragging, I don't want that kind of man." Yes, he has pursued me before, stalking, but does my sister lack a man like him?

"Except for being a little handsome, it's not shit!"

"You don't believe it, he wrote me countless love letters back then, I didn't read any of them, and they all went into the trash."


the other side.

Tian Rui looked at Chen Nan nervously: "May I ask your surname?"

Chen Nan smiled: "Don't be so restrained, my surname is Chen, you can just call me handsome!"

Tian Rui's face turned inexplicably red.

This is the first time she has been teased since joining the work!

Without much thought, she quickly opened her mobile phone and found the detailed configuration table of the Mercedes-Benz Big G on the Autohome, and introduced: "This car is Mercedes-Benz AMGG63, black outside and red inside, using 4·0TV8 engine, accelerating 100 kilometers in 4.5 seconds."

Chen Nan interrupted her: "Just say how much this car costs!"

Tian Rui said, "The guidance price of this car is 2.55 million, plus the purchase tax and other expenses, the landing price is more than 3.2 million!"

Chen Nan: "Okay, you can help me go through the pick-up procedures!"

Tian Rui gasped: "You want to buy this car?"

Chen Nan said reasonably: "I came to buy a car!" Saying that, he took out the bank card and gave it to the other party.

Tian Rui secretly swallowed his saliva: "More than three million cars, are you sure you don't know about it anymore?"

Chen Nan asked rhetorically: "You also said, it's just a car of more than three million, and it's not feelings, do you need to be so troublesome?"

Tian Rui was overjoyed and hurriedly said, "Mr. Chen, please go and handle the formalities for you later!"

"Sister Meifeng, that guy doesn't seem to be a poor ghost, he seems to be going to take that big G!"

The woman in the drink area looked at Xu Meifeng in shock.

Xu Meifeng's face was also shocked.

She didn't expect that Chen Nan would have the money to buy that big G worth more than three million!

This time, it was she who looked away!

Although I don't know why Chen Nan can afford this kind of car, one thing is obvious, this guy is a local tycoon!

And you have to seize the opportunity to catch him!

Without much thought, she quickly put down the coffee in her hand, her face was full of enthusiasm, a bright smile, twisted the waist of the water snake and walked towards Chen Nan: "Old student, how is this car looking?" Do you want me to introduce you again?" At

this moment, Tian Rui arrived with the car purchase contract.

Xu Meifeng said: "Tian Rui, I will sign this list, you better go and busy with other things!" The

expression on Tian Rui's face instantly froze!

It was hard to complete the first order.

Now Xu Meifeng intervened.

Even if she was reluctant in her heart, she also knew that Xu Meifeng was the one who would repay herself, and it was difficult for her to gain a foothold in the 4S store.

Just when she was full of reluctance and handed the contract over.

Chen Nan took the contract over, and he looked at Xu Meifeng indifferently: "Did I say that this list was handed over to you?"

Xu Meifeng said with a smile: "We are old classmates, if I sign this list with you, I can help you discount tens of thousands of yuan."

"Isn't it good for us to eat, drink coffee, and watch a movie with the money saved?" Speaking of this, he also threw him a look you know with affection.

This is no longer a hint!

It's naked explicit!

Chen Nan sneered: "I can afford more than three million cars, do you think I will care about your discount?" I can obviously eat with other people, drink coffee, watch movies, why should I find you? Do you deserve it?

"Today, I only signed this list with Tian Rui, and it is difficult for anyone else to come!"

"Hurry up and play, Xiaoye will be annoyed when he sees you!"

If Xu Meifeng hadn't taunted him before, he would definitely give this list to the other party.

But now, why give her?

"Chen Nan, everyone, you don't have to do things so desperately, right?" Xu Meifeng showed a vicious expression.

Chen Nan asked rhetorically: "Did you think of our classmates when you mocked me just now?"

"Oh, now that I see I'm rich, come and bother me?"

"Do you really think that Xiao Ye will be hungry and get with you?"

"Hurry up and find a place to pee and see what virtue you have!" Saying that, he quickly signed his name on the car purchase contract.

At this point, Tian Rui was not afraid, she made an invitation gesture: "Mr. Chen, you first go to the VIP area to select the license plate number, and I will let you go through the relevant procedures!" "Good


Chen Nan walked towards the rest area!

"Chen Nan, your aunt and you are incompatible!"

Looking at Chen Nan's departing back, Xu Meifeng's eyes almost spewed fire!

She apologized to Chen Nan, but the other party didn't know how to lift her, and even humiliated her!

This infuriated her deeply!

At this moment, a loud voice sounded: "Meifeng, the car I said last time hasn't been sold yet, right?"

Xu Meifeng quickly turned around, looked at the oncoming Sun Sihai, and showed a flattering smile: "Fourth master, you are here, hurry up, please inside!"

Sun Sihai waved his hand: "Don't come to these false ones, I came to pick up the Mercedes-Benz big G, hurry up and handle the procedures for me, I will take it away now!"

Xu Meifeng was surprised in her heart, but she didn't expect Sun Sihai to mention the big G.

Without much thought, she hurriedly said: "Fourth Master, I'm sorry, this car has just been sold!" I said earlier that you booked the car, but they asked you what it was. "

Xu Meifeng is very bad, and wants to teach Chen Nan a lesson by Sun Sihai's hand.

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