The white-robed old man nodded slightly: "What you said is reasonable, Ye Ce really has no reason to kill Jiang Ye." "


"Senior Jiang Ye, disciple Ye Ce, disciple of Alchemy Hall!"

Chen Nan bowed to Jiang Ye.

He really wanted to kill him now.


With his current strength, he still couldn't kill a powerhouse of the fifth layer of the refining period without knowing it.

Of course, it's

not a rush.

After all, Jiang Ye didn't say anything about his possession of the spirit weapon

! Obviously, he wanted to kill himself and swallow the Heaven Burning Furnace alone

! So, before this, he could still find an opportunity to get rid of Jiang Ye!

It is said that he carried himself on his back for more than ten miles of mountain roads and brought himself back to the mountains.

Although he took the Blood Toad Pill.

But it was Nangong Wan who put the pill in the wrong position and had nothing to do with him.

"Do you feel unwell, senior?" asked Chen Nan politely.

Jiang Ye said weakly: "It feels fine."

Chen Nan said, "If the senior has any discomfort, you can order it as soon as possible, and our Alchemy Hall will definitely send the elixir to heal the wound."

"What, the juniors won't disturb the seniors to rest." With that, he withdrew.

Jiang Ye suddenly said: "Wait first!" Chen Nan: "Do the seniors have any other orders

?" Jiang Ye: "Ye Ce, I have a big opportunity here, do you want it?" Chen

Nan hurriedly said: "The senior said and laughed, the junior is just an ordinary disciple of the Alchemy Hall, and being able to become a disciple of the Fire Cloud Cave is already the biggest creation of the junior, don't dare to ask for anything else!" Jiang


sat up with difficulty, his eyes became cold: " You swear, what I said today, you can't tell anyone, otherwise the sky will strike thunder!"

Chen Nan pretended to be very afraid: "Senior, you are..."

Jiang Ye's eyes widened angrily

: "I let you swear, didn't you hear?" "Yes, yes, yes!" Chen Nan's face was full of horror, and he quickly raised his right hand: "I, Ye Ce, swear to the sky, and don't tell what happened today..."

Jiang Ye stopped him: "Wait first!" Chen

Nan felt that Jiang Ye had a problem with his prostate, otherwise he would not be so intermittent.

Jiang Ye endured the pain and said, "What I will say to you later is very important, but you can't tell anyone when I'm alive."

"If, I mean if, if I unfortunately die, you have to tell the news to the people of the Qingyu Tea House!"

Chen Nan raised his right hand and swore to the sky in public.

Cultivators cannot swear easily.

After all, the oath will be fulfilled.



Chen Nan's oath, Jiang Ye nodded with satisfaction, gritted his teeth and said, "Actually, I was injured by a spirit weapon.

"The man who hurt me is extremely ugly, unusually mean, and extremely insidious. "

If I hadn't possessed a spirit weapon, how could I have been seriously injured?"

Chen Nan's eyes were resentful.

Where am I mean? Where am I insidious

? I think you can't beat me, you have to secretly slander me?

Jiang Ye continued: "I am seriously injured now, and when I recover from my injuries, I will definitely go down the mountain to kill that guy, and then return the shame he gave me to him ten times a hundredfold!"


I'm afraid of accidents when I seek revenge on him."

"So, if I'm really dead.

"You're going to tell the Qingyu Tea House about his possession of the Spirit Artifact."

"Even if I die, I will make him the number one enemy in the cultivation world!" "

Senior, take the liberty to ask, why don't you let your disciples tell the sect this news, but tell the Qingyu Tea House?" asked Chen Nan puzzled.

Jiang Ye snorted coldly: "Although I am a disciple of the Fire Cloud Cave, the Fire Cloud Cave has never taught me high-level spells, even if this is the case, why should I fulfill them?"

Chen Nan despised the other party in his heart.


Ye said again, "I know you have a good talent, but I advise you not to make the Fire Cloud Cave your home."

"Because it's not as good as you think, no one cares if you live or die!"

"If you wait for me to take back that horcrux."

"I will definitely be able to become one of the strongest in the Ultimate South Mountain and even in the cultivation world

!" "At that time, you will be able to follow me and eat fragrant and spicy food!" Speaking

of this, the one-eyed fascination revealed an unconcealable fascination!

Chen Nan really wanted to kill Jiang Ye.

This guy is a thing that eats inside and outside, he enjoys the cultivation of him by the Fire Cloud Cave, and enjoys the cultivation materials given to him by the Fire Cloud Cave.

But even if he died, he didn't want to tell the Fire Cloud Cave about his possession of the spirit weapon.

It's just

that he knows that Jiang Ye can't kill him yet! The master who kills him in the Fire Cloud Cave will not let himself go

! Seeing that Jiang Ye's

complexion was a little haggard, he said: "Senior, your injuries have not healed, rest as soon as possible!

"Go!" Jiang Ye waved his hand.

After Chen Nan left, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Chen Nan, Chen Nan, that spirit weapon is mine, you are only temporarily keeping it for me, even if I unfortunately die, someone will tell the world about your possession of the spirit weapon."

"If that's the case, then I'll be waiting for you on Huangquan Road!" ------

back to the back mountain.

At this time, Nangong Wan had already prepared a lot of medical classics: "You first learn the way of medicine, and when you integrate this knowledge, I will teach you the art of alchemy

!" Chen Nan handed over his hand: "Miss Xie cultivates!" "

Ye Ce, if you treat me wholeheartedly, I will naturally not treat you badly, and you don't need to be so polite in front of me in the future." Nangong Wan blushed and said, "If you can, I would like you to call me Wan'er."

Chen Nan said nervously: "This is not appropriate, right

?" Nangong Wan made a face, with a hint of displeasure between her eyebrows: "Don't you even listen to my words?"


Chen Nan's face was full of embarrassment.

This was the first time he came to the Fire Cloud Cave to reveal his true reaction.

Conscience of heaven and earth.

He just wanted to find an opportunity to kill Jiang Ye.

But now it seems...

The eldest lady of Huoyun Cave seemed to like him.

This is not good news!

"Okay, you read, I'll go to refine the pill!" A wan'er melted Nangong Wan's heart, and she went to the bamboo house with cheerful steps to start refining.

Although Chen Nan had already obtained the Wumen inheritance, he had read many medical classics.

But the medical skills were as vast as the sea, and there were many things that he had not touched.

These books in Fire Cloud Cave just made up for his gap.


Just as he was watching with relish, a deafening noise suddenly came from inside the bamboo house.

Then billowing smoke spread through the gaps in the bamboo house!

"Not good!"

exclaimed Chen Nan.

The frying furnace is not a child's play, it may cause the alchemist to die on the spot!

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