
Chen Nan began to refine elixirs in seclusion.

Because of the experience of refining the foundation dan once, the time spent this time was much shortened.

It took only three hours to refine Tsukidan.

The birth of the elixir triggered a vision of heaven and earth.

It's the sound of thunder.

However, this situation is common in Junnanshan and has not attracted much attention.

In the blink of an eye, another five days passed.

Chen Nan refined a total of fifteen Zhujidan.

Each Tsukidan has three dan patterns, and even one has four dan patterns.

He believed that if it was refined with a heaven-burning furnace.

These pills can reach the quality of Chinese pills.

Not only that, but his improved spells were also written.

It can also be regarded as a fire cloud cave...

After doing this, he came to the cave mansion where Nangong He cultivated: "Senior, this is fifteen pills, as well as the improved spells of the junior. "

The junior fused the Earth Thorn Technique, Water Imperial Technique, Flame Technique, Dry Vine Technique, Golden Light Technique, and Gravity Technique into a five-element technique, named the Five Element Cage. The power has increased by almost ten times compared to before!"

Nangong He tried to cast Chen Nanfeng's spell.

In a flash.

The power of the five elements spread out, forming a small field.

Using the attributes of the five elements to produce different phases, the power of the spell was greatly enhanced.

"Come, you cast this spell to attack me!"

Nangong He's eyes were hot.

I want to see how terrifying the power of this spell really is!"

Chen Nan squeezed his hands.

The power of the five elements appeared around Nangong He in an instant.

The gravity technique limited Nangong He's body, making him feel like he was falling into a swamp.

He broke free with all his might, and the dead vine broke through the ground, wrapped around his legs, and bound him firmly.


Ground stabbing flashed.

The sharp ground thorns are constantly bulging.

However, Nangong He is a strong person in the Foundation Building Period realm after all, and this level of spell attack still can't break his protective body true qi.

This was followed by the Golden Light Technique.

The dazzling golden light made Nangong He subconsciously close his eyes, and after opening them again, countless dead vines had already wrapped around his waist.

Nangong He said with a smile: "Your spell is indeed unpreventable, but it is not enough to defeat a strong person in the Foundation Building Period realm

!" "Senior, don't rush to make a conclusion!"

Chen Nan smiled, instantly urging the Flame Technique.

The dead wood that wrapped around Nangong He burned around his waist.

"This flame can actually eat away at my True Qi?"

was taken aback by Nangong He.

Without much thought, the true qi in the body roared out, shattering the dead vine entangled on the body.

Just as he jumped and prepared to leave, patches of dead vines instantly appeared on the surrounding ground.

Dead vines rose up in all directions, weaving into a semicircle trapping him inside.

And then.

Dead vine burns.

Gravity compresses the flame inside.

The Earth Piercing Technique constantly attacked Nangong Wan.

And in the gap, you can see the continuous flashing golden light inside!

"Stop, stop!" Nangong He shouted to stop.

Chen Nan stopped in time, and then blocked the spell.

"Your spell is really terrifying, if you use a desperate fighting method, you can trap me in it!" Nangong He gasped, although he was a strong man in the Foundation Building Period realm, he was also a person!

Especially the golden light technique that was like a chicken rib in his eyes, this thing could shake every time, and he couldn't open his eyes.


Every time he opened his eyes, the vine would entangle him.

Even he felt that this five-element cage technique that had been improved by Chen Nan was terrifying!"

"Chen Nan, the cultivators of my generation are dedicated to the Dao, and they should not be obsessed with the love of their children.

Nangong He's eyes were complicated: "I know that you are still young, and young people like love things."

"But everything has to have a degree, even if you like it now, but wait for ten years, twenty years."

"Even a hundred years, you will find that your affection is destined to harm you."

"Because, the woman you like will grow old over time and even die before your eyes."

"That's when you'll realize the ruthlessness of time, the horror of the way of heaven."

"You will also know that you are worthless

!" "This may become the last straw to destroy your will!" Chen

Nan's face was full of freedom: "We can't be sure which tomorrow or the unexpected will come first, just live in the moment, the rest..." Nangong

He asked rhetorically: "Are you escaping reality?" "

No, no, no!" Chen Nan said: "People living a lifetime is very tiring, not to mention that my generation of cultivators still have to fight with the heavens, instead of thinking about so many meaningless things, it is better to devote this time to the process of cultivation, as well as love, or being loved!"

"This question, the juniors have indeed thought about it.

"I'm an alchemist, I will do my best to improve their bloodline!"

"It would be better if we could become a cultivator, so that we can be accompanied by red dust."

"If you can't, it's not a big deal.

"At least I have worked this matter, and I no longer have regrets in my heart!"

"Just like the cultivators of my generation want to build the foundation road and condense it into a golden pill."

"But who can condense into

a golden pill?" "Who does not fight hard to condense a golden pill?"

"Moreover, the younger generation does not think that it is a sad thing to watch the beloved woman go to the end of her life in her arms!"

"But if you can watch her die quietly, how is this not the best ending of a love

?" "After all, we witnessed her life!" Nangong

He looked at Chen Nan in shock, obviously not expecting him to have this feeling: "Did Wushan teach you?"

"Heh, your master is not an ordinary person!" Nangong He's eyes showed an intriguing light: "I only have a relationship with him, at that time I was just, forget it, a dead man, don't talk about him."

If you can cut off love, I can ignore your previous affairs!

Chen Nan's talent was too terrifying, whether it was alchemy, cultivation talent, and changing and fusing spells, this was not something that ordinary people could do.

In time, there will definitely be a place for him in this huge cultivation world!

Chen Nan bowed down and apologized: "Thank you for the senior's love, the younger generation is afraid that I will disappoint you!"

Nangong He sighed lightly: "Everyone has their own aspirations, and I am not difficult for others." Go, say goodbye

to Wan'er, and I'll order you and Jiang Ye to leave the Fire Cloud Cave later!" "Remember what I said, no matter what happens in the future, don't appear in Wan'er's life!" "I don't

allow her to be injured twice!" The

vigorous killing intent made Chen Nan feel complicated! If

time could never come, he would rather not come to the Fire Cloud Cave,

even if Jiang Ye told the world that he had a spirit weapon!


There are so many ifs in this world!!

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