Three days later.

Chen Nan left the snowy Kunlun Mountain and came to Yingjungou.

This time he stayed in Kunlun Mountain for nearly a month.

He had thought that Fan Cheng would intercept him outside.

As it turned out, Fan Shu was not there.

I think in his heart, he has died in Kunlun Mountain!

"Mr. Chen, have you ever found warm jade?" When Bassoner saw Chen Nan returning, his eyes were full of excitement.

Chen Nan shook his head: "I never found it."

Saying that, he took out the map: "This map will return to the original owner, as for Han Continent, he has died in Kunlun Mountain, there is no need to worry that someone will stare at you."

Bassoner breathed a sigh of relief, after all, the threat of the Korean continent was too great.

Now he is dead in Kunlun.

Their family can become the boss of Yingjungou.

Without much thought, he hurriedly said, "Mr. Chen, since this map was given to you, we have no plans to come back!"

"To give you this picture, I am conditional." Chen Nandao: "You go to the hospital, look for a man named Song Kang Danqing, and give him this pill." "

If he asks about Tuba's whereabouts, you will say that he was accepted as an apprentice by the immortals of Kunlun Mountain, and now he has entered the immortal gate."

"You let him live well, and when Tuba returns from his studies, he will fulfill his filial piety."

It was the only thing he could do for Tuba!


That evening, Chen Nan returned to Qinghai in the chartered Land Cruiser.

After the phone recovers the signal.

Chen Nan called Xu Qianxin, Jian Ning, Xie Churan, and He Shanshan to report safety.

After all, they must be worried after missing for so long.

After that, Chen Nan dialed Li Mu's phone again, gritting his teeth and saying, "Team Li, help me send the detailed address of the Huashan Sword Sect to my mobile phone."

"Chen Nan, what do you mean?"

Li Mu didn't know why Chen Nan wanted the detailed address of the Huashan Sword Sect.

But he heard the killing intent in the other party's tone.

With his understanding of Chen Nan, as long as it is someone who is targeted by this guy, he will have to pay a heavy price.

Whether it is the Jiang family, or the Qu family.

Weren't these two families that have been passed down for thousands of years in the eyes of ordinary people all collapsed by him?

Chen Nan gritted his teeth and said, "The people of the Huashan Sword Sect snatched the warm jade that belonged to me!"


Li Mu was speechless.

Chen Nan had reported to him before going to Kunlun Mountain.

Said that he would go to Kunlun Mountain to find warm jade to resurrect Nangong Wan!

At that time, he also advised Chen Nan that warm jade is just a legend!

And now!

He knew why Chen Nan hated the people of the Huashan Sword Sect so much!

He finally found Nuan Yu to save the woman he loved, but he was snatched away by the people of the Huashan Sword Sect!

Not to mention that he robbed Chen Nan's warm jade, it is estimated that no one will give up!

He said in a low voice, "The strength of the Huashan Sword Sect is very strong, are you sure you want to be an enemy with them?"

Chen Nan said coldly: "You have to make it clear, it's not me who is their enemy, it's that they have snatched the warm jade that belongs to me!"

Li Mu continued, "As far as I know, the Huashan Sword Sect has a super powerhouse who has a great consummation of the foundation building period! "

The foundation building period is complete?" The corners of Chen Nan's mouth flashed with disdain.

"I haven't met a strong man in the Great Perfection Realm of the Foundation Building Period."

"I want to touch them and see who is tough!"

Li Mu whispered, "Are you crazy?" That's close to the existence of immortals, what do you fight with them? Have you ever fought? "

The foundation building period is followed by the Jindan period.

As long as you become a strong person in the Golden Pill Period, you can fly with your sword and soar for nine days.

People call such people Shangxian!

The strong in the Golden Pill period can kill enemies with their swords and kill enemies thousands of miles away!

The great consummation of the foundation building period is known to be close to the existence of immortals, and you can imagine how strong the strength is.

Chen Nan sneered: "Team Li, you don't know anything about my strength!"

Li Mu: "Shouldn't this guy be a breakthrough?"

Chen Nan: "Good luck, I accidentally stepped into the six-layer consummation of the foundation building period!" There

was a brief silence on the other end of the phone.

You can imagine how strong Li Mu's inner emotions are!

You listen!

I accidentally stepped into the six-layer consummation of the foundation building period!

Is this human talk?

"Are you really going to the Huashan Sword Sect?"

In fact, Li Mu is also not happy with the so-called eight major forces, if Chen Nan can take the opportunity to knock and knock them, it will definitely be a good thing.

Chen Nan gritted his teeth and said, "The mission of the guardian is to protect all living beings and all people under the world. But if I can't even protect my own woman, how can I protect all beings, all peoples?

"Okay, I'll send the address of the Huashan Sword Sect to your mobile phone."

Not long after hanging up the phone, Chen Nan received a text message from Li Mu, marked with the detailed address of the Huashan Sword Sect.

It is located in the territory of Shaanxi Province, more than a thousand kilometers from his current location.

Flying is undoubtedly the quickest option.

But he didn't fly.

Going to Qinghai Car Rental Agency, he directly bought the leased Land Cruiser and drove to Shaanxi Province.

The speed will be much slower, but he can study the gossip jade disk given by the dragon mastiff.

This jade disk is old, and the back is engraved with an ancient unicorn pattern.

There are also some auspicious clouds, rui beasts.

Chen Nan had a hunch that that gossip jade plate was not an ordinary item.

After all, it comes from the Kunlun Mountains.

At night.

Chen Nan came to a small county town, opened the best room, and then stayed in it.

Ordering some local specialties for takeaway, he took a shower.

After washing away the exhaustion of Kunlun Mountain, he shaved off the beard on his mouth with a razor, and the whole person suddenly looked energetic.

After taking a bath, takeaway was also delivered.

He watched the jade plate as he ate.

This jade disk is in the shape of a bagua, and it corresponds to the eight directions of Qian, Kun, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Li, Geng, and Dui.

Try to inject True Qi...

Like a stone sinking into the sea, there was no reaction at all.

Other words.

It is not a magic weapon.

Confess the Lord with blood...

There was also no reaction either.

"What the hell is this?" Chen Nan frowned.

"Could it be that it is an ordinary jade disk?"

"Forget it!"

"I now have the strength of the six-layer great consummation of the foundation building period, and my physical body is not afraid of anyone."

"Plus two spirit weapons, even if I kill the base camp of the Huashan Sword Sect, no one can hurt me in the slightest."

Chen Nan's eyes were firm.

This time he went to the Huashan Sword Sect, he held the principle of not doing anything if he could.

After all, the Huashan Sword Sect had thousands of disciples.

You still need to be cautious.

But in case the other party deceives people too much, he doesn't mind breaking the net.

Bang bang!


There was a sharp knock on the door.

Chen Nan put away the jade plate, got up and opened the door.

The moment the door was opened, a petite girl with delicate facial features came into view.

He looks eighteen or nineteen years old, pure and moving.

Especially the helpless eyes, which made people feel a sense of protection in their hearts.

Chen Nan asked, "Are you in trouble?" The

girl's eyes were full of pleading: "This big brother, there are bad people coming to arrest me, can I hide in your room?"

Chen Nan also felt several thick breaths coming from near the elevator, and immediately let the girl enter the room!

As a warm-hearted, how could he not save a pure little sister's plea for help?

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