The old man smiled all over his face: "Why do you think I don't want you to reach the top of the mountain?" Chen

Nan couldn't answer this question.

After all, he was an enemy of the Huashan Sword Sect.

Once it reaches the top, no matter whether it succeeds or fails, it will damage the reputation and even the interests of the Huashan Sword Sect.

As an elder protecting the mountain, the other party didn't seem to have such thoughts.

"Go ahead young man, I hope you will impress me!"

The old man said lightly, and disappeared on the stone steps almost instantly.

Although Chen Nan had doubts in his heart.

But he also knew that the answer would naturally surface when he climbed Cangyun Peak!

Just as Chen Nan was climbing along the stone steps.

The old man before had already arrived at the last level not far from the peak.

A child who looked like seven or eight years old sat there cross-kneeled, his eyes indifferent: "Lao Jiu, your acting skills just now are too pompous to be convincing!" "

This person looks like a child of seven or eight years old, but he has actually lived for more than three hundred years and is a strong man who has rejuvenated.

It is also the head of the nine mountain protection elders.

Lao Jiu was stunned: "Why do you think that I am acting?"

"Why don't you think that guy is strong?"

"Is it that hard to admit the excellence of others?"

The Great Elder chuckled, "Could it be that you think that young man can reach the top?"

Lao Jiu asked, "Do you want him to reach the top?"

The Great Elder's gaze suddenly became deeper: "I don't want him to reach the top, but I also want him to reach the top!"

Lao Jiu smiled and said, "So, you are more inclined that he can reach the top."

The Great Elder sighed lightly: "Today's Huashan Sword Sect has long been rotten and rotting in its bones, I hope someone can break the current situation."

"However, I will not summon the other seven people to release water for this young man!"

"If he can't rely on his personal strength to reach the top of Cangyun Peak, even if he really comes here, he will lose his life in vain!"

Lao Jiu looked down the mountain and muttered, "Perhaps, this young man can surprise us!"


"Second Elder, I said, this son's strength is very strong, especially the strength of the flesh, and the same realm can be called invincible!"

What happened under the mountain had already reached Fan Shu, as well as the ears of Second Elder Hua Yan.

Hua Yan said lightly: "The road to heaven is not as easy as he imagined, even if he defeats the Ninth Master, it is impossible to reach the peak.

"Even if he does come?"

"You are the hero of my Huashan Sword Sect, and the Huashan Sword Sect will not hand you over to him!"

"I won't give him that piece of warm jade!"

"Let's see how many levels he can pass!"


"Young man, do you really want to climb the ladder and break through the nine levels?"

When Chen Nan came to the two thousand stone steps, a blue-shirted scholar in his forties appeared in front of him, with one hand behind his back, and no joy or anger could be seen on his face.

Chen Nan bowed and saluted: "The juniors don't want to do this, but the juniors don't have a choice!" The

blue-shirted scholar shook his head disapprovingly: "My generation of cultivators cultivate immortal methods, understand the way of heaven, and seek immortality, women are nothing more than red pink skeletons to us, why are you obsessed with children's love?"

Chen Nan asked, "Dare to ask seniors, what is the meaning of immortality?" The

Qingshirt scholar said, "Naturally, it is the Nine Heavens of the Royal Sword, which is otherworldly.

Chen Nan asked again: "Nine Heavens of the Royal Sword, after the otherworldly?" The

Qingshirt scholar shook his head slightly: "I haven't condensed the pill yet, there is still a long way to go from becoming an immortal and immortal, I haven't thought about what you said."

Chen Nan asked again, "Then what is the meaning of staying here in the Huashan Sword Sect?" The

Qingshirt scholar said, "Naturally, I fulfill my obligation to guard here!"

Chen Nan: "Therefore, it is your duty to protect it." The

blue-shirted scholar muttered, "What you said seems to be reasonable!"

Chen Nan shrugged undeniably: "So, the red pink skeleton in your eyes is exactly what I want to protect." Now, my woman has long died, and only warm jade can bring her back from the dead.

"This is the reason why I climbed the ladder and broke through the nine levels!"

Qingshirt scholar: "But you may die like this!"

Chen Nan asked, "What is the fear of death?" The

Qingshirt scholar asked again: "With your talent, concentrate on cultivation, you may become an immortal in the future." Don't you feel sorry for your death at this time?

Chen Nan: "If even your own woman can't be saved, what is the meaning of becoming an immortal?" The

blue-shirted scholar sighed: "It seems that you are determined to climb the heavenly ladder and break through the nine levels!"

Chen Nan: "Yes!"

Qingshirt scholar: "Because of love?

Chen Nan: "Yes!"

Qingshirt scholar: "But you will die like this!"

"If I'm afraid of death, how could I be here?" Chen Nan was angry: "You are still endless? In the end, can it be fought or not? Do you know that your mother-in-law looks like a mother? The

Qingshirt scholar was also not angry, and a complicated look appeared on his face: "Speaking of which, I have been cultivating for more than three hundred years.

"Although there are many people who pursue me and want to practice with me, they are all rejected by me."

"Because, I have heard, love is the most poisonous poison in the world."

"Until today."

"I just realized that this poison can also make people fearless of life and death!"

"For that alone, you've surpassed everyone."

"Thank you for making me understand this!"

"Let's go up the mountain!"

Speaking of this, he got out of the way and let Chen Nan go up the mountain.

Chen Nan frowned.

Isn't this blue-shirted scholar not very smart!

Why is it so inexplicable?

However, he didn't think much about it, and climbed up the stone steps.

When you come to the third thousand stone steps.

A white-robed middle-aged man appeared in front of him, sitting in front of a chessboard, holding a chess piece in his hand and not falling.

Chen Nan stepped forward.

He also studied chess in prison, and he could see at a glance that the chess game in front of him was an unsolvable endgame.

He knows.

This should be the challenge of the third level!

He spoke: "There is no solution to this chess game. The

white-robed middle-aged man raised his head: "You also know chess?"

Chen Nan: "Is it important?" The

white-robed middle-aged man nodded seriously: "This is very important, if you can't break this endgame, I won't let you go up the mountain."

Chen Nan frowned and asked puzzled: "I came to find fault, why should I act according to the rules you made?" Which onion do you count" Speaking of this, the real qi in his body agitated, and he destroyed the chessboard with one punch.

The white-robed middle-aged man looked stunned, he didn't expect Chen Nan to be so rude: "You... You don't play by the routine!

Chen Nan sneered: "What can you do to me if you don't play cards according to the routine?" The

middle-aged man grinned: "Congratulations, you passed the test of the third level!"

Chen Nan frowned, passed the level again?

How about a family, right?

The middle-aged figure slowly disappeared, but the voice came into Chen Nan's ears: "However, don't be happy too early!"

"The first three levels are just a small test for you."

"Test your strength!"


"And the heart!"

"Your performance in these three levels is quite gratifying, but in the fourth level, it is not as simple as you think!"

"Young man, the road is under your feet, I hope you don't regret your choice today!"

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