"What? There was another soul inside him?

The words of the Great Elder of the Guarding Mountain caused a burst of exclamations.

"If I'm not mistaken, he should have been taken away!" An elder-level powerhouse spoke.

In fact, Huazun was not excellent when he was young, but after returning from training together, he began his road of counterattack.

From an ordinary disciple directly to the disciple who took the helm.

After the death of the previous head immortal, he even defeated several senior brothers with thunder and obtained the position of leader.

Although he was protested by many people when he first took office, he brought back thirty-six sets of meteoric iron armor for the sect, and personally created thirty-six heavenly armors and seventy-two earth armors.

In the end, he was recognized!

It is even advertised as a model of grassroots counterattack!

Only now did people suddenly realize that there was another soul living inside him!

No wonder his personality will change so much!

You don't need to think about it, you must be influenced by the soul in your body!

"Shen Yuan? The name sounds a little familiar!

"I remembered that he was the deputy master of the Demon Gate three hundred years ago, a super powerhouse of the Yuan Infancy Realm!"

Someone remembered the name Shen Yuan.

The scene was deathly silent!

The strong man in the Yuan infancy period can annihilate the mountains and rivers with a wave of his hand, and the rivers flow backwards!

Even if it is a remnant soul, it is not something they can compete with!

"I really didn't expect that three hundred years have passed, and there are still people who remember my name!" A hoarse voice came out of Huazun's mouth.

"Huazun, you are the head of the Huashan Sword Sect, how can you be with the people in the Demon Gate? Do you know that the face of my Huashan Sword Sect has been lost by you?

An old man roared.

He was once a supporter of Huazun and believed that it was the destiny of heaven that Huazun could have today!

And now, there is only disappointment in his heart!

Shen Yuan sneered: "If it weren't for me, do you think Huazun would be where it is today?"

The elder offered his long sword: "Brothers, the opportunity to exterminate demons has come!! "

Next moment!

The disciples of the Huashan Sword Sect all pulled out their long swords!

Including some disciples who support Huazun!

Although they support Huazun!

But never support the robbed Huazun!

After all, good and evil have been incompatible since ancient times!

This is the seed of faith they planted in their hearts when they joined the Huashan Sword Sect!

"It's just a group of ants, and they also want to kill Honza?" Shen Yuan looked disdainful, he waved his hand casually, and dozens of disciples of the Huashan Sword Sect flew out upside down, and they didn't know whether they were alive or dead.

"Others back off and don't struggle needlessly!" Chen Nan rushed over with a long sword in his hand!

Even if the other party is just a soul, it is also the strength of the old monster in the Yuan Infancy Stage!

Not to mention ordinary cultivators, even if he holds a gentleman's sword, he doesn't have the confidence to kill the other party!

Those disciples of the Huashan Sword Sect were stunned.

"What did he just say?"

"He won't let us go forward and send us to death!"

"Why, he, an outsider, cares about our life and death? Why do our supporters make us cannon fodder? The

disciples of the Huashan Sword Sect couldn't calm down in their hearts, and they couldn't help but burst into tears when they looked at the figure that was beaten by Shen Yuan!

No contrast, no harm!

Compared with Chen Nan, what is Huazun?

It's not bullshit!

"Go up together, help Chen Nan kill Shen Yuan!" The Great Elder Shoushan opened his mouth and attacked Shen Yuan with eight other people, but unfortunately, they were no match for the other party at all, and they were beaten by the other party and flew out as soon as they got closer.


This also helped Chen Nan gain valuable time.

He sensed the other party's flaw and stabbed a sword into the opponent's chest!

"It's a pity that his heart is on the right!" Shen Yuan smiled playfully, and a palm fell on Chen Nan's chest, hitting him with blood and qi, and his throat was sweet.

However, he swallowed the blood back abruptly.

Because he knew that once his blood dripped down this mountain, the Immortal Killing Vine would come here in an instant!

At that time, the huge Huashan Sword Sect will become an Asura field!

Although he also thought about destroying the Huashan Sword Sect with the help of the Immortal Killing Vine, he never expected that the Huashan Sword Sect would have such a strong internal contradiction!

Unexpectedly, his enemy was only Huazun!

"Shen Yuan, there is no point in us fighting like this!" Chen Nan gasped and said, "I am physically strong, and it is not too much to say that I am invincible in the same realm!" "

Even if you have the soul of the Yuan Infancy Realm, your body is too rubbish."

"So, it's not enough for you to kill me!"

Shen Yuan smiled playfully: "And then?"

Chen Nan grinned: "Do you want to change a strong body?"

Shen Yuan: "Such as?"

Chen Nan: "Take me away?"

"Your idea is quite perverted, I don't understand why you think like this, but I am satisfied with your body!" Shen Yuan stared at Chen Nan with hot eyes.

Chen Nan glanced at the setting sun and said, "In that case, then come and chase me, if you can catch up with me, you will have a chance to take me!" With

that, he dropped his gentleman's sword and flew towards the bottom of the mountain.

He wants to lure Shen Yuan to the Valley of the Undead and use the Immortal Killing Vine to get rid of the other party!

"Do you really think I can't see your intentions? You want to protect the people of the Huashan Sword Sect through this move, right? Shen Yuan showed a sneer: "In that case, then I will sell you a face, and after the success of the seizure, I will clean up these people!" Said and chased after him.

"Senior, what should we do?"

Watching the two figures heading towards the distance, an elder anxiously looked at the Great Elder of the Guarding Mountain!

These people have a high status, and they used to be above the leader.

The Great Elder of the Guarding Mountain had a solemn face: "Now there is still an hour before the setting sun, and when the sun sets, Shen Yuan's soul will be able to come out and take the sacrifice!"

"With our strength, Mo said that we can't keep up with them."

"Even if you can keep up, you can't help Chen Nan."

"Therefore, let's stay on the mountain honestly, open the mountain protection formation, if the other party kills, you must kill them at all costs!"

He wanted to help Chen Nan and didn't want him to be taken away.

But he knew that there could be no other turn in this battle!

Unless Chen Nan's spiritual power surpassed a Yuan Infancy powerhouse, it was impossible to turn the situation around!

"Is there a possibility that this guy has a hole card against Shen Yuan? Just don't want us to know? The Second Elder of Shoushan Ruo Lan spoke.

Brush brush brush!

One after another, their gazes locked on Ruo Lan.

An elder guarding the mountain asked, "Second Elder, have you learned Chen Nan's strength in the Illusion Realm?"

"Don't mention the illusion realm to me, he has not entered my illusion!" Wakarashi was furious.

Whenever she thinks of what Chen Nan said in the fantasy realm: What kind of apartment are you, and there is not much water, she wants to draw her sword and castrate the other party at the first time.



Pull the figure of the teenager who traveled all the way east very long!

Even though he was fast, Shen Yuan's speed was not slow, and he had been following him for hundreds of meters!

Fortunately, he has come to the Valley of the Dead!

Seeing Chen Nan's physical exhaustion, holding a boulder and gasping for breath, Shen Yuan's face showed an icy smile: "Run, you are running, why don't you run?" "

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