"Elder Shen, do you really think we are fools?" The Great Elder of Shoushan had a frosty face: "Although you are Chen Nan, if I guessed correctly, you should have taken Chen Nan's body, right?"

Chen Nan was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but say, "This is your original intention to show me the sword?" "

Why don't you think I can kill Elder Shen?"

Elder Shoushan snorted coldly: "We naturally hope that Chen Nan can win, but since ancient times, the strong people in the Yuan Infancy period are all undefeated existences.

"Even the Jindan stage powerhouse can't kill the Yuan Infancy stage powerhouse, how can Chen Nan do it?" Speaking of this, there was a hint of sadness in his eyes.

He really hoped that Chen Nan could survive!

I hope he can become the new head of the Huashan Sword Sect!

However, manpower is difficult to win!

The cultivators of the Foundation Building Period could not kill the strong people of the Yuan Infancy Stage at all!

Chen Nan looked embarrassed, and then said, "If Chen Nan is taken away, Shen Yuan should be able to read his memory, right?" The

Great Elder of Shoushan nodded undeniably: "After the successful seizure, the memories of the host's infancy will appear in the mind of the snatcher, and the whole process will last for several days.

Chen Nan snorted: "In other words, even if Shen Yuan takes Chen Nan's body, it is impossible to know everything that happened today, right?"

Great Elder Shoushan nodded: "This is nature!"

"Then I found a way to prove myself!" Chen Nan looked at Second Elder Ruo Lan: "This beautiful sister can prove my identity, because only the two of us know the things in the fantasy realm."

Everyone looked at Ruo Lan in unison.

"So what do you say happened in the fantasy realm?" Ruo Lan's face was full of frost, although she really wanted to seal that memory, she also wanted to identify who Chen Nan was in front of her.

Chen Nan looked shy: "You seduce me and say that we are happy together!" "




The disciples of the Huashan Sword Sect were all creepy!

This is what the Second Elder of Bing Qing Yujie said?

Oh, my God!

This does not fit his personality!

Chen Nan: "I also asked you two questions..."

"Enough! That's enough! That's enough! Ruo Lan screamed, his eyes were cold: "He is Chen Nan, he was not taken away by Shen Yuan, I can prove his identity."

Everyone was stunned.

Elder Shoushan looked embarrassed: "Junior sister, we should let him say the two questions he asked you, so that it is rigorous enough!"

"I feel that what the boss said is reasonable!"

"Yes! This matter should not be careless, it should be more rigorous! The

other Mountain Guarding Elders spoke one after another!

Ruo Lan's face was full of frost, and his sword pointed at Chen Nan: "If you dare to say it, I will kill you now!" "

Everyone has realized!

It seems that the two should have had some unspeakable stories in the fantasy world!

"Put away your swords!" The Great Elder Shoushan spoke, then took out the gentleman's sword, knelt down on one knee, and raised his hands above his head: "Old Immortal Cangning, I beg Chen Daoyou to succeed the new head of the Huashan Sword Sect!"

"I beg Chen Daoyou to succeed the new head of the Huashan Sword Sect!"

"I beg Senior Chen to succeed the new head of the Huashan Sword Sect!"

Almost at the same time, all the disciples of the Huashan Sword Sect knelt down one after another!

This was something that Chen Nan did not expect.

He looked embarrassed: "Senior Cangning, I came here just to ask for justice, and by the way, I took back the warm jade, and I didn't think about becoming the new head of the Huashan Sword Sect!"

Cangning said, "No matter what you came to Cangyun Peak, but now, you have been recognized by the Gentleman's Sword!" This is God's plan!

"I hope you don't shirk!"

The corner of Chen Nan's mouth twitched: "The head is related to the rise and fall of a sect, is it too childish for you to do this?"

Cang Ning shook his head disapprovingly: "This matter seems too child's play, but it is not!"

"You can lure Shen Yuan away at a critical moment and protect my Huashan Sword Sect disciples from death, which shows that you have a chivalrous heart!"

"Not to mention that you are righteous, you can break into Longtan alone for your brother, how many people in the world can compare this kind of courage?"

"Also, you are extremely talented, proficient in alchemy and runes, and have a body comparable to ancient demons!"

"And he has also won the approval of the gentleman's sword!"

"Aren't these enough to succeed to the head of the Huashan Sword Sect?"

"I believe that under your leadership, the Huashan Sword Sect will definitely be able to go further and move towards glory!"

"Forget it, I don't have any ambitions, and I don't want to provoke the burden of the Huashan Sword Sect!" Chen Nan directly rejected him, he felt that a person was very good, and he didn't want to become the head of a sect at all.

Even if, the Huashan Sword Sect is the third ranked super sect in the cultivation world!

But it's far less comfortable than being a bubble beauty in the mundane world!

Cangning knelt on his knees, his eyes full of pleading: "Chen Daoyou, the world will be chaotic, and my Huashan Sword Sect is now when people's hearts are scattered, and I hope you can reshape the prestige of my Huashan Sword Sect, only in this way can you bless the world!" A

simple remark directly poked the softest position in Chen Nan's heart.

He looked at the elders of the Huashan Sword Sect, as well as the disciples!

They all have a determined gaze in their eyes!

Chen Nan sighed: "If one day, I let you die, what choice will you make?"

Cangning was the first to express his attitude: "If there is that day, I will definitely be obliged." Even if I pay with my life, I must defend the prestige of my Huashan Sword Sect!"

"The mission of the Huashan Sword Sect is to protect the family and defend the country, and we are duty-bound to do this!"

"Die without regret!"

"Yes, even if it is death, blood will stain the face of the enemy!"

There was a low roar all around!

Looking at their fearless gazes, Chen Nan grinned: "In that case, then I will be the head of the Huashan Sword Sect!" "

Speaking of which, he grabbed the hilt of the gentleman's sword!

The quiet gentleman's sword erupted with a pleasant sword sound, and the long swords that countless people had inserted around them trembled one after another, as if they had been summoned!

Cangning was overjoyed: "Please also move to the Yinghua Hall to discuss the succession ceremony!"

Chen Nan frowned: "Do you need to be so troublesome?" Cang

Ning bowed and said, "Everything can be simple, but the succession ceremony is not a child's play, not only that, but this matter will also notify the major sects and let them send people to attend this grand event!" Chen

Nan didn't like to be in the limelight, but now he knew that he couldn't change it.

After a moment of silence, he said, "The matter of the succession ceremony is scheduled for a month later, you give me the warm jade first, and I will go back and resurrect my woman!"

Cangning immediately took out the piece of warm jade, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Chief, the matter of warm jade is just a legend, after all, no one relies on warm jade to come back from the dead!"

Chen Nan took the piece of warm jade and said softly: "Everything, you have to try it, how do you know the result if you don't try it?"

Cangning said, "Then congratulations to the head of the family!"

Chen Nan put away the warm jade and the gentleman's sword, and waved his hand with his back to them: "Then do this first, I will come to the succession ceremony in a month, before this, don't bother me!" A

disciple of the Huashan Sword Sect: "Obey the decree of the master!"

Chen Nan couldn't calm down in his heart.

I obviously came to the Huashan Sword Sect to find fault.

But how did he become the head of the Huashan Sword Sect?

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