What else does he have besides money...

This is obviously a compliment for a person who is rich!

But at this time, when Huang Rui said it, there was a humiliating taste!

After all, money is just something that ordinary people pursue!

And in front of higher-level cultivators, money is really not worth mentioning!

Huang Rui continued, "Lin Chen also said before, and now many cultivators have come to the world.

"Many of them do not obey the laws of the world, burn, kill, and loot!"

"With our daughter's posture, looking at the entire Great Xia Dynasty, it is also one of the best beauties."

"What should we do if someone with bad intentions remembers her?"

"Watching her being taken over and killed by others?"

"As the saying goes, people who are not far away must have near worries, can't we look for a strong backer?"

"Am I not thinking about my daughter and our Xu family?"

Xu Xingguo was speechless.

He didn't think about that!

But now I hear my wife's concerns!

Also a little overwhelmed!

After all, ordinary people are like ants in front of cultivators!

Chen Nan himself was unhappy with Huang Rui's beating Mandarin Duck, and now, the anger in his heart disappeared somewhat!

After all, the positions are different!

She can think of these things for Xu and the Xu family, which is also a common human feeling!

"Aunt Huang, I understand your concerns, but there are two problems juniors who are not happy to vomit." Chen Nandao: "If you really want to think about it, first of all, you should respect her opinion.

"Instead of forcibly breaking us up without her knowing, and letting her marry someone she doesn't like after the Spring Festival!"

Lin Chen, who had never made a sound, suddenly furious: "What are you, you dare to talk to Aunt Huang in this tone?"

"Shut up!" Chen Nan looked at him, his eyes were cold: "Is there something you have to say here?" "

See Chen Nan's cold gaze!

Lin Chen suddenly felt a tingling in his scalp and shuddered!

It's a ridiculous feeling!

As a cultivator in the first floor of the foundation building period, he had never felt such a powerful sense of oppression in the world!


Chen Nan's voice sounded again: "Secondly, you keep saying that you are looking for a big tree as a backer, is he the big tree in your mouth?"

Lin Chen sneered: "I am the chief disciple of Tianzhu Mountain Frost Valley, isn't this identity enough?"

Chen Nan frowned: "I'm sorry, I haven't heard of it!"

The smile on Lin Chen's face stiffened, and he immediately said, "It's normal that a frog at the bottom of the well like you hasn't heard of it, after all, you can't know anything about our cultivation world!" "

Let's put it this way."

"There are many mountains where cultivators gather in the world!"

"My Tianzhu Mountain is the third ranked existence among the many mountains!" Speaking of this haughty face.

Chen Nan realized and said, "How does it compare with the eight top forces?"

The smile on Lin Chen's face stiffened a little more, and he forcibly said angrily: "Not to mention the cultivation power of our Tianzhu Mountain, even the cultivation power of the Ultimate South Mountain does not dare to compare with the eight top forces!"

After a pause, he continued, "However, our Frost Valley is a subordinate force of the Huashan Sword Sect!

"Since you know the eight major forces, you must know about the Huashan Sword Sect, right?"

"This is the third ranked super sect of the eight top forces!"

"There are more than 3,000 disciples alone, which is a supreme great sect that has been passed down for thousands of years!"

"Looking at the whole world, who dares not to give the Huashan Sword Sect some face?"

Chen Nan was a little embarrassed!

How could I not know about the Huashan Sword Sect!

After all, we have become the head of the Huashan Sword Sect!

There is almost a succession ceremony announced to the world!

It's just that!

This kind of thing seems unnecessary to say!

Because even if they say it, they won't believe it!

Huang Rui looked proud: "See?" This is the gap between you and Lin Chen, the gap between Yunni and Haoyue! "

If you marry him, you will definitely be able to get the protection of Frost Valley and the Huashan Sword Sect!"

"At that time, don't say that the Xu family is flying and tengda, at least no one will dare to bully us!"

"And Lin Chen also promised us that when the new head of the Huashan Sword Sect held the succession ceremony in the next year, he would take us to participate!"

"In this way, we can meet the eight super powers of the hidden world."

"That's the existence of the divine dragon without seeing the end!"

"Can you give us these things?"

"Also, you say that you love your heart, since this is the case, then you have to think about her!"

"After all, sometimes letting go is also a sign of love!"

"I don't marry Chen Nan in this life!" Xu poured tears down like rain.

Although Chen Nan is very scummy and often has the smell of other women, this is the man she chose!

She never regrets the choice she made!

And she is most tired of others helping her make decisions!

Lin Chen's father, Lin Kangwei, slowly stood up and said, "Xingguo, since this is the case, then we will leave first." The wedding of the two children will be discussed after the ceremony of succession of the new head of the Huashan Sword Sect!

Lin Chen also got up, he glanced at Chen Nan, and said, "Don't let me see you a second time, otherwise I will see you and beat you once!" Saying that, the family of three walked out.

Xu Xingguo and his wife got up to send each other!

"We'll see you soon!"

Looking at Lin Chen's figure leaving, a playful smile appeared at the corner of Chen Nan's mouth!

It's just that when he says goodbye, Lin Chen definitely doesn't dare to hit him!

After all!

The next goodbye is above the succession ceremony of the new head of the Huashan Sword Sect!

"Chen family boy, what are you busy with during this time? I thought you wouldn't come to visit before the Spring Festival!

Old man Xu spoke, with a kind smile on his face!

"No, even if you are busy, I have to visit your old man." Yes, my dad often taught me that you have to know the rules to be a person! Chen Nan smiled and took out the Spirit Jiao Pill: "The junior brought some pills, and I hope that your old man will live a hundred years!"

Old man Xu laughed gratifyingly: "Having this heart is stronger than anything!"

"Brother-in-law, in my opinion, you better elope with my sister!" Xu Xiaoning, who was a social cowboy, took a pill and threw it into his mouth and chewed it.

While eating, he said, "Although that Lin Chen feels very powerful, Xiao Ye just doesn't like him!"


"I look down on people who say big things to scare people!"

"It's as if our Xu family was scared by someone!"

"Don't say if what he said will happen, even if danger comes?"

"Compromise is the act of a coward!"

"Real men have to be tough to the end!"

"Even if you die, be fearless!"

"If it weren't for grandpa, these older generations of sages stood up to resist foreign enemies during the war!"

"Can we have today's peaceful and prosperous world, and the reunion of ten thousand families?"

Old man Xu's face was full of relief: "Fortunately, although this guy of yours is stubborn and often makes Lao Tzu angry, he has a firm stand in the face of big right and wrong."

Xu Xiaoning smiled proudly: "That's, don't look at whose grandson we are!"

Old man Xu looked at Xu Qianxin and said seriously: "Girl, listen to your brother, you two elope!" Huang

Rui walked in with a frosty face: "If you dare to elope with Chen Nan, believe it or not, I will crash and die in front of your eyes now?" "

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