"Not bad, black never goes out of style, and it feels good to wear on the body!"

Chen Nan looked at himself in the mirror.

The only fly in the ointment is that there is no long hair!

If he has black hair, whether it is coiled up or casually hung behind him, it can increase his charm!

Ruo Lan asked, "So, tomorrow's succession ceremony will wear this black dress?"

"Yes, I believe in your vision!" The corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose, and then he stretched out his arms and motioned for the other party to help him with his clothes!

"I'm not your maid, this kind of thing, you can come by yourself!" Ruo Lan walked out with an unhappy face.

Just arrived at the door.

Chen Nan's voice came into her ears: "Hey, you haven't answered my question yet, what apartment type?" Is there too much water?

Ruo Lan gritted her teeth angrily and almost didn't hit the door: "You're a bastard!"

"I don't want to do this either, but men are not bad, women are not loved!"


the next day.

Nine o'clock in the morning!

Cangyun Peak opens the mountain gate!

People from all over the world who came to watch the ceremony climbed the stone steps to Cangyun Peak!

There are not many people!

All forces brought up to five disciples to watch the ceremony!

Of course.

These people also prepared congratulatory gifts!

Most of them are medicinal herbs that are hundreds of years old!

For the Huashan Sword Sect, these things are not worth much, but for some scattered cultivation forces, these things are the treasures of their town faction!

"Lin Chen, is this Cangyun Peak? It feels like a wonderland on earth! Huang

Rui followed Lin Chen, just like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden!

Huang Rui delusionally wanted to get the immortal edge through Lin Chen!

Even the Xu family was against her coming to Cangyun Peak!

But she came here behind everyone's back!

In order to meet big people!

Lin Chen said in a low voice: "Don't be so unproductive, you will make me feel very faceless like this!" "

Lin Chen also has some egg pain!

At the beginning, he just casually mentioned that he could bring Huang Rui to participate in the succession ceremony of the new head of the Huashan Sword Sect, but he thought that she had put it in his heart!

And you have to follow yourself!

He didn't want to bring this woman who had never seen the world!

But I thought that as long as I could marry Xu Qianxin, it would be enough!

"Yes, yes, it's my fault, I shouldn't be so breathless!" Huang Rui kept laughing, even if he had a grudge in his heart, he didn't dare to express it.

For fear of making the future son-in-law angry.

If that's the case, it's not worth the loss!


A loud voice came from a distance: "Medicine King Valley Lord Wu Daozi has arrived!" "

Hear this!

Those scattered cultivators' eyes showed a hot gaze!

Although the Medicine King Valley is the weakest sect among the eight top forces!

But there are countless elixirs in the Medicine King Valley!

Moreover, Wu Daozi is also the only alchemist in the cultivation world today who can refine two-pin pills!

The status is so high that it can even be compared to the Shushan Sword Gate!

Next moment!

Wu Daozi, who had a childlike appearance, wore a white robe with a majestic face, and appeared in Cangyun Peak with two young disciples, a man and a woman!

The man looks handsome and extraordinary, and the instrument is Xuanang!

The woman has a graceful figure, young and beautiful, and the whole person exudes a sense of pride from the inside out!

However, no one dares to be upset with this young couple!

After all, this is the Tianjiao of the Medicine King Valley that has not come out for a hundred years!

The man's name is Rong Liang, and he has the peak strength of the sixth layer of the foundation building period at a young age!

The girl's name is Yun Yao, although her cultivation is not as good as Rong Liang, she has also reached the five-layer great consummation of the foundation building period!

And most importantly!

Her achievements in the path of alchemy are high!

It only took twenty years to independently refine Tsukidan!

Even Wu Daozi praised her as a genius who could not be produced in the alchemy world for a thousand years!

As an ordinary cultivator, today I can see Wu Daozi and the two young Tianjiao of the Medicine King Valley!

This forced, they can blow for a lifetime!

"Wu Zhangmen, please!"

The Great Elder of the Huashan Sword Sect, Qingxi Zhenren, invited the other party to take a seat!

Wu Daozi nodded slightly and made a look at Rong Liang!

A palm-sized, boxy jade box appeared in Rong Liang's hand, and he said, "This pill is called the Spirit Snake Pill, which was refined by my master by finding hundreds of spirit snakes, and it is a two-pin pill!"

"Taking this pill can raise a realm!"

"This is also a congratulatory gift prepared by our Medicine King Valley for the new head of the Huashan Sword Sect!"

Qingxi Zhenren took it with both hands and handed it to the disciple behind him: "Remember, Medicine King Gu sent a two-pin pill elixir snake pill!"

"Huh, the old thing is willing to give away the two-pin pill?"

The Third Elder of Shoushan came over with a smile.

He and Wu Daozi know each other!

The two were born in the same era at the same time!

When he was young, he was the North and South Tianjiao of the alchemy world!

It's a pity!

The medicinal materials on the side of the Huashan Sword Sect are limited, and they are simply not enough for Cangdu to grow!


In alchemy, Wu Daozi's attainments are far above him!

Seeing the deceased, Wu Daozi had a shallow smile on his face: "Although refining second-level elixirs is a bit difficult, it is not a big problem for the old immortal. "

Now that the new head of the Huashan Sword Sect has succeeded to the throne, shouldn't the old immortal express it?"

Cang Jue took the spirit snake pill, and after taking a look, he showed a disgusted gaze: "There is not even a single pill pattern, you are embarrassed to send it?"

Wu Daozi frowned: "Listen to what you mean, can you refine a higher quality elixir?"

"I naturally don't have this ability!" Cang Jue smiled: "However, there are people from our Huashan Sword Sect who can refine second-level top-grade pills!" "

Huh!" Wu Daozi laughed disapprovingly: "So far, there are very few cultivation worlds that can refine second-level pills, maybe you are lucky enough to be able to refine second-level pills, but I don't believe that anyone can refine second-level top-grade pills!"

As soon as his voice changed, he said, "Don't talk about this, what is the situation?" What happened to Huazun? Why is there a new head who takes the throne? "

The Huashan Sword Sect has not disclosed Huazun's affairs!

So many people don't know the hidden secrets!

Wu Daozi and Cangdu have been friends for many years, and now they naturally want to inquire!

Cangjue sighed: "This matter is a long story, let's wait for the succession ceremony to be revealed!" "

It's a mystery!"

Wu Daozi snorted angrily, and said, "Don't say the reason, tell me who the new head is, right?" It should be a strong person of the older generation, right? Qingzi generation, or disciple of Guangzi generation?

Cangdu smiled and said, "You may not believe it, he is a disciple of the younger generation, well, a foreign disciple!"

Wu Daozi frowned: "Find a foreign disciple to be in charge, are you mountain guarding elders confused?" Can he carry the banner of the Huashan Sword Sect?

Cangjue shrugged: "Whether you can carry the big banner, you will soon know!" "

Master Hui Kong, the head of the Shaolin Temple, has arrived!"

There was a voice in the distance!

"I'll go to greet that bald donkey in Xia Huikong, you are casual, just come to your own home, don't be polite!" Cang Jue smiled and walked into the distance: "Old Man Huikong, why did you come with a brine egg?" Wow, sorry, this is your head, it's a lot brighter than before. "

Your head is so smooth, it should not be less plated by nuns, right?"

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