No one believed that Chen Nan could refine pills!

After all, alchemy is not a child's play!

The rise of an alchemist was cultivated by countless medicinal herbs!

Even the Huashan Sword Sect had a hard time cultivating a second-level alchemist!

Does he, a mortal in the world, understand what alchemy is?

Many people think that he is a retard!

After all!

Whether it is the decision he previously indicated to defend his homeland!

Or the act of alchemy in public today!

It's not something that normal people can do!

Chen Nan sat cross-kneeled on the altar, opened the Dan furnace, and threw the medicinal herbs into it!

"This rude alchemy method is simply a violent heavenly thing!" Wu Daozi kept shaking his head, although Chen Nan had a spirit weapon pill furnace, the refining of pills should be gradual.

"I really don't know why the Huashan Sword Sect wants to make him the new leader, this is simply child's play!" Jian Wujian shook his head.

Zhang Tianshi said, "I can't say that, if this person really refines high-grade elixirs, then there must be a place for him in the cultivation world, and he can also gather some connections!"

Jian Wujian said disapprovingly: "If it was usual, now that he has shown his attitude and protected mortals, even if he can refine high-grade elixirs, who is willing to befriend him?"

"Besides, whether you can refine it is another matter!"

Time passes slowly!

With Chen Nan's constant change!

A refreshing medicinal fragrance spread in the heaven-burning furnace!

Surprise everyone!

"It seems that this guy really has two brushes!"

"I didn't expect him to succeed in the first step!"

"Even if you succeed in the first step? Whether it can become a pill is still unknown!

"Even if you become a pill, it depends on the quality of the pill!"

A lot of people talk about it privately.

Abbot Hui Kong looked at Wu Daozi and couldn't help but ask: "Daoyou is proficient in alchemy, dare to ask if you can smell what kind of elixir is being refined by Boss Chen?"

Wu Daozi shook his head: "There are many pills in the world, and the medicinal materials required are different, and no alchemist can tell what kind of pill is being refined by the fragrance!" Wu

Daozi's disciple Yun Yao suddenly said: "Master, I smell the smell of Lanxin Grass, Lanxin Grass is the main medicine for refining first-grade pills Qingxin Pill, do you say that he refined Qingxin Pill?"

Wu Daozi chuckled: "He shouldn't have this ability, right?" The

cangdu on the side listened quietly and did not refute it!

First-class elixir Qingxin Pill?


Who do you look down on?

In the six-layer foundation building period, the six-layer great consummation can refine the second-level elixir spirit pill!

Now he has entered the middle of the seventh layer of the foundation building period!

How could he refine a first-class elixir as a return gift from the Huashan Sword Sect?

Don't worry!

You're going to be slapped in the face soon!

Time passes!

Half an hour later!

Accompanied by Chen Nan's hands pinching!

There was a crackling sound suddenly coming from inside the Dan furnace!

In a flash!

A five-colored auspicious cloud appeared in the sky!

All the Bafang Spiritual Qi entered the Dan Furnace at this moment!

Spectacular from afar!

Like a dragon absorbing water!

It gives a strong visual impact!

"Lying groove, born with a vision, this is a sign of the birth of the elixir!"

"Oh my God, Boss Chen actually refined a spirit pill?"

"He turned out to be an alchemy master?"

Countless people had numb scalps, but they didn't expect that Chen Nan had actually refined the elixir!

And it's still a elixir!

Even the eyes of the heads of the seven top forces were full of surprise!

"Come to think of it, he should have refined the Qingxin Pill, and I underestimated this guy!" Wu Daozi smiled, thinking that Chen Nan had refined the Clear Heart Pill!

However, the first-level elixir can't enter his eyes!

"Open the furnace!"

Pill Cheng!

Chen Nan spoke!


Cangning respectfully agreed, then took out the prepared jade plate and took out those pills in the Dan furnace!

As soon as the golden elixir came out, it immediately attracted everyone's attention!

Although those pills are not big, each one exudes golden light!


The sun in the sky has dimmed a little!

"Master, what he refined is not the Pure Heart Pill!" Yun Yao's expression was solemn, the color of the Clear Heart Pill was azure blue, but these pills refined by Chen Nan were golden!

"This, this is a third-level elixir to nourish the gods?" Wu Daozi was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and let out a piercing scream.

As soon as these words come out!

Everyone felt numb scalp!

Including the super powerhouses of the other six forces, they all subconsciously stood up!

The eyes are full of horror!

"Wu Daoyou, what you said is true? Is what he refined really a god-nourishing pill? Jian Wujian was a little incoherent with excitement, and after the foundation building period, it was the golden pill period.

And if you want to condense the golden pill, you need to go through the baptism of heavenly calamity!

Although there are only three Heavenly Tribulations, they are extremely dangerous!

Especially the last one!

Although it is not very strong, it will arouse the inner demons of the cultivator!

Cultivators go against the sky, and no one dares to say that they have a clear conscience!

More or less a little devilish!




The third heavenly thunder will not only arouse the heart demon, but also magnify the heart demon of the doomer several times, or even dozens of times!

Therefore, the probability of surviving the Heavenly Tribulation is only one percent!

This is also the reason why those top powerhouses suppress cultivation and dare not cross the calamity!

They are afraid of death!

And the function of the God Nourishing Pill is to suppress the heart demons, so that the chance of success in crossing the calamity is greatly improved!

This is a blessing in disguise for them!!

"This guy is young, how can he refine a third-level elixir to nourish the gods? His talent is too terrifying, right? "Wu Daozi can't calm his heart!

He originally thought that Chen Nan was refining pills in front of him to get an axe!

But he never dreamed that the other party would actually refine a third-level elixir!

"Does your face hurt?" Cangzhi smiled proudly: "Wu Daozi, the back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, and our generation has been eliminated by the times."

"In the future, it will be the world of young people, especially the alchemy part, I am afraid that you Medicine King Valley will not be able to do it!"

Wu Daozi sighed and finally accepted that he had been eliminated by the times!

After all, Chen Nan could refine a third-grade elixir at a young age!

The future is his world!

At this time, Cangning's voice sounded: "Chief, you have refined a total of thirty-two spirit nourishing pills this time, including twelve upper pindan pills and twenty middle pindan medicines!" "

Wu Daozi is like a lightning strike!

Don't move!

The other party not only refined thirty-two Shen Yang Pills at one time, but even had twelve upper pindan pills and twenty medium-pindan pills!

This alchemy attainment is far above him!

Looking at those alchemy wizards in ancient times, I am afraid that no one can have such achievements in the seventh layer of the foundation building period!

Look at the two disciples around Wu Daozi, known as peerless geniuses in the alchemy world for thousands of years!

They both lowered their heads in shame!

Are we also peerless geniuses?

In the future, who dares to say that we are geniuses, don't blame us for being anxious with him!

At this time, Chen Nan looked at the audience, and an intriguing smile appeared on his face: "These thirty-two pills are my return gift to you, I don't know, do you still like it?" "

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