"Young master, I am now the head of the Huashan Sword Sect, and there is no shortage of opportunities!"

Chen Nan forged ahead!

Dragon Mastiff: "It's different!

"This chance you can call immortal fate!"

"I know, you came here simply to save me!"

"I can feel this love!"

"But I can't watch you being killed by the Shangzhen Daoist!"

"While I'm still conscious, do as I say!"

"Take ten steps forward, take three steps back!"

"Eight from the left, two from the right!"

Chen Nan sighed!

Finally, I started walking as the dragon mastiff said!

For some reason!

As he walked, he noticed that the picture in front of him had changed!

It was still icy and snowy!

The next moment, he appeared in front of a mountain with layers of verdant peaks!

Let Chen Nan have an illusion!

Put in stepped into the space-time passage and entered another space!

Especially the nine-story immortal mansion that is hundreds of meters high!

It looks magnificent and atmospheric, revealing antiquity and desolation!

It deeply stimulated his eyeballs, as well as his soul!

Cranes soar in the air, emitting crane chirping from time to time!

It's really a blessing!

The dragon mastiff lay on the ground, and his breath became weaker and weaker: "There are many ancient ruins in Kunlun Mountain, cave mansions, and my mission is to protect them."

"Turn them on at the right time!"

"And among the many ruins, the cave mansion!"

"Only this is an immortal mansion!"

"As for who its owner is... It is long impossible to verify!

"However, one thing is obvious, if you can gain the approval of the Immortal Mansion, no one in the whole world will be able to hurt you!"

"Give me a few Spirit Jiao Pills, I want to wait until you get the approval of the Immortal Mansion before leaving!"

Speaking of this, a smile of anticipation appeared in its eyes!

Chen Nan's eyes were complicated: "If you do what you say, I will not be recognized by the Immortal Mansion in my life!" "

The cycle of birth, old age, sickness, and death in the Heavenly Dao, this is nothing..." The dragon mastiff knew that Chen Nan did not want to die himself.

Chen Nan sighed lightly: "Say, how can I get the approval of the Immortal Mansion?" Saying that, he took out all the Spirit Jiao Pills and placed them in front of his eyes.

He wants to gain the approval of the Immortal Mansion!

I hope to find a way to save the dragon mastiff inside!

The dragon mastiff said weakly: "You are close to the Immortal Mansion, you will know when the time comes!"

Chen Nan's eyes were firm, and he approached the Immortal Mansion!

Just when Chen Nan stepped on the bluestone paved ground in front of the Immortal Mansion!

Two cranes swooped down!

Falling in front of Chen Nan, he transformed into two young children!

A man and a woman, looking like they were in their teens!

White and fat, very cute!

"Xiaohong, do you want him to be recognized by the Immortal Mansion?" The boy looked at the dragon mastiff in the distance: "You shouldn't have brought him here, with his cultivation, it is impossible to get the approval of the Immortal Mansion!"

The dragon mastiff said weakly, "Although I also know that it is difficult for him to obtain the approval of the Immortal Mansion, I still want to give it a try!" The

girl said, "If that's the case, then be tested!" As soon as the words fell, she squeezed her hands, and a shadow of a mountain suddenly appeared in the void.

The area covered by this mountain is extremely vast, covering the sky, and there is no edge at all!

Chen Nan's pupils trembled!

This is the mountain character in runes!

Power horror!

It can crush a mountain in an instant!

The mountain character is out!

An unparalleled gravity instantly fell on Chen Nan's shoulders!

The true qi in his body roared out, supporting his body and not falling!

But the stone slab under your feet is a popping crack!

"Young man, you can resist with what you have learned all your life, as long as you can stick to a blaze of incense, you will be qualified to enter the first layer of Immortal Mansion!" The girl makes a sound as pleasant as a copper bell.

Chen Nan gritted his teeth: "Even if I use what I have learned all my life, it is not enough to shake the mountain character!" Even if this is the case, why waste True Qi? "

I can afford to wait!"

He silently recited the Yin Harvesting Technique, and quickly absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth as a supply!

The mountain character is scary!

But it was also an opportunity for him to temper his body!

"Groove, what do you mean by that?"

"It's excessive, isn't it?"

When Chen Nan saw the boy light a sandalwood stick about five meters long, his mentality collapsed!

If this incense plant burns out, he is estimated to have crossed the Naihe Bridge, drank Meng Po soup, and even completed reincarnation!

These two guys are really pitted!

If I want to die, I will say it clearly, why use such means?

Despite this, Chen Nan was not discouraged, gritting his teeth to bear the crushing feeling brought by the mountain character, controlling the true qi to protect the internal organs and soul!

As long as you have the foundation building period cultivation!

As long as the internal organs and soul are intact, any injury can be ignored!




The skin on Chen Nan's body was cracking, erupting into bursts of blood mist!

But the true qi surged and soon recovered!

Then it cracked again and was repaired again!

"You violated the law, you shouldn't have lit that incense!" The dragon mastiff's eyes flashed with fierceness.

The boy grinned: "The rule is a blaze of incense, but I didn't say which incense!" "

You can see it.

They disliked Chen Nan very much!

If you really like him, you can order an ordinary incense!

After all, they control the rules!

"Junior sister, this guy seems to be using your attacks to temper the flesh!" The boy's bright eyes were full of innocence: "It is undeniable that this guy is still very strong, and his physical body is comparable to the strong in the early stage of Jindan!"

"I feel like he's insulting me!" The girl's eyes are cold!

The boy hurriedly said, "Don't get angry, don't forget our duties!" "

The girl takes a deep breath!

Forcibly hide the killing intent to the bottom of your heart!

Their duty is to test those who come here!

As long as the other party is tested, even they cannot forcibly intervene!

At the same time that Chen Nan's flesh and blood were undergoing cracking and repair!

There was a sudden sound of broken bones in his body!




Chen Nan's face was hideous, and red blood flowed from the corners of his mouth!

It hurts!

But it can also be afforded!

It's just that the broken bone wound is not repaired so quickly!

Fortunately, he has a trick to pick yin!

Aura was continuously poured into his body!

"Your physical body has reached the limit of what you can bear!" The girl said, "I advise you to give up, although you can't get the Immortal Mansion, your physical body has also been transformed, and you can also be regarded as gaining chance!"

"If you continue to persevere, your internal organs will be hit hard!"

"I want big chance, that's not enough!"

Chen Nan squeezed his hands with both hands, and his true qi protected his heart and heart pulse!

He not only has to temper his body, but also take the opportunity to quench his internal organs!

At the moment when he shielded the True Qi of his internal organs, terrifying gravity instantly poured into his internal organs, causing him to emit a hysterical roar!

His eyes were bloodshot, his face was covered with bruises, and he looked terrifying!

The boy in the distance showed an intriguing smile: "This guy is a ruthless person, but if you want to inherit the Immortal Mansion, ruthlessness alone is not enough!"

"I just wonder if there are any other shining points in him?"

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