Chen Nan suddenly realized!

I think it should be that I let the other party erase today's memory, which caused the favor of the other party!

Only then did he decide to pass on the Immortal Mansion to himself!

Don't wait for him to come back to his senses!

That Immortal Mansion directly fell into his eyebrows!

Next moment!

Countless knowledge burst into his mind like a torrent!

It was as if someone had ripped off his head and forcibly injected something foreign into it!

Even he let out a low groan of pain!

Fortunately, the pain disappeared quickly!

"I know, you want to know about me!"

"But your current realm is too low, and when you open the five-layer Immortal Mansion, I will tell you my story!"

"I will also ask you one thing, I hope you don't refuse!"

Under the Bodhi Tree!

The middle-aged man looked up at the sky with one hand, and his figure gradually turned into nothingness!

Next moment!

Chen Nan's figure appeared outside the Immortal Mansion!

Seeing this, the boy and girl hurriedly bowed down and respectfully said, "Greet the lord of the house!" "

They are the servants of the Immortal Mansion, and naturally know that Chen Nan has completed all the tests and become the new master of the Immortal Mansion!

Chen Nan looked at the dragon mastiff!

Its eyes were full of gratification, and it said weakly: "I knew you could!"

"Quick, this is the medicine of immortality, take it quickly!"

Chen Nan hurriedly stepped forward and gave the immortal medicine to the dragon mastiff!

The dragon mastiff did not hesitate, opened his mouth and swallowed the immortal medicine into his belly!

Immediately afterwards, the vigorous life force enveloped it, and it was quickly repairing its injuries!

The Immortal Medicine is the greatest treasure in the world, not only can repair injuries, but also improve cultivation!

When the dragon mastiff regained its strength, Chen Nan looked at the pair of children: "What are you two called?" The

boy said respectfully: "Return to the house, my name is Golden Boy!" The

girl said, "My name is Jade Girl!" "

Good earth name!

Chen Nan complained in his heart, and then said, "I just inherited this immortal mansion, and there are still many things I don't know, you guys slowly tell me!"

"For example, what treasures are there on the first floor of Immortal Mansion!"

The golden boy said: "There are many books on the first floor of the Immortal Mansion, exercises, pills, and most of them are books about the realm of cultivation!" As long as you integrate your spiritual power into the Immortal Mansion, you can sense their existence!

"In addition, there is the Sword Immortal puppet you met before, Lord Mansion!"

"That guy was refined when the master was idle and bored, and his strength is not strong, comparable to the peak powerhouse of the Golden Pill Period!"

Chen Nan frowned: "Is its strength so strong?" "

Although he fought with that Sword Immortal Puppet!

Although the strength of that guy is strong!

But there is one thing to say, there is no strength at the peak of the Golden Pill Period!

Otherwise, he would not have been able to defeat the other party!

The golden boy continued, "The Sword Immortal Puppet needs spirit stones to drive, and it has nine card slots in its body, which are for the first to ninth layers of the Golden Pill Period!"

"And now, there is only one spirit stone in the body of the Sword Immortal Puppet!"

Chen Nan's eyes lit up: "In other words, I now have a strength comparable to the first layer of the Golden Pill Period?"

"Golden Boy: "I can't say that, the main thing is that the spirit stone in the body of the Sword Immortal Puppet doesn't contain much energy!" "


Chen Nan rolled his eyes!

Big baby, you can really talk!

"Are you two humans, or cranes?" Chen Nan diverted the topic.

The jade girl said, "Return to the lord of the mansion, we are the puppets refined by the lord of the old mansion!" If you have any questions about Xianfu, you can ask us! "

Chen Nan called a good guy!

One can talk more than the other!

He said that I am the lord of the house, but he wants me to ask you for advice?

I'm afraid you two are not puppets refined by the old mansion master after getting drunk, right?

"You two stay in the Immortal Mansion, if necessary, I will summon you two!"


After the golden boy and jade girl left, Chen Nan injected the power of his soul into the Immortal Mansion in the sea of knowledge!

In a flash!

The majestic Immortal Mansion behind him turned into a ray of light and disappeared into his body!

Spirit weapons can drop blood to recognize the Lord, let alone this kind of supreme treasure!

Almost an hour has passed again!

The dragon mastiff stopped cultivating!

Not only did he heal his injuries, but even his cultivation went further!

A demon pill was actually bred in the body!

This is equivalent to the cultivation of the realm of the Golden Pill Period of mankind!

Especially the fiery red hair, shimmering with a moving luster!

It gives a feeling of being used with fluttering!

"I've healed, and it's time to leave, I just don't know if the Shangzhen Dao who hurt me is there!"

"If he's there, I'm going to bite off his head!"

The dragon mastiff spat out words, and his eyes were full of anger!

This time, thanks to Chen Nan inheriting the Immortal Mansion, he found the Immortal Medicine!

Otherwise, it must be hated!

"Go, let's go and meet that old immortal for a while!" Chen Nan laughed, not to mention that he had now obtained the Immortal Mansion, even if he had the confidence to fight with the Shangzhen Daoist with his bare hands!


"What the hell is going on?"

"Why did their breath suddenly disappear?"

"It's been more than ten hours, and it should have appeared!"

"Could it be that there is a teleportation array here?"


The Shangzhen Daoist sat cross-kneeled, and this was where Chen Nan and the dragon mastiff's aura disappeared!

"Damn it, that dragon mastiff is seriously injured, if it dies, my plan will be lost!"

The face of the Shangzhen Dao people is gloomy!

He thought of luring out Chen Nan and refining Chen Nan and the Dragon Mastiff into the Yin Yang Life and Death Pill, which was a pill that could bring people back to life!

And the main medicine is the rare medicinal herb of Twin Snow Lotus!

Which Cheng wanted to lure out Chen Nan, but he saved the dragon mastiff!

It's really a day and a fairy plate!

Just when the Shangzhen Dao people were upset, Chen Nan and the Dragon Mastiff suddenly appeared in front of him, as if they appeared out of thin air!

Watch the dragon mastiff come to life!

His heart is overwhelmed!

Raise your hand and shoot a formation flag to land in the distance, instantly activate it, trapping the two mastiffs inside!

"Haha, I didn't expect it, I'm waiting for you here!"

"Seriously, you should always be hiding!"

"Wait until I lose patience before coming out!"

"And now, when you come out to die, why am I willing to refuse you?"

"Don't think about escaping, the old immortal has already laid a net of heaven and earth!"

"This time, you can't escape my palm!"

"I'm going to refine you two into elixirs!"

He laughed like a pervert, and even took out the Dan furnace, ready to open the furnace to refine the pill!

"Old man, do you really think you can defeat us?"

Chen Nan took a cigarette!

The Shangzhen Daoist was full of disdain: "Junior in the middle of the seventh layer of the foundation building period, if it weren't for your previous sneak attack while I was not prepared, do you think you could escape?"

"It's not that I look down on you, I can suppress an ant like you with one hand!"

Chen Nan: "Really? I don't believe it! The

Shangzhen Daoist said coldly: "The old man is a pseudo-Dan realm powerhouse, and he is only one step away from condensing the golden pill, so why is it difficult to suppress you?"

"So you're just a pseudo-Dan!" The dragon mastiff showed a disdainful look: "I'm sorry, I've condensed into a demon pill!" "

Words fall!

A demon aura burst out!


Shangzhen Taoist scalp numb, how the to fight this?

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