On the eve of sunset!

Chen Nan arrived at the west gate of Wuyang City!

It is a large ancient city with a history of more than a thousand years, and today it is a second-tier city!

Although it is not very prosperous, it has convenient transportation and extends in all directions, and in ancient times it was a place where soldiers had to fight!

Of course!

The population density is also dense, with more than a million people!

Look around!

The sky above the huge city was shrouded in a pale cyan energy!

The city that should have been brightly lit and full of traffic is now falling into darkness!

The quiet is a little weird!

As if the city didn't have any life!

Chen Nan approached the city gate and slammed forward with a palm!

True Qi roared out, causing a ripple in the Dharma Array!

"Who are you and why are you attacking?"

"Are you trying to die?"

In an instant!

Two cultivators from the middle of foundation building appeared under the castle tower!

The two held long swords, and their eyes were full of hostility when they looked at Chen Nan!

Chen Nan arched his hand and said politely: "I am a scattered cultivator in the world, and after hearing what the trickster did to me, I felt admiration in my heart and specially came to defect!"

"I also hope that the two eldest brothers can go and pass on a message, if it is not a respect, please accept it!" Saying that, he took out two Qi Replenishing Pills and threw them into the formation!

Formations can fend off offensive items!

It can also resist human entry!

But this kind of thing can still be thrown in!

A middle-aged man picked up two pills and said suspiciously, "You refined this pill?"

"Yes, I am a first-level alchemist who can refine first-level elixirs!"

Chen Nan smiled!

Since you want to blend in with the enemy, you have to show your ability!

Otherwise, you won't be able to penetrate the enemy!

In fact, Chen Nan didn't want to do this, after all, it was not difficult for him to kill the powerhouse of the Pseudo Dan Realm!

But the problem is, the other side still has a million hostages in their hands!

Chen Nan had reason to believe that before he killed the other party, he might activate the formation and destroy this city in an instant!

So, this guy can't rush it!

It is necessary to disintegrate the strength of the other party internally!

"You wait here first, I'll go see the boss!" A middle-aged man said, and then disappeared in front of the city gate.

Chen Nan waited for almost ten minutes, and the other party went and returned!

He squeezed the trick with both hands, opened the formation, and said politely: "You can come in!" "

There is work!"

Being able to easily blend into Wuyang City was within Chen Nan's expectation!

After all, the status of an alchemist is very high!

No matter what purpose the so-called treacherous master had in occupying Wuyang City, one thing was obvious, if any force wanted to become stronger and bigger, it needed an alchemist!

The middle-aged man made an inviting gesture and walked towards the city with Chen Nan: "My name is Bao Zhen, I don't know what the little brother is called?" "

Chen Dong!" Chen Nan reported a fake name, after all, he is now the head of the Huashan Sword Sect, if he really says his real name, it is very likely to arouse the suspicion of the other party!

Of course, his appearance has also changed a little!

It's a little more low-key than before!

"I don't know which famous mountain Brother Chen is cultivating in?" Bao Zhen asked as he walked: "I see that you are not old, but you have a five-layer cultivation in the foundation building period, and you can be regarded as a first-class strong person when looking at the famous mountains, right?" "

Obviously, he is inquiring into Chen Nan's reality!

Chen Nandao: "I am an ordinary casual cultivator, traveling in all directions and making the four seas home.

"As for cultivation, it is also a coincidence that some wild fruits were found in a barren mountain last year, and after taking it, Xiuwei was upgraded to the fifth layer of the foundation building period!"

Bao Zhen was relieved!

A moment later, Bao Zhen took Chen Nan to the presidential suite of a five-star hotel!

This is the stronghold of the trickster here!

Before entering the door, Chen Nan heard the miserable screams coming from inside, as well as the woman's crying and pleading!

This moment!

A strong killing intent rose in his heart!

The other party occupied Wuyang City, and robbed the people and women, all evil!

I really want to kill all these people!

"Knock knock!"

Bao Zhen knocked on the door!


There was a loud sound in the room!

Bao Zhen pushed the door in, and a pungent smell of wine and blood came to his face, in addition to that, there was a looming smell of urine!

Entering the presidential suite, Chen Nan was immediately shocked by the picture in front of him!

There were more than a dozen white-skinned and beautiful young women in the room, squatting on the ground and shivering like frightened birds!

And on the bed there are two women who have lost their breath!

What made Chen Nan even more angry was that there were several dead women next to the bed!

Without exception!

They were all humiliated and tortured during their lifetimes!

When they were dying, they didn't close their eyes!

"I heard you want to join us?"

A burly middle-aged man with sword eyebrows and dark blue eyes walked out in the bathroom with a bath towel!

A long hair casually coiled together, with those pair of Danfeng eyes, giving people an evil feeling!

His strength is also very strong!

Reached the beginning of the ninth layer of the foundation building period!

Bao Zhen introduced: "Brother Chen, this is our second-in-command, Yanxiong!" "

Junior Chen Dong meets the second master!" Chen Nan bowed slightly, he really wanted to erase Yan Xiong's life and avenge those women who died tragically in his hands!

Then save the remaining girls!

But doing so is bound to scare the snakes!

After all!

He wants to kill the tricky master!

The Yanxiong in front of him is just his subordinate!

"I heard that you want to join the tricky master?" Yan Xiong sat on the sofa casually, pulled a woman by the hand, and asked her to kneel in front of him: "I don't need to say more about what to do, right?" "

The girl's face is full of nervousness!

She didn't want to do that!

But she didn't have a choice!

Because she has seen with her own eyes the picture of her sister refusing and being brutally killed by the other party!

The girl lowered her head nervously!

Chen Nan sighed secretly!

What a sin!

This dog thinks that he is a cultivator, so he will insult others at will!

One day he will have to be killed!

"Damn, you fucking dare to bite me?"

Yan Xiong suddenly let out an angry shout, he slapped the woman into the wall with one palm, spitting out blood, and was already dying!

The woman vomited blood, and there was no trace of blood on her face!

She smiled weakly, "Even if you kill me, someone will avenge us..."

"The last thing our nation lacks is heroes who stand up!"

"Someone will definitely kill you beasts..."

Before she finished speaking, she lost her breath!

Yan Xiong smiled contemptuously: "You don't seem to understand who we are, we are immortal cultivators, and you mortals are just ants in our eyes."

"Even if someone comes forward, it's an ant!"

Speaking of this, he looked at Chen Nan.

An intriguing smile appeared in his eyes: "Let's talk about it, why did you turn to the tricky master?"

"Shouldn't you want to blend into Wuyang City in this way, kill us, and free the people here?"

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