"What is the situation?" Cheng

Yang was stunned as he watched Hou Feifei's soul fly uncontrollably out the window

! "Someone wants to harm her!" Chen Nan's face was gloomy

! Hou Feifei has the power of merit in him, otherwise it is impossible to return to the Yang Realm to see his relatives before reincarnation

! Therefore

, it is not the rules of heaven that forcibly take her away, but someone wants to harm her!

Chen Nan broke through the window, shrunk into inches, and followed Hou Feifei's soul to the mass grave outside the city!

At this moment, an old lady wearing a black robe and holding her body was grinning at Hou Feifei's soul, and her yellowed teeth gave people a feeling of nausea.

"I really didn't expect that in this world, I saw a soul with the power of merit, if I refine you into a magic weapon, it will be extremely powerful

!" "Let her go, I will spare you not to die

!" Chen Nan's figure walked out in the darkness!

The old lady looked at Chen Nan, and a ghost light flashed in her eyes: "Young man, I advise you not to be nosy!"

The shadowless sword flew out directly

! The terrifying sword qi tore through the night, like a rainbow hole through the chest of the other party

! "You actually have a spirit weapon?" Chen

Nan looked at Hou Feifei and said, "Hou girl, go to reincarnation

!" "En'en!" Hou

Feifei nodded with fear on his face!

"Want to go? The old monster of Leyin

grinned, and a black flag appeared in his hand! As soon as the flag came out, the ghost aura was pervasive, and the sound of ghosts crying wolves howled erupted

! Just when the banner was about to devour Hou Feifei, Chen Nan resisted in front of her, waved his right hand, and took Hou Feifei into the Immortal Mansion!

Young man, I advise you to hand over all the treasures on your body, so that I will let you live!"

Not only that, but there was not a trace of cultivator fluctuations in her

! "People in the ghost gate?" Chen Nan frowned! There

are cultivators and ghost cultivators in the world! Unlike cultivators, ghost cultivation grows by devouring the souls of the world

! This kind of person can become a ghost immortal when cultivating to the extreme

! Although he cannot become an immortal, but ghost cultivation is easier than that of a true cultivator!

Of course!

Very few people can cultivate ghosts, and if you want to cultivate ghosts, you need extremely harsh innate conditions

, that is, the body is dead and the soul is born! In layman's terms, people die, but the soul is not extinguished!

"Young man, are you afraid?" The old monster of Leyin let out a creepy laugh: "As long as the treasure on your body and that baby girl sacrifice to me, I can let you live!"

Otherwise, I will kill your life and devour your body and soul

!" The corners of Chen Nan's mouth flashed with disdain: "Kill me? Do you have the ability?" "

Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you!" The

old monster of Leyin squeezed his hands, and a hideous-looking ghost shadow poured out of the black flag, and they flew towards Chen Nan with their teeth and claws, looking at the posture as if they were going to tear him to pieces!

"Scared silly?" muttered the old Le Yin monster.


, the next moment, her eyeballs trembled violently

! A force of merit spread out in Chen Nan's body, although it was very weak, but it instantly purified those ghost shadows

! "Who are you? How can you have the power of merit in you? Impossible, this is impossible, it must be fake!" The old monster of Leyin was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and let out a piercing scream!

She didn't believe that a living person had the power of merit, unless he was the chosen son of heaven and earth

! After all, this thing is terrible

! It involves ancient saints


"Die!" The

old monster of Leyin controlled the ten thousand ghost flags with all his strength, and one by one the ghost shadows swallowed towards Chen Nan like moths to fire!

Moreover, with the passage of time, the power of merit in his body not only did not disappear, but even became a little richer

! This was something that

the old monster of Leyin

did not expect! It was also something that Chen Nan did not expect

! I fought with the cultivators more and more weakly!

But why did I fight with ghosts more and more fiercely?

"Senior, don't fight, don't fight!"

The old monster of Leyin was provoked, and quickly put away the ten thousand ghost flags, his eyes were full of fear and grievances

! This hit for less than a minute, and it consumed the powerful ghosts she had spent hundreds of years collecting, and just thinking about it was very humiliating!

"Fight, continue to fight!" Chen

Nan's face was full of playfulness: "If you don't fight, how can I improve the power of merit

?" "Young man, do you really think that I can't kill you?" I see that you have the power of merit and want to give you a way to live, I advise you not to be ignorant!" "Really want

to provoke me, I will kill you even if I fight to the death!" Speaking of this, a black night pearl appeared in her hand and threw it directly in front of Chen Nan



when she ran out for more than ten miles, she was shocked to find that Chen Nan was blocking her way in front

! "Why are you so fast?" the old monster of Leyin gasped

! "Don't you know that it is a very impolite thing to say that men are fast?" Chen Nan's eyes showed a cold light, and the gentleman's sword appeared in his hand, and he flashed to kill the old monster of Leyin

! "I know who you are!"

"Are you the Great Demon King

Chen Nan

?" the old monster of Leyin screamed

, she knew the gentleman's sword in Chen Nan's hand, he had used this sword to kill the first rank of Yanxiong!

Chen Daoyou, please let me live, I have a way to make you holy!" Chen

Nan stopped attacking and looked at her suspiciously: "Sanctification?" The

old monster nodded in horror: "Yes, it is said that there are atmospheric luck people who can use the power of merit to shape their bodies, so that they can get rid of reincarnation, jump out of the three realms, and become saints

!" "However, very few people know how to

obtain the power of merit!" Chen Nan was curious: "Do you know the way to obtain the power of merit?"

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