Inside is an admission notice with exquisite workmanship, like a beautiful work of art, and

it is also the admission notice of Tsinghua University School of Medicine


A series of question marks appeared in Chen Nan's mind: "I can understand the notice of innocence, what the hell is this admission notice of Tsinghua University School of Medicine?"

Chen Shan always suggested that he study medicine, thinking that the job of being a doctor is glamorous, and easy, and he earns a lot

! In addition, he also has the intention to study medicine, and the first choice to fill in the college entrance examination is the provincial medical university, and it is not difficult to be admitted to the provincial medical university with his grades!

He received a call from Li Mu: "Have you seen the admission notice? This is the compensation given to you by the state, which can be regarded as making up for your losses in the past three years

!" "You can go to Tsinghua University School of Medicine at any time to report!"


Mu sighed lightly: "You have done too much for this country, and it's time to be an ordinary person and live an ordinary life

!" "After all, cultivation should be relaxed, and you can relax and relax appropriately

!" "Stop stop!" Chen Nan hurriedly stopped: "If I'm not mistaken, you should want me to promote medical skills, right?"

Li Mu coughed violently, with a hint of embarrassment in his tone: "I just said that this matter can't be hidden from

you!" "Well, this is what the third master means

!" "His old man originally wanted to let you go to the medical school to become a professor, but he was afraid that you would be young and could not serve the public

!" "So I just wanted to let you enter the medical school as a student!" As

soon as Chen Nan wanted to speak, Li Mu's voice sounded: " As far as I know, there are many beautiful women

in the medical school!" Chen Nan cleared his throat: "Beauty is not a beautiful woman, but secondary, the main thing is that I want to pass on the medical skills I have learned all my life, only in this way will I not dishonor the reputation of my Wumen!" Li

Mu fell silent

! He really wanted to believe Chen Nan!

But it seems that this guy's words cannot be trusted!"

"I heard that Emperor Yu went to Kyoto, do you know his current whereabouts?" Li Mu

said: "After the other party entered Kyoto, he disappeared, and if nothing else, he should have mixed into a certain family and wealthy family." We have been following up and investigating about him, if there is news, we will notify you as soon as possible

!" "Good!"

After a few brief conversations, Chen Nan hung up the phone

! Then called everyone to go to the supermarket together and buy a lot of ingredients!

After all, they never complained

! Well, we have to make up for

them! Give them a different experience

! After all, he now practices the doppelganger technique

! Plus the Buddha-figure has a total of seven selves, and the things that were lacking in the doppelganger before can now be performed at the same time!

It's ridiculous...

Also... It's fun...

After three days in Jeju

, Chen Nan said goodbye to everyone and embarked on a flight to Kyoto with Xu Qianxin! The

first stop was naturally to visit the Xu family

! Although he knew that Chen Nan was the head of the Huashan Sword Sect, and

also knew that he single-handedly turned the tide and rescued hundreds of thousands of people in Wuyang City!

Especially Old Master Xu, he couldn't help but be angry with Chen Nan...

If Chen Nan was only the head of the Huashan Sword Sect, they might feel a sense of distance and oppression

! But when they learned what he did in Wuyang City, everyone regarded him as a hero!

And ordinary people face heroes, isn't it worship

?When Huang Rui returned from going out, he saw that the family was talking and laughing with Chen Nan, and immediately looked at Xu Qianxin with a straight face: "Girl, why don't you talk to me when you come back? If I knew that you came back, I would definitely cook a few special dishes!" Xu Qian

said lukewarmly: "I wanted to tell you, but your phone couldn't get through

!" Huang Rui looked embarrassed, and then said: "Maybe the phone is dead!"

said and sat in front of Chen Nan, and said with a smile: " Good

son-in-law, when are you free?" "I'll take you to meet my sisters, I said that you are the hero who rescued Wuyang City, they don't believe it at all, you have to confirm with me that I'm not lying

!" "Enough!"

Xu Xingguo, Xu's beloved father, drank lowly, and said angrily: "Can you stop saying that your son-in-law is the head of the Huashan Sword Sect?

Huang Rui said disapprovingly: "Is what I said wrong? This is a fact, the truth is not to be said?" Chen

Nan cleared his throat and said, "Aunt Huang, there are many people who want to kill me now, if you say this, it is very likely to lead to the scourge of killing!" He

knew that Huang Rui was very snobbish and loved vanity!

Although there was some dissatisfaction in her heart, after all, she was Xu Qian's mother!

Sure enough, hearing Chen Nan's words, a trace of jealousy flashed in Huang Rui's eyes, and she said a little nervously: "Okay, I won't talk nonsense everywhere in the future."

After lunch at Xu's house, Xu Qianxin drove Chen Nan to the gate of Tsinghua, and then said with a smile: "Do you need me to accompany you in?" Chen Nan

pouted: "If you go in, you have to cause unnecessary riots!"

Are you afraid that others will know our relationship and thus will not be able to hook up with the girls in school?" Xu Qianxin hit mercilessly!

"Heaven and earth conscience, I don't have this kind of thought, you can't slander me!" Chen Nan looked serious: "I am serious about feelings!" The

corners of Xu Qianxin's mouth suddenly twitched: "Your words, I can't even believe a punctuation mark!" Chen

Nan smiled and touched his nose: "Okay, you go back, I'll report to school!"

This time, he also wants to feel

the campus life, make up for the missing campus time, and cultivate the mind by the way

, so as to better deal with the heavenly

calamity! Otherwise, when the natural calamity comes, it is very likely to cause demons!

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