Bai Weiwei's eyes were indifferent: "As a special recruit, shouldn't you even have the courage to admit your mistakes?" Chen

Nan: "You may not believe it, I smoke to develop a drug to quit smoking, only by mastering the body's dependence on cigarettes can I prescribe the right medicine!"

If so, how will you get a foothold in medical school in the future?


, you can only lie!

Bai Weiwei: "Since you don't want to review your mistakes in public, then I will report this matter to the hospital leaders!"

Why didn't the two beauties treat me like this when I met them today?

"Brother Ma, I thought that this girl is also very beautiful, why is her personality so unkind?" Chen Nan looked at Ma Wenyuan with a strange expression.

Mar Wenyuan shrugged helplessly: "Bai Weiwei's appearance is indeed good, but her personality is very strong and not close to people!

It is said that Bai Weiwei's father is an old smoker who got lung cancer

because of smoking and left this world when she was eight years old!" "It was also because her father's death stimulated Bai Weiwei, she became angry and strong, and eventually became a student in our department

!" "Her dream is to develop something that can make people quit smoking once and never smoke again!"

Chen Nan was relieved

! No wonder this woman was so excited to see herself smoking!

Ma Wenyuan patted Chen Nan's shoulder: "Brother Chen, you are a special recruit, and you know Dean Li, even if Bai Weiwei reports this matter to Dean Li, it will be gone

, the problem is not big, don't take it to heart!" "Go, I'll take you to the dormitory, although there are not many students in our department, but the environment is not said, it is the best in our entire university!" Chen

Nan didn't believe Ma Wenyuan's words!

A room for two people, equipped with laptops, HDTVs

, air conditioning, washing machines

, refrigerators

, and even PS5 game consoles

! And the dormitory is very large, more than sixty square meters

! This environment, configuration, even five-star hotels are not comparable!

"You take a break first, your roommate is estimated to be out of class soon, let him take you to class when the time comes!" Ma Wenyuan said and left the dormitory.

If he

hadn't gone to report to Li Muya before, he wouldn't have been sent to the school gate to greet

Chen Nan! After Ma Wenyuan left, Chen Nan calmed down: "With Bai Weiwei's personality, she will definitely tell Li Muya about smoking, if she doesn't dislike me, she should give me face, and turn big things into small things..."

"But now, she should wish that I would be embarrassed

in public!" "Count it as giving me a dismount

!" "Also hit Li Mu in the face with this behavior

!" "It seems that I have to refine some medicinal materials to quit

smoking!" "If Li Muya really wants me to show up in public, I can also become famous in one fell swoop!" Thinking

of this, Chen Nan suddenly became excited, and his spiritual power entered the Immortal Mansion to start developing drugs for smoking cessation!

!With his knowledge of medicinal materials, it is not difficult to develop drugs to quit


------ at the same time

! Li Muya also heard Bai Weiwei's report, and learned that Chen Nan was smoking at the door of the teaching building, and his delicate face suddenly showed an unconcealable chill!

I know about this, I will deal with it seriously!" Li Muya's face was expressionless, and her disgust for Chen Nan became more and more obvious

! In fact, when she first heard that she wanted to get a special admission, she was opposed in her heart! She


expect that Li Mu actually found the leader of Tsinghua University and asked for a special enrollment spot!

Walking out of the laboratory, Li Muya dialed Li Mu's phone, and after the phone was connected, he said coldly: "Do you know what the person you stuffed for me did today

?" "He smoked in front of the door of the teaching building, do you feel that he is excessive?" Li

Mu sighed: "Muya, I feel that smoking is normal!"

It's normal outside, but when you come to school, you have to abide by the school rules, and anyone who violates it will have to pay the price

!" Li Mu's heart trembled, and he couldn't help but ask: "And then?" A

cold light flashed in Li Muya's eyes: "Review in public, and promise to put an end to this kind of behavior in the future!" "

Grandma, do you want to be so ruthless?"

At this moment!

You must know that those five bigwigs all regard Chen Nan as their juniors

! Although it is a bit selfish to let him enter the medical school

, but if they learn that Chen Nan died on the spot on the first day of reporting, it is estimated that those few will be angry!

"Muya, listen to me, Chen Nan's body..." Just when Li Mu wanted to reveal something about Chen Nan's identity, Li Muya directly and ruthlessly hung up the phone!



master became angry because of this, he would definitely not stay in school with his heart

! At this time, he was ready to answer Chen Nan's phone and prepare to be scolded

! But unexpectedly, the phone never rang!

"Could it be that that guy already has a countermeasure to resolve this matter?"

"Otherwise, with his temper, he would have already broken his mouth and cursed, and even killed the door, right?" ------

The second layer of the Qingxian Mansion

! The speed of time passing here is different from the outside world, and only two hours have passed in the outside world in a day!

After all, which special student is not the proud son of heaven, and every word and deed can attract people's attention

! If he is a special student who is criticized in public for smoking on the first day of admission, let alone ordinary people look down on him!


dormitory door was rudely pushed open, and then a young man in his twenties, slightly rich, walked in exaggeratedly: "You are Chen Nan, right?

It's just that if you want to hit Xiaoye in the face, do you deserve it?

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