Under the expectant eyes of everyone

! A young man with a tall figure, sword eyebrows, and a masculine face with his hands in his pockets stepped on the podium in front of the lecture hall calmly! The

corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he had a beautiful arc

! It gave people a taste of unruliness

! As if he did not come from me to review, but came here to perform!

This is a very handsome young man!

It's just

that this guy has a cigarette in the corner of his mouth! Everyone sitting in the audience feels that their scalps are numb

! Is he crazy

? He actually has a cigarette in his mouth to review himself?

"Chen Nan, please pay attention to your words and deeds, throw away the cigarette in your mouth!" Li Muya looked indifferent, and there was an unconcealable anger in her eyes!

Yang Mingyu and the others also looked disappointed

! They did not expect that Chen Nan would actually take a cigarette to do self-examination

! This is clearly not realizing his mistake

! nor did he keep the school rules in his heart

! and he did not put everyone present in the eyes

! Even if he was a special student sent by the guarantee, this move was too arrogant

! What is shocking is that

Chen Nan actually took out a lighter!

He lit a cigarette and smoked it with intoxication under everyone's incredulous eyes

! Because smoking was reviewed in public, he himself has become a legend of Tsinghua!

But no one expected that he would light a cigarette on the podium before the review...


!" Li Muya stood up angrily: "Chen Nan, I don't know what specialty you were sent to Tsinghua because of your expertise, but if you don't take the school rules into account like this, our Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine can't tolerate you as a big Buddha

!" "I will inform the school leaders of your behavior, you can find another place!" The

others were shocked when they heard it!

"I was expelled on the first day of registration, this buddy really broke Tsinghua's record!"


is, he is a public review, he does not know how to repent, and he even smokes in the lecture hall in front of the whole family!"

Chen Nan had an innocent expression on his face: "Dean Li, just as the so-called everything has a cause, don't you want to know why I smoke in public

?" "It's not too much to give me a chance to explain

?" "If you kick me out of the Department of Chinese Medicine indiscriminately, aren't you afraid that the school leaders will have an opinion?"

"You have a minute to explain what you did!"

Although she didn't like Chen Nan, she also knew that without the consent of the school leader, he would not be able to become a special admission

! Even if she wanted to take the opportunity to expel him from the Chinese medicine department, she had to find a strong evidence!

Chen Nan smoked a cigarette and said with a smile: "Actually, I smoke just to relieve my inner tension and anxiety!"

"It's not good to be too showy

!" "But now, I don't have a choice!" Li Muya said coldly: "This is a self-examination, not a talk show scene!" Chen

Nan cleared his throat and said,

"I don't have a big addiction to smoking!" "Sometimes I don't smoke one a day

!" "And sometimes when the atmosphere comes, I will uncontrollably light one to relieve my inner emotions!"

Although I also know that smoking hurts my body

!" "But sometimes lighting a cigarette can make us find a moment of peace in this fast-paced life, study, and work

!" "Enough!" Li Muya did not hide her disgust for Chen Nan: "This is a self-review conference, not ...

Yang Mingyu interrupted Li Muya with a smile: "Dean Li, I feel that this guy has a deep understanding of cigarettes, you might as well listen to what he says!" Li Muya

glared at Chen Nan with an indifferent look! Chen Nan

nodded to Yang Mingyu with a smile, which was regarded as a greeting, and then continued: "As we all know, tobacco contains a lot of nicotine. "

This ingredient stimulates the sympathetic nerves and promotes the secretion of dopamine, which makes people feel very excited and relaxed."


our nerves have become dependent on the pleasure that nicotine brings us!"

Therefore, quitting smoking is not only to eliminate smoking

, in the final analysis, it is to cut off the brain's dependence on nicotine!" "And I, the reason why I smoke, is to understand how strong the brain's dependence on nicotine is!"


Muya sneered: "Listen to you say so, the reason why you do all this is to test the poison?"

Only, do you feel that what you said is too ridiculous to be convincing?

"Chen Nan asked rhetorically: "In ancient times, Shennong tasted hundred herbs and distinguished medicinal properties, why can't I test poison by myself and find a way to quit smoking

?" "As long as it is for scientific research, what is the fear of testing poison by body?" "

What I admire most in my life is not those stars in the entertainment industry, but those scientists who have contributed to the strength of our country!"

They worked hard in that difficult era, and developed powerful weapons for ten years

!"Spacecraft for landing on the moon

!" "Various vaccines have been developed

!""They are my light to move forward, guiding me forward!"

Although I Chen Nan is just an ordinary person, I also want to learn from them!" "

Is there anything wrong with this?"

If he insisted that smoking was for scientific research

, even Li Muya could not expel him! Sure enough, Li Muya's face suddenly turned green

! Chen Nan found out this statement that made her unable to refute it, even if she moved out of the school rules, she could not fire him!

After all, who can fire a scientific researcher who is dedicated to the people?


at Yang Mingyu and the others, a shallow smile appeared on their faces

! Not to mention, this guy is quite clever

! He turned passive into active, and his simple words left Li Muya speechless! This

exciting spirit alone is impressive

! Also! If

it were not for a certain ability, how could he guarantee Tsinghua?

Li Muya endured his anger and said: "After all, the paper is just empty talk, I want to know, when will your scientific research have eyebrows?" Chen

Nan showed a shy smile: "You may not believe it, I have developed a drug to quit smoking!"

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