Li Muya's mood is indeed very bad

! I thought that Chen Nan was a relationship family who trusted her and went through the back door

! But she never expected that he would develop a difficult problem that he had not yet solved

! This made her feel very uncomfortable

! Especially when Yang Lao asked her to take smoking cessation pills, she was immediately angry

! However, with her identity, she couldn't vent her anger

! After all, Yang Lao is also someone she respects!


smiled: "Life is short, it's good to have a hobby, after all, smoking can relieve stress at some point and make people relax!" Saying that, stepping on high heels, he left the lecture hall angrily!


Chen Nan replied, and

Elder Yang's face was full of relief: "I see that you are quite accomplished in the medical field of medicinal materials, I wonder if you are willing to come to my laboratory to work?"

Of course, if you can become a person in Yang Lao's laboratory, the welfare benefits are very good!

Chen Nan looked embarrassed: "I'm a freshman, how can He De become a person in your old laboratory, don't hide from you, I was lucky to develop smoking cessation pills, and it was because of this that I was sent to Tsinghua

!" "As for the knowledge of other medicinal herbs, there is still a lack of knowledge!" Yang

Lao was relieved, a little disappointed in his heart, but he didn't say much: " In that case, then you stay in the department and study hard, if you have any questions you don't understand, you can always ask me!"


other four old professors said one after another

! Even if Chen Nan's skills are not as strong as they imagined, but this guy's talent is very good

! They all want to get along well and grab it when he has the ability!

Using eighteen kinds of ordinary medicinal materials to develop smoking cessation pills, he directly became a popular figure in the department

! In particular, he was still very handsome

! Just after the five old professors left, the cheerful seniors of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine came forward one after another, wanting to add him to WeChat

! Who could refuse the enthusiasm of

the seniors? So! All the seniors looked at him with sour eyes! Being

escorted to Tsinghua itself was outstanding!

But this product was not only guaranteed, but also handsome

! and even developed smoking cessation pills

! It was very outrageous

! ------

go back

to the office! The more Li Muya thought about it, the more angry she became! The

research laboratory that cost tens of millions of dollars to set up a research and development team was established

! However, the problems that plagued them were easily overcome by Chen Nan!

So, she dialed Li Mu's phone and said after connecting: "Transfer 10 million to

me!" Li Mu smiled bitterly: "Grandma, are you here in the bank

?" "In other words, why did you let me transfer money?"

"I thought you called because of Chen Nan's affairs!"

It's because of him, so you have to transfer 10 million to me, otherwise don't blame me for telling my parents about your special job!" After

spending more than 10 million yuan to develop a drug to quit smoking, she couldn't let Li Mu pay this money? Li Mu couldn't

help but say: "Why are you so angry?

Is something wrong emotionally?" Li Muya asked impatiently: "10 million, can it not be turned?"

Li Mu said helplessly: "I'll transfer it to you, but, about my affairs, I hope you keep your mouth shut and don't tell your parents

!" "Also, listen to my brother's advice, stay away from Chen Nan!" Li

Muya snorted coldly: "Then you still arrange him to the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine?"

Forget it, this matter is not clear in a sentence or two, you just have to listen to me and stay away from that guy!" Li

Mu sighed, inexplicably feeling a sense of crisis!


"Brother Nan, can you push Huang Minmin's WeChat signal to me?" On

the way back to the dormitory, Sun Er was full of adoration and looked at Chen Nan with a flattering smile!

He has been secretly in love with Huang Minmin for a long time, and wants to develop into a boyfriend and girlfriend, but he has never had the contact information of the other party!


Nan picked up his mobile phone and sent a voice to Huang Minmin: "Senior sister, my roommate Sun Er has a secret crush on you and wants your contact information, can I ask him?"


soon as Chen Nan wanted to speak, he received a voice from Huang Minmin, with a hint of anger in his tone: "Senior brother, you are bad, do you still need to ask the girl's opinion about this kind of thing?"

Sun Er snorted

! No refusal, doesn't this mean that there is a drama? "Don't

say anything, I wish you two a noble son early!" Chen Nan sent a voice to Huang Minmin and pushed her WeChat to Sun Er!

The reason why he helped Sun Er confess was nothing more than to be a boat pusher

! He had already seen in the faces of the

two that the two had husband and wife! Even if he didn't help Sun Er poke that layer of window paper today, one day the two would come together! Sun Er

quickly added Huang Minmin's WeChat, and then plucked up the courage to say: "I know a good lobster restaurant, do you want to try it together?"

Huang Minmin replied

: "Okay!" Sun Er was excited like a child, and directly gave Chen Nan a warm hug: "Brother Nan, you are simply my lucky star, don't say anything, I'll bring you a supper tonight

!" "You kid has a conscience!"

Chen Nan took a cigarette!


, he stopped on the arch bridge on the artificial lake leading to the world, and frowned: "Do you feel that the temperature here is a little low?"


Er snorted, a trace of jealousy flashed in his eyes, and quickly said: "What, let's go back and talk about it

!" Although Chen Nan was curious, he didn't say much, and then the two returned

to the dormitory! After returning to the dormitory, Sun Er said seriously: "Brother Nan, you can't go to the artificial lake at night in the future, there are powerful ghosts!"

Although there are indeed powerful ghosts in the world, Tsinghua is a cultural temple! It

is a prosperous place, which is related to the luck of a country

! It is not a place where the glamorous eel can hide!

"Don't believe it, there are indeed dirty things here!" Sun Er had a solemn expression: "It is said that ten years ago, a girl who jumped into a lake there and committed suicide by jumping into a lake before our department, and there was a newly formed fetus in her womb when she died!"

After her death, the cries of women and children often sounded near the artificial lake!"

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