Chen Nan didn't expect to see Li Muya here

! What else did she expect to sit in front of Han Jinghui with a smile on her face

! It seems that the two are not just ordinary friends

, but more like lovers

! "Hiccup!" Chen

Nan felt

full! Not to eat, not to drink to support his stomach,

but to eat melons and eat too full!

Who would have thought that Han Jinghui secretly fell in love with students as a university teacher, and also made the other party pregnant

! On the other hand, he hooked up with Li Muya, the dean of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine! At this time, Li Muya's

afterglow from the corner of his eyes also saw Chen Nan, and he did not hide his inner disgust, "Jinghui, I don't want to eat crayfish again!"

Han Jinghui was full of smiles, like a licking dog

! "Good!"

Li Muya got up and left, without looking at Chen Nan during the whole process

! Chen Nan was a little entangled!

Do you want to tell Li Muya the identity of Han Jinghui's scumbag?

"But she is also Li

Mu's turtle sun's sister!" "If I pretend to turn a blind eye, I always feel sorry for Li Mu's turtle sun!"

Chen Nan didn't know what to do

! ------

at nine o'clock in the evening, Chen Nan returned to the medical school before the school closed!


an instant,

his originally listless eyes bloomed! The

whole person's momentum also underwent earth-shaking changes, like a long sword out of its sheath, and the sword qi was shocking

! "Come out, I have already seen you!" Chen

Nan's voice slowly sounded!

A black ghost qi gathered around, it turned out to be a female ghost holding a ghost baby, the other party was wearing a red cheongsam, long hair shawl

, and her face was pale! The ghost baby in her arms looked only two or three years old, white and fat

! It's just that the huge eyes, pitch black, without the slightest emotional fluctuation

! It was creepy!

"I thought that the rumors of the Chinese medicine department were false, but I didn't expect it to be true!" Chen Nan's eyes were complicated: " Why don't you stay here and not

reincarnate?" The female ghost's eyes were cold: "That negative man killed our mother and son and didn't make him pay, how can I be willing to reincarnate

?" "Say, what is your relationship with Han Jinghui

?" "Why do you have his breath on you

?" "Did he invite you to get rid of me?"

When the words fell, the ghost baby in her arms erupted into a monstrous anger!


a series of question marks flashed in Chen Nan's mind, he didn't expect that this female ghost was actually related to Han Jinghui

! Looking at the fierce ghost baby in her arms, Chen Nan's eyes flashed with disdain: "Listen to my advice, don't make trouble, even if you mother and son make a move, it is impossible to defeat me!" "

If you don't believe it, you can try!" Speaking of this, a faint yellow merit power permeated his body!

The woman and the ghost baby in her arms were full of horror, and instantly disappeared

on the arch bridge! Although they had already turned into powerful ghosts, they could also feel the terrifying breath on Chen Nan's body, if Chen Nan wanted to kill them, he could make their mother and son disappear with a raised hand! Chen Nan

sat on the arch bridge casually, his feet gently shaking like a pendulum: "Come out and tell me your story, you should know that Han Jinghui can't move me at all!"

The reason why I have his breath on me is mainly

because I ate in a restaurant before!" His voice echoed in the night

, but the female ghost did not appear!

"I hope you don't know how to lift!" Chen Nan's eyes flashed a cold light: "The country has spent so much energy and money, just to promote

Chinese medicine!" "And because of the existence of your mother and son, it has already invisibly affected the luck of the Chinese medicine department!"

This is also the root cause of the decline of the Chinese medicine department

!" "If you don't know how to lift, I don't mind destroying your mother and son!" "If

you tell me what happened to you at this time, I may be able to help you get an explanation!"

Chen Nan lit a cigarette

: "I will do what I say!" The figure of the female ghost slowly condensed in front of Chen Nan's eyes, and she said nervously: "Master Immortal, my name is Miao Qin, I am a student of the 10th class of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and I am also Han Jinghui's first love

!" "We are both from the same county and both were admitted to the medical school with excellent grades!"

"Although we are not in the same department, we both see each other a lot in private!"

"I thought we had a good relationship, and it wasn't until I became pregnant that I realized that our relationship was not as strong as I thought..."

"After I became pregnant, I found Han Jinghui with great interest and told him about my pregnancy

!" "My idea is very simple, take a break from school, and then come back to study when my child goes to kindergarten

!" "I also know that there are very few people like me, but I am different from ordinary people

!" "If I give birth to this child, I can't be a mother in this life

!" "And it's normal for college students to get married and have children, I don't think I'm wrong with this approach!"

"But I was opposed by Han Jinghui

!" "He didn't allow me to give birth to that child, and said it would ruin his ideals

!" "He even said that as long as he can be with me, it doesn't matter if he has children or not

!" "At that time, my inner thoughts were shaken

!" "He saw through my thoughts, didn't force me, and gave me three days to think about it

!" "Three days later, he asked me here!"

Speaking of this, Miao Qin's eyes actually flowed with tears, perhaps the ghost baby in her arms felt her mother's emotions and let out a harsh cry in the night!

"I have already made the decision to give up my improper mother, I even contacted the hospital and waited for dawn to do the abortion!" "

However, I didn't expect that Han Jinghui would hold me and cry after seeing

me!" "He said he was sorry for me!"

He said he didn't want to marry a wife and

have children now!" "He also said that he couldn't accept that I couldn't have children!" "Huh

!" "My heart was broken at that time!" "

I didn't expect that even if I gave up my qualifications to be a mother, in exchange for his false repentance!"

But he

didn't give me a chance!" "He pushed me off the arch bridge right where you are, making our mother and son the unjust souls in this lake

!" "You asked me before why you stayed here and didn't go to reincarnation!"

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