Chen Nan thought for a while and said, "Maybe, I don't want to see beautiful women being bullied!"

"Well, that's right!"

Ye Wanzhi smirked: "So, you have a broad chest and are a sea king?"

Chen Nan shrugged undeniably: "I feel that Sea King is not a derogatory term!" After all, not everyone can become Aquaman! "

Say you're fat, you're still breathing?" Ye Wanzhi gave Chen Nan a roll of his eyes, and then said, "Thank you for doing this for me!" "

If you still wonder why Chen Nan stayed in Ice City before!

At that moment, the mystery in her heart was also revealed!

The reason why he stayed in the ice city was not just to reunite himself with his family and relax for a few days!

And it's not just about fulfilling promises with mom!

It's more to prevent Fan Ruyan from coming back to take revenge on her!

"You shouldn't say that I'm not an opponent of the Fan family, questioning me and other lines, right?" Chen Nan was smoking a cigarette with an unruly look!

Interpret the ruffian to the fullest!

Ye Wanzhi: "I have been educated not to let me say such brainless words!" "

She knows!

At the moment when Chen Nan shot out to kill the Fan Family cultivator!

Leaving Fan Ruyan and the others in Daxing'anling did not kill them all!

Chen Nan was already ready to face the Fan family's revenge!

Although she didn't know how strong Chen Nan's strength was among the cultivators!

But according to her understanding of Chen Nan, he should have already thought of a way to deal with it!


went to the hotel first to take a shower and change clothes!

After that, the two returned to the Ye family with their suitcases!

Father and mother Ye are busy in the kitchen!

Old man Ye was listening to Huangmei play!

For Chen Nan's visit again, the three of them were very happy!

A moment later, a sumptuous dinner table appeared on the table!

Father Ye carried a bucket of medicinal wine and placed it in front of the dining table, looking at the amount of twenty or thirty catties, there were ginseng, wolfberries, and many medicinal herbs that Chen Nan had never seen!

Father Ye smiled and said, "Chen Nan, can you drink it?"

"See what you said? How can such a big guy not drink it? Ye Mu rolled her eyes, then picked up the wine glass and poured a cup of medicinal wine for Chen Nan!

Ye Mu said: "Xiao Chen, drink, drink hard, anyway, there is a place to live at home, even if you drink too much, you are not afraid!"

Chen Nan was a little restrained: "My amount of wine is not good, since Uncle Ye has taken out the wine, I will accompany you and the old man to drink a little!" "

The couple is overjoyed!

If you drink well, how else will our plan be implemented?

What you want is that you have a poor amount of alcohol, and you will pour it as soon as you drink it!

This is how the raw rice can be cooked into mature rice!

"Girl, you have worked hard in Daxing'anling during this time, so let's have a drink to relieve your fatigue! This is your father's carefully brewed medicinal wine, and it is full of good things! Ye Mu said and poured a small cup for Ye Wanzhi, about two or two!

Ye Wanzhi did not refuse, after all, staying in Daxing'anling these days is really tiring!

Now her bones seem to be falling apart!

Everyone toasts!

The spicy taste of the medicinal wine deeply stimulated Chen Nan's taste buds, and after swallowing it, it felt like swallowing a flame!

At first, there was some discomfort, but after a while, there was a warm current in the stomach rushing to the limbs, and there was also a special sweetness in the mouth, as well as the unique fragrance of medicinal herbs!

"How? My medicinal wine is good, right? Father Ye's face was full of pride: "This is made by soaking dozens of precious medicinal herbs, plus deer antler velvet and tiger whip, which is definitely a good product for nourishing the body!"

Chen Nan praised: "Energetic!"

"Come and come, try the goose stew made by Auntie!"

For Chen Nan, the Ye family likes it very much!

First, the handsomeness of the people is extraordinary!

Second, the ability is outstanding!

They had heard about Chen Nan's development of smoking cessation pills!

I also know that he is the deputy leader of the hepatitis B specific drug research and development team!

Although it is currently under development!

But everyone knows that this special drug will definitely be successfully developed!

Chen Nan had this kind of achievement at a young age, and his future achievements will definitely be outrageous!

Even if Ye Wanzhi is their heart, they are proud of their treasure!

But touching her chest and saying matter-of-factly, if she can be with Chen Nan, it will definitely be Ye Family Gaopan!

Plus he is not arrogant and impetuous, humble and courteous!

Who doesn't like this kind of person?

After a meal, Chen Nan didn't even stretch out his chopsticks to clamp the dish!

Whenever the dishes on his plate were almost finished, Ye Mu would fill them with male chopsticks!

This treatment, not to mention the son-in-law, even if Ye Wanzhi did not enjoy it!

Chen Nan said that he had a small amount of alcohol!

But as it turned out, he was modest!

A person who drinks more than a pound is not red and breathless!

Seeing that his mother also poured wine for Chen Nan, Ye Wanzhi was slightly displeased: "Mom, drinking hurts your body, it's almost okay!"

"Bar in a cup!"

Chen Nan was a little embarrassed!

In fact, he guessed what the old couple thought!

Because he can feel the vibrity of this medicinal effect!

You don't have to think about it!

The old couple should be hoping to promote themselves and Ye Wanzhi!

For their thoughts, Chen Nan can only be said to be well-intentioned!

After the meal, Ye Mu rejected Chen Nan's idea of cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks!

With a smile, he said, "Isn't your school's graduation party about to start?" Let's go to Wanzhi's room and watch the live broadcast!

"Okay then!"

Chen Nan compromised and followed Ye Wanzhi to her bedroom, the room was not big!

Although she didn't come back for a long time, her mother helped her clean her room every other day!

The pink futon looks a little kawaii!

It can be seen that Ye Wanzhi also has a girl's heart!

"Hmm, grab a snack!" Ye Wanzhi wore a pale pink slip dress and put snacks and fruit plates on the computer desk!

Because I drank more than two taels of medicinal wine before, my face looked red!

The two sat side by side at the computer desk waiting for the graduation party to begin!

This graduation party is limited to insiders online!

Nine o'clock in the evening!

The graduation party has officially begun!

Gorgeous dance, shocking sound effects!

Not inferior to the party held by some satellite TV!

"Originally, we could go to the scene to watch, if we watched it live, it should be more shocking!" Ye Wanzhi clicked and ate potato chips!

Chen Nan said softly: "It's good to go to the scene to see, but in this way, it shouldn't be you who is sitting next to me!" "

As a scumbag, although he does not take the initiative, does not refuse, and is not responsible!

But when the time is right, you have to say something heartwarming!

A blush quietly rose on Ye Wanzhi's cheeks!

Like a bright red rose!

People can't help but want to get close and smell its floral scent!

It was precisely because of Chen Nan's words just now that Ye Wannei's desire for the opposite sex was ignited!

Plus medicinal wine on top!

She actually had some imagination!


She shook her head and made herself a lot more sober!

Immediately, the corners of his mouth rose, and an intriguing smile appeared: "If I'm not mistaken, you were deliberately injured by Tang He last time, right?"

"What is your purpose in doing that?"

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