It's a pity!

Not only did Chen Nan not attend Tsinghua's graduation party!

I didn't even see the webcast in front of my computer!

After all, he has something to do!


Or watched Tang He's performance through the replay!

Although he is not very interested!

But Tang He also represents the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine!

As a person in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, you still have to pay more or less attention to Tang He's performance on the stage!

His show highlights the importance of acupuncture points!

Take this as a gimmick!

After all, since ancient times, medicine and martial arts have not divided families!

After taking the stage, he launched a fierce attack on the vice president of Sanda!

The opponent's strength is good, but this battle is no room to fight back!

It was completely rubbed by Tang He on the ground!

This battle can also be regarded as making a name for the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine!

At least it caused a lot of repercussions in the school!

But Chen Nan knows!

If you want to promote TCM, this alone is simply not enough!

This is nothing more than pediatrics!


the dimly lit room, Ye Wanzhi's hair was slightly messy and leaned on Chen Nan's side: "I thought that the happiness of women and women together is no different from that of men!"

Chen Nan asked, "And then?"

"It's so much worse!" Ye Wanzhi said: "Although there are many simulated props, they are missing... Temperature!


"Lack of temperature!"

"Like a jug of water!"

"Can't make people boil!"

"But... There are also some regrets!

"What regret?" Chen Nan frowned, he had been abstinent for a month, and he thought that his performance tonight was still very good.

Ye Wanzhi also realized that he had said the wrong thing, and said with a red face: "I'm not saying that your ability is not good, you are very strong and fierce, mainly..." It's a bit hard to let go at home! "

She has been restraining her emotions!

I'm afraid to make too much noise!

Hearing this, Chen Nan almost laughed: "Then what to do?"

Ye Wanzhi asked cautiously, "Or, let's go live outside?"


Chen Nan promised to come down!

It's not just that Ye Wanzhi can't let go!

Even he is gentleman and gentle!

Control the wildness of the heart!


Ye Wanzhi quickly got up and put on his clothes, and left the bedroom with Chen Nan!

In the living room, Ye Mu was watching TV, saw the two come out, and said with a smile: "Do you want me to prepare some supper for the two of you?"

Ye Wanzhi was embarrassed and wanted to find a seam to drill into, and said angrily: "Are you so interesting?" So what, I went out with Chen Nan, and I may not come back tonight! "

Go, go, go!"

Ye Mu smiled and waved her hand!

Seeing her daughter and Chen Nan coming together, she felt happy in her heart!


half an hour later!

Chen Nan and Ye Wanzhi came to the presidential suite of a five-star hotel!

Dry firewood, finally meet the fire!

This time!

The two completely let go of their bodies and minds!

Not afraid of being heard at all!

Ye Wanzhi also tasted the joy of being a woman!


Ye Wanzhi's mobile phone rang, and a strange phone was displayed on it!

"Big night, who will call?" Ye Wanzhi frowned, but still connected the phone, after all, this mobile phone number belongs to show Bingcheng!


"Where are you now? Is it with Chen Nan? Fan Ruyan's icy voice entered Ye Wanzhi's ears, like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, making her instantly forget her previous pleasure and happiness!

A sense of foreboding arises in my heart!

Although she had thought that Fan Ruyan would most likely come back!

But when she came back, her heart was still full of tension and panic!

Because she didn't know how Fan Ruyan would take revenge on them!

Chen Nan took Ye Wanzhi's mobile phone and said coldly: "Being able to come back shows that your life is great, shouldn't you want to seek revenge on me?"

Fan Ruyan said: "Tell me your location, I will send someone to give you a gift, then you will know what my attitude is!" Chen

Nan told the other party the name of the hotel and the room number!

He is not afraid of the other party's ghosting!

Regardless of the conspiracy, the yang conspiracy!

Half an hour later!

The doorbell rings!

Chen Nan opened the door with a bath towel, and saw a boxy wooden box made of sandalwood outside!

Hold your hands together, it feels very weighty!

After Chen Nan returned to the house, Ye Wanzhi couldn't help but ask, "What is this?"

Chen Nan shook his head, and then opened the wooden box!


Seeing the bloody head inside, Ye Wanzhi let out a terrified scream: "It's Uncle Xie, it's Uncle Xie, they actually killed Uncle Xie..."

"Oh my God, why is that?"

"Why would they kill an ordinary person?"

Speaking of this, tears welled up in my eyes!

She knew that Fan Ruyan was very likely to retaliate after she came out!

But he didn't expect to kill Xie Qiang!


A terrifying murderous aura erupted in Chen Nan's body!

Let the temperature of the room plummet by more than ten degrees!

He is like a killing god who came out of hell!

It seems that this world can be destroyed with a wave of his hand!

"Fan family, it's too !! to deceive people" A cold and endless killing intent voice sounded in Chen Nan's throat!

Eyes full of blood!

He made an agreement with Xie Qiang that he would have time to drink here in the future!

It was also said that the special effect drug was delivered to Xie Qiang as soon as it was developed!

But he never dreamed that Pangu Station's farewell would become a farewell!

Kick oneself!



A variety of emotions filled Chen Nan's heart!

Especially Xie Qiang's appearance of dying without blindness, like an invisible blade stabbing into his heart!

This feeling almost suffocated him!

"It's all my fault, it's all to blame, I shouldn't have interceded with you for Fan Ruyan, if you had killed them at that time, Uncle Xie would not have died tragically!" Ye Wanzhi cried silently!

"Nope!" Chen Nan gritted his teeth and said, "Blame me, if my heart is a little cruel and kill them, things won't be like this!"

Speaking of this, he took a deep breath and looked at the strange and familiar face in the wooden box: "Uncle Xie, I Chen Nan swear to heaven to kill the Fan family and avenge you!"

"If you violate this oath, you will not die well if you strike thunder in the sky!"


A thunder exploded over the hotel!

Chen Nan trembled and stretched out his right hand, allowing Xie Qiang to blind!


Ye Wanzhi's mobile phone rang!

It's still the same number as before!

Chen Nan directly pressed the answer button, and the next moment there was a playful laugh from inside: "Isn't it very sad, sad?"

"Isn't it angry?"

"This is the price of being an enemy of me!"

"Chen Nan, you are too soft-hearted!"

"You should be ruthless, if you kill me in Daxing'anling, how can Xie Qiang die a tragic death?"

She laughed unscrupulously, provoking Chen Nan's bottom line!

Crazy temptation on the brink of death!

Chen Nan forcibly controlled the killing intent in his heart, gritted his teeth and said: "Fan Ruyan, you will know the end of being an enemy with me!"

"Didn't you say I was soft-hearted?"

"Then I will use the lives of everyone in your Fan family to sacrifice Uncle Xie's spirit in the sky!"

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