Take a deep breath!

Fan Ruyan said in a low voice: "People cannot be resurrected after death, I am willing to apologize to Xie Qiang's children and compensate them with a compensation that is enough for them to have no worries in this life!" "

Fan Ruyan is arrogant though!

But I also know the truth of leaving Aoyama without worrying about firewood!


Chen Nan slapped her and withdrew several meters, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of her mouth!

"You think I don't know what you're thinking?" Chen Nan's eyes were indifferent: "A femme fatale-hearted woman like you will not admit her mistake at all, and even if she does, it is just a stopgap measure!"

"If I'm not mistaken, do you want to move the rescuers after you go back and take revenge?"

"No, I really realized my mistake!" Fan Ruyan's face was pale, she never expected that Chen Nan would see through her heart's truest thoughts!

"Don't worry, I won't kill you today!" Chen Nan forcibly controlled the killing intent in his heart, and said coldly: "I heard that on the side of Bingcheng, a funeral will be held on the third day after death!"

"That's tomorrow!"

"Let's go!"

"Go back and tell your father, let him take everyone in your Fan family and wear linen and wear filial piety to attend Uncle Xie's funeral!"

"If I don't see your Fan family before eight o'clock tomorrow morning, I will kill a child of your Fan family every half hour!"

Fan Ruyan was furious: "Let our whole family give Xie Qiang a filial piety?" Are you really deceiving me that there is no one in the Fan family? What qualifications does an untouchable like an ant have for my Fan family to wear linen and filial piety for him? "

As the number one giant in Ice City, the Fan family has always been superior!

Let them wear linen and filial piety to an ordinary person like Xie Qiang, if it really spreads, how will the face remain?

"If you don't listen, I will kill your Fan family!" Chen Nan spat out thunder: "Get out!" "


The terrifying momentum made Fan Ruyan's mouth spit out blood and flew out!

"The surname is Chen, let's walk and see, one day I will kill you!" Fan Ruyan covered her chest and fled in embarrassment!

Looking at Xie Lei, Chen Nan sighed: "Xie Lei, don't blame me for letting her go back, I just want her to pass a message to the Fan family!"

"After all, if the son does not teach the father's fault, the Fan family will have to pay for Fan Ruyan's actions!"

Xie Lei knelt in front of Chen Nan and burst into tears: "I hope Brother Chen will help our family get justice!"

"Take Uncle Xie's head and return to Pangu Town!" Chen Nan couldn't bear to look!


then Chen Nan and the others left the ice city and headed towards Pangu Town!

Li Mu and Chen Nan sat in the Audi car behind!

Li Mudao: "The situation of the Fan family is clear, Fan Ruyan's father Fan Zhigang is the chairman of the Fan Family Foundation, in addition, the Fan family has a total of thirty-six descendants!"

"Four of them are studying abroad!"

"The other thirty-four people are all living and working in Bingcheng!"

"In addition to these, the Fan family also has ten cultivators, of which there are nine masters in the middle and late stages of foundation building!"

"And a strong man in the first layer of the Golden Pill Period!"

Chen Nan nodded slightly, pondered for a moment, and said, "Can you let people control the four clansmen of the Fan family studying abroad?"

Li Mu: "Normally, you can't!"

"Even if you have merit in rescuing Wuyang City, the guardian cannot be a tool for you to take revenge!"

"Stop inkblotting, say it quickly!" Chen Nan said impatiently!

He knew that Li Mu had something to say!

Li Mudao: "Xie Qiang took you to Daxing'anling to find wild Siberian tigers for free, and made indelible contributions to the development of hepatitis B specific drugs!"

"It's not too much to say heroes!"

"For the sake of this, I can let people control the Fan family's clansmen overseas!"

Chen Nan: "You still have a bit of a conscience!"

"Of course I have a conscience!" Li Mu looked disdainful: "Unlike some people, they don't forget to pick flowers on business trips!" Scum, garbage!

"If people like you die, they will go to hell!"

"There is something you may not know, it is your sister who wants to match me and Wanzhi!" A smile appeared on Chen Nangujing Wubo's face: "Speaking of which, I should thank your sister!"

"Well, your sister is my strongest wingman!"

Li Mu was embarrassed and angry: "You fucking shut up, Laozi doesn't want to talk to you!" "


at the same time!

Fan Ruyan also returned to the Fan family!

"Girl, why is your face swollen? Who hurt you? Seeing

his daughter so embarrassed, Fan Zhigang was furious: "Didn't I send two Foundation Building Period masters to protect you?" Where are they? How can you be subjected to such damage?

Fan Ruyan howled: "Dad, those two masters were killed by Chen Nan!" "


Fan Zhigang stood up suddenly, his eyes flashing with deep shock!

He knew that Chen Nan was a cultivator and his strength was extraordinary, and he had killed two Fan family offerings in Daxing'anling before!

Unexpectedly, the two strong men sent out this time still died in the hands of Chen Nan!

Those are two strong people in the middle and late stages of foundation building!

"Who the hell is this guy? Why is there such terrifying strength at such a young age? "Fan Zhigang's eyes are deep and cold, and he can kill a master of the late stage of foundation building at a young age!

This kind of person has to be guarded against!

"Okay, leave him alone!" Fan Zhigang said softly: "Since the other party let you come back, it means that they are afraid of my Fan family and are not willing to be enemies with us!"

"If that's the case, then let's each take a step back!"

Fan Ruyan gritted her teeth and said, "Dad, Chen Nan let me come back, not because he was afraid of our Fan family, but because I asked me to pass a word to you!"

Fan Zhigang frowned: "What to say?"

Fan Ruyan said in a low voice: "Chen Nan asked you to take the whole family of my Fan family to Pangu Town tomorrow morning, put on a filial piety for Xie Qiang, and send him the end!" "


Fan Zhigang was furious: "A junior, he actually despises the authority of my Fan family like this, is he a soft persimmon when I am a Fan family?"

"He Xie Qiang is just an ant, this kind of person kills and kills, let's give him a linen and a filial piety?" Does he deserve it?

Fan Ruyan nodded repeatedly: "I said the same, but Chen Nan said that if you can't take your clansmen to the funeral site before eight o'clock tomorrow morning, you will kill a disciple of my Fan family every half hour!"

"This surnamed Chen is too deceitful! If you don't unload him, it will be difficult to eliminate the hatred in my heart! Fan Zhigang gritted his teeth, and his facial features became extremely hideous!

A terrifying anger erupted!

As the chairman of the first giant of Bingcheng, he controls the economic lifeline of the entire Bingcheng!

But whenever he is in Bingcheng, anyone who sees him must call Mr. Fan in good manners!

And now!

A junior named Chen Nan ignored it and trampled on the dignity of the Fan family!

How could he endure?

Fan Ruyan said viciously: "Dad, in my opinion, all the offerings in the family should be sent!"

"Let them go to Pangu Town together to kill Chen Nan!"

"To deal with Chen Nan, it is enough to send a strong person in the foundation building period!" A trace of disdain flashed in Fan Zhigang's eyes: "He, it's not worth the Jindan period powerhouse!" "

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