The other eight Foundation Building Period powerhouses also had numb scalps!

A monstrous wave rose in my heart!

In terms of strength alone, the eight of them combined may not be able to hurt Chen Nan!

Not to mention, he also possessed nine spirit weapons!

Kill him?


They also want to!

But the strength does not allow ah!

Without much thought, the nine people quickly rushed towards the south!


"It's too late!"

Chen Nan's eyes flashed with astonishing killing intent, and he said to Li Mu: "Cover your ears!" "

You can see the divine power of Jiuqu!! Li Mu's eyes were hot, Jiuqu was given to Chen Nan by him, although he also knew that Jiuqu was very strong!

But how powerful it is, he doesn't know!

Chen Nan squeezed his hands with both hands: "Divine death!" "


Under Chen Nan's control, Jiuqu turned into one afterimage after another and flew towards the direction where Tonglan and the others fled!

The nine flying swords cut through the void, using the void as the string, playing a heavenly note that made the scalp numb and the soul painful!


The nine people fleeing suddenly fell to the ground holding their heads!

The sound emitted by the nine songs was pervasive and deeply stimulated their souls!

It was as if countless reptiles had pried open their skulls and wanted to enter their minds along the gap and devour their brain pulp!

This pain is extreme!

There are simply no words to describe it!

Chen Nan squeezed his hands with both hands: "Broken soul!" "

Nine flying swords soared into the sky, cutting through the void and emitting an even more piercing melody!

It can be seen that one after another materialized sound waves and voids fused into one, spreading in the air, engulfing the nine people!

And at the moment when the nine people were engulfed, bursts of blood mist erupted from the nine people's seven tips!

Even that so-called powerhouse of the great consummation of the foundation building period could hardly resist Chen Nan's attack!

In an instant, the nine people died and disappeared!

"This is too strong, right?" Li Mu swallowed his saliva wildly, and his heart could not calm down for a long time!


Jiuqu flew back into Chen Nan's body, he lit a cigarette and said lightly: "The most powerful thing about Jiuqu is not just the nine flying swords, but the spatial fluctuations generated when tearing space!"

"This spatial fluctuation can affect people in the same space!"

Li Mu suddenly realized: "So it is!"

Chen Nan: "You understand?"

Li Mu's face was full of contempt: "Don't underestimate our understanding, okay?" You think you're a genius in the world?

"Actually, I just made it up!" Chen Nan walked towards the corpse in the distance!

"Made up?" The corners of Li Mu's mouth twitched, you are really not a thing!




Chen Nan was holding a cigarette and holding a gentleman's sword!

Slash by sword!

Nine bloody heads also appeared on the ground!

"Do yourself a favor and let people send these nine heads to the Fan family!"

Chen Nan took a puff of smoke: "If Fan Zhigang sees these heads, he will be able to come to Uncle Xie's spiritual hall before eight o'clock tomorrow!"

Li Mu shook his head helplessly, feeling sorry for the Fan family!

It's not good for you to offend anyone, you have to offend this guy Chen Nan!

I hope you are sensible and obediently come to wear linen and wear filial piety!

Otherwise, the Bingcheng Fan family is very likely to disappear into the world!


three in the morning!

Fan Zhigang sat in the study and smoked like a fog!

Before that, I fell asleep at ten o'clock at night!

But today it is difficult to sleep!

Although he also knew that the nine Foundation Building Period powerhouses would definitely be captured!

But there is a faint uneasiness in my heart!

Knock knock!

The door of the study was knocked, and the housekeeper walked in with a solemn expression and a trace of panic: "Sir, something happened!"

Fan Zhigang frowned: "What happened?"

The butler swallowed nervously and said, "Come out with me to take a look!" "

Fan Zhigang got up and followed the butler to the door of the Fan family's mansion!

At this time, nine wooden boxes appeared side by side!

Seeing these nine wooden boxes, Fan Zhigang's heart trembled!

Why nine wooden boxes?

Especially seeing the blood oozing out of the bottom of the wooden box deeply stimulated his soul!

"Open, open!"

Fan Zhigang roared angrily!


The butler opened the wooden box in horror!


See bloody heads in wooden boxes!

Fan Zhigang suddenly had a feeling of five thunders hitting the top!

These are all offerings of the Fan family!

He never dreamed that these nine people would all die in Chen Nan's hands when they shot at the same time!

And someone sent his head back to the Fan family in this way!

This is provoking the dignity of the Fan family, as well as the bottom line!

"Dad, what's wrong?"

Fan Ruyan came when he heard the news!

When she saw those nine bloody, dead heads!

The pupils revealed an unconcealable shock!

But more still puzzled: "Dad, didn't you say that these people are masters?" In that case, why was he killed by Chen Nan?

Fan Zhigang's face was gloomy: "We underestimated Chen Nan's strength!"

"He's stronger than we thought!"

"If not, the nine worshippers would not have died tragically in his hands!"

Fan Ruyan swallowed his saliva wildly!

This moment!

She realized Chen Nan's terrible!

Knowing this, she categorically did not dare to be an enemy with Chen Nan!

And now!

The Fan family has no way out!

"Dad, what are we going to do?" Fan Ruyan asked uneasily!

Fan Zhigang took a deep breath and gritted his teeth and said, "Although Chen Nan's strength is very strong, my Fan family has a strong person in the Golden Pill Period!" "

Under the golden pill are all ants!"

"As long as Chen Nan dares to come, he will definitely let him come and go!"

Hearing this, the fear in Fan Ruyan's heart disappeared a little!

The strength of the strong people in the Golden Pill Period is not something that mortals can imagine!

Even if Chen Nan could kill nine Foundation Building Period powerhouses?

Time passes slowly!

Although the Fan family has a Jindan period powerhouse sitting in town!

But all the fact that the foundation building period worship was killed still shrouded the huge Fan family in a haze and oppressive atmosphere!

So much so that no one even spoke at breakfast!

"Chen Nan killed more than ten worshippers of my clan, everyone knows about this, right?" Fan Zhigang looked at the dozen or so clansmen in the restaurant: "This person is like a mad dog, no one knows what means he has!"

"And he once said that if we don't go and give Xie Qiang a filial piety before eight o'clock, he will kill a son of my clan every half hour!"

"So, call your children and ask them all to return to the family!"

He was afraid that Chen Nan would move their people!

Escape danger when you return home!

Right now!

The hanging bell emitted eight melodious bell chimes!

It's like death ringing the death knell!

Inexplicably, the atmosphere of the scene became weird!

It was at this time that the second elder, Fan Zhiwei, received a mysterious phone call and exclaimed: "What? You kidnapped my son? "

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