It's just that the monitoring content is in a paused state!

Li Muya was heavy: "Before playing this VCR, it is necessary to tell everyone about the danger of live experiments!"

"The development of any drug will be accompanied by many difficulties, especially in the final stage of in vivo experiments!"

"Compared with other diseases, blood diseases are more risky experimentally!"

"And the CN3 vaccine we developed has a mortality rate of 97%!"

"That is, there is only a three-percent chance of success!"

"But under the premise of only a three-percent success rate, there are people who fight hard for scientific research!"

"There are rules in the medical community that live experiments cannot be done with humans!"

"But there are always people who are desperate!"

"I am ready to sacrifice my life for scientific research!"

"It was he who verified the success of the CN3 vaccine at the cost of his life!"

Words fall!

The video on the big screen behind him has started!

In the shot, Li Muya and others are anxiously waiting!

Then Chen Nan appeared!

Li Muya asked, "Didn't you say that you would bring a living specimen this morning?" Where are the living specimens?

Chen Nan: "I am!"

Li Muya: "What do you mean?"

Chen Nan: "I was infected with the hepatitis B virus last night!" "

When I hear this!

Countless people feel their scalps burst!

No one expected that Chen Nan would take the initiative to be infected with the hepatitis B virus!


"Although there are international regulations, human experiments are not allowed on living people!"

"But shouldn't this rule be broken without a living object?"

"Is the life of one person important, or the lives of tens of thousands of people?"

"Countless ancestors can throw their heads and blood, can't we have a little risk spirit?"

"Okay, let's all go about their own business!"

Speaking of this, he strode to the refrigerator, took out the developed vaccine, and entered the living laboratory, locking himself inside!

This moment!

Countless people are moved!

They couldn't imagine that a young man in full bloom could have such a fearless dedication!

Moreover, he was calm from beginning to end!

As if ready to sacrifice at any time!

This spirit is admirable!

It's worth people learning!

Perhaps his behavior will be criticized and attacked by the WHO!

But in everyone's hearts, Chen Nan is a well-deserved hero!

After ------

, there was a picture of Chen Nan's face full of livid blue, falling to the ground and convulsing!

This makes countless people worry!

Li Muya said: "Actually, I don't want to play this video, because I personally don't like this content, and I'm afraid that someone will take it out of context!"

"But for the rigor of the experiment, it had to be played!"

"Well, yes, your heroes also have bad tastes!"

After learning about Chen Nan's bad taste, many people loved and hated him!

Everyone else cares about you, but you pretend to be suffocating?

It's really underwhelming!

If you think about it, isn't this what a young man in his twenties should do?

Who isn't a child yet?

After that, comes the time-lapse video!

Record Chen Nan's life in the laboratory for five days!

The video ended, and the scene broke out into thunderous applause!

Many people are shouting Chen Nan's name, hoping that he can speak on stage!

Li Muya said, "That guy doesn't like this kind of occasion, so he has already left!" "

Everyone was impressed!

Don't fight for fame and fortune, this is a noble character!

"Back to business!"

"After the complete success of the human experiment, we found two more hepatitis B patients, who are not only a pair of siblings, but also the sons and daughters of the hero Xie Qiang!"

"We injected CN3 vaccine into their bodies separately, and within ten hours of being injected into their bodies, all hepatitis B viruses were killed!"

When the words fell, Xie Wen appeared on the big screen behind her, and the blood sample report of Xie Lei's sisters and brothers was compared!

You can see at a glance that they have become normal people!

Li Muya continued: "Although there were a series of accidents in this live experiment, fortunately, we developed the CN3 vaccine!

"That's what this press conference is about!"

"I'm done reporting!"

With that, she bowed and stepped down!

Just as Li Muya's front foot stepped off the stage, countless mineral water bottles smashed towards Xue Ruiwen on the podium!

"Smashing this dog thing, if he hadn't killed the rhesus monkey, how could Chen be in danger?"

"It's too cheap to smash him, you have to cut him by a thousand cuts!"

"I never thought that people could be as bad as him!"

"He doesn't deserve to be a human being at all!"


A group of policemen swarmed and said, "Xue Ruiwen, we have received a report that you have embezzled public funds, abused your power for personal gain during your tenure as the head of the Department of Western Medicine, and are suspected of a variety of crimes, and now the evidence is conclusive, please follow us back to be investigated!" "


The cold silver handcuffs were worn on Xue Ruiwen's wrists!

Although he didn't know why the police had that information!

But he knows!

My life is over...

What awaits him will be jail time!


at the same time!

Chen Nan and Xie Lei left Tsinghua's side!

Although Li Muya said to let him speak on stage, he didn't like to show his face!

I don't like to be a household name!

If he could be recognized walking on the street, he would feel very uncomfortable!

As if thousands of pairs of eyes were staring at him, he had to pay attention to his words and deeds at all times!

Might as well be an ordinary person!

It happened that Xie Lei was resting today, and Chen Nan planned to take him to the place where Xie Wen worked!

After all, he hadn't gone to the place where Xie Wen worked!


The driver listened to the radio from the car and said endlessly: "This classmate Chen is really a god man, not only invented smoking cessation pills, but even developed hepatitis B kits, and also defeated Western medicine some time ago, and now it is even more awesome, directly developed the CN3 vaccine!"

"This vaccine can really change the lives of hundreds of millions of people and reduce the incidence of cancer!"

"Hey, little brother, I look a little familiar at you!"


"You are Classmate Chen?"

Saying that he stopped on the side of the road with a foot on the brake, his eyes could not hide the excitement!

The corner of Chen Nan's mouth twitched: "I'm not, you recognized the wrong person!" The

driver said excitedly: "Don't make trouble, I watched the live broadcast last time you competed with Western medicine, you are classmate Chen!" So what? Can you sign your name and take a photo? "

Chen Nan is daunted!

Isn't this a star-like treat?

But I'm really not a star!

In desperation, Chen Nan signed a photo for the driver!

After dropping him off at his destination, the driver said he wouldn't charge anything: "You have done so much for the country, how can I collect your money?" "

Then he kicked the accelerator and left!

So, Chen Nan asked Xie Lei to buy a mask at a pharmacy in the distance, and wearing a mask and Xie Lei entered the place where Xie Wen worked!

After entering, I found that Xie Wen was sitting in the corner crying helplessly...

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