"That's too weak, isn't it?"

"It's really disappointing!"

Those students in the country had mocking expressions on their faces!

The students of the Great Xia Kingdom present were stunned!

When Tang He defeated that sanda club master at the graduation party, he shot quickly and showed extraordinary strength!

But who would have thought that meeting Ichiro Matsumoto would be so vulnerable?

"You're going to be happy too soon!"

Tang He was embarrassed and angry, and a carp stood up straight!

He has been practicing martial arts for many years, and he still has a foundation!

This carp fight alone is not something that ordinary people can do!

Subsequently, he launched a fierce attack on Ichiro Matsumoto!

No matter what, you have to beat each other today!

For nothing else, just to prove yourself!

After all, just now, he swore to Chen Nan that not only can you make a name for Chinese medicine, but I can too!

If he is not against the other today!

How to get a foothold in the Department of Chinese Medicine in the future?

"Fall for me!"

With a roar, Tang He slammed into Matsumoto Ichiro with a punch!

But Matsumoto Ichiro was very fast, kicked him in the chest, and directly kicked him off the ring!

This moment!

The Sanda Club is silent!

Although all the students of Daxia hope that Tang He can win!

But everyone can see that the gap between him and Ichiro Matsumoto is really big!

"I used to think that your country's kung fu is very powerful, but now it seems that it is like embroidered legs with a fist!" Matsumoto Ichiro's face was full of disdain: "I knew this, I shouldn't have come here as an exchange student!"

"Tang He can't represent our country's kung fu!"

The president of the sanda club is named Hou Zhen, who studied martial arts in Shaolin Temple as a child, and he practiced kung fu very extraordinarily, and became a member of the sanda club after joining Tsinghua!

The corners of Matsumoto Ichiro's mouth rose: "Then can you represent the kung fu of your country?"

"The Great Xia Kung Fu has a long history and countless factions, although I can't represent our country's Kung Fu, but it is more than enough to deal with you!"

Hou Zhen jumped into the ring!

In his twenties, he has a bald head and his whole body is full of strong muscles, giving people a feeling of full strength!

Matsumoto Ichiro said proudly: "Karate is the strongest kung fu in the world!" "

Just sit in the well and watch the sky!" Hou Zhen looked indifferent: "Our nation has been passed down for thousands of years and has a long history of civilization, which kind of kung fu handed down today has not experienced the baptism and witness of time?"

"As for the karate you are talking about, how old is it?"

"Since you look down on our country's kung fu, then I will let you learn Shaolin's kung fu!" As soon as the words fell, he stomped the ground with his right foot!

The whole person is like an off-string arrow, and at the same time, his right hand appears like a dragon's claw!

It is the dragon grasper in the seventy-two peerless schools of the Shaolin Temple!

"Dare to underestimate our country's kung fu, Senior Hou Zhen will definitely hit you with a blue nose and a swollen face!"

"Yes, Senior Hou Zhen has lived in the Shaolin Temple for many years!"

Those students in Tsinghua opened their mouths one after another!

Everyone thinks that Hou Zhen can win!

After all, his momentum alone is terrifying, and it is not comparable to Tang He at all!

A hint of surprise flashed in Matsumoto's eyes, as if he didn't expect the other party's strength to be so strong!

Don't think about it, he attacked decisively!

Bang bang bang!

The dull impact sound was endless, and the two exchanged more than ten moves in an instant!

Hou Zhen's dragon gripper is certainly extraordinary, but Matsumoto Ichiro's speed is fast, and he resists the opponent's attack every time!

Then he found Hou Zhen's flaw, and his shoulder slammed into Hou Zhen's chest!

After knocking it out, he withdrew several meters, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth!

"Shaolin Kung Fu? Not so good! It's much worse than what is played in film and television dramas! Matsumoto Ichiro looked disdainful: "Is there anything more capable of fighting?"

"If not, you Sanda people can go together!"

His tone was flat, and he didn't put the people of Sanda Club in his eyes at all!

And those exchange students of the Yin Kingdom all have playful smiles on their faces!

"It has long been said that Daxia Kung Fu is a fist embroidery leg, Matsumoto-kun does not believe it, so he has to come to check it, isn't this a waste of time?"

"Thousands of years of inheritance, but that's it!"

A disciple of the Sanda Club was angry: "Scolded the next door, really think we are all good bullies?"

"Have you forgotten that you are a defeated country?"

"Damn fellow, obviously a loser, came to us to provoke!"

"I never thought that the people of the defeated country would be so arrogant and shout on our territory!"

"Our ancestor Xiaomi plus rifles can kill your ancestors and let them raise the white flag, how can they be afraid of you today?"

"Fool me that there is no one in Daxia?"


A group of Sanda Club members took off their clothes one after another, ready to go on stage to teach Ichiro Matsumoto a lesson!

Victory and defeat are commonplace!

This is the same in their hearts as Spiegel!

But they can't accept the little day... The son has a good life with this arrogant face of the Yan people!

But right now!

Chen Nan's voice sounded: "Don't fall for this group of them!" "

Brush brush brush!

Everyone looked at Chen Nan!

Chen Nandao: "Our country is known as the country of etiquette, if we beat this group of eunuchs today, we will definitely fall for their schemes, and they may not know how to slander us internationally!"

"As the saying goes, if a dog bites us, we can't bite the dog back, right?"

"If that's the case, what's the difference between us and a dog?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone felt that what Chen Nan said was reasonable, and the anger in their hearts disappeared somewhat!

"What Senior Brother Chen said makes sense!"

"This group of people has a bad conscience and deliberately provokes us!"

Matsumoto Ichiro whispered, "Chen Nan, do you have the courage to fight me?"

"you!" Chen Nandao: "Do you really think that you are very strong? If this is the case, you go to the Shaolin Temple to kick the gym, why come to the sanda club on campus?

"You clearly don't dare to go to Shaolin, and you want to find some sense of achievement in Sanda Club!"

"Do you really think that Xiao Ye doesn't know about your dirty heart?"

"The vile tricks of your country will not work for us at all!"

"You guys are clearly bullying the soft and afraid of the hard, that's why you came to Sanda Club!"


"You guys are a bunch of little trash who can't afford to play!"

The crowd burst into laughter!

Not to mention, Senior Brother Chen is not only a wizard in the medical field, but even scolding is so sharp and tricky!

"However, our Huaxia is a country of etiquette, since you want to fight, then I will play with you!" Speaking of this, Chen Nan strode towards the ring!

"Chen Nan, are you crazy?" Tang He said angrily, "You can't even beat me, how can you be this Guisun's opponent?" I advise you not to be embarrassed! "

Many TCM students have solemn faces!

After all, they had seen Tang He punch Chen Nan with their own eyes!

The corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose, and a trace of disdain appeared: "It's just a small trash, I can defeat him with one finger!" "

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