Call interrupted!

Chen Nan also received the location sent by Ye Wanzhi's WeChat!

It is more than fifty kilometers away from him, located near the sixth ring road!

"Tang He, you'd better not hurt Ye Wanzhi!"

Chen Nan's face was full of anger, and he shrunk into inches and went straight to the position where Ye Wanzhi was!

He flew through the streets of the city like a gust of wind!

The city is not fun at all!

Even if he learns the Escape Technique, he can travel underground!

But the underground of the city is all shrouded in steel bars, and there are sewer pipes everywhere, even the retreat technique cannot exert its due power here!


Wuliying in a farmhouse!

Ye Wanzhi was tied to a stool by Tang He!

"Tang He, you'd better let me go, if Chen Nan comes, he won't let you go!" Ye Wanzhi was not afraid of Tang He, because she knew that Chen Nan's strength was terrifying!


Tang He became angry and slapped Ye Wanzhi's face: "Stinky bitch, you don't seem to have clearly distinguished the current situation!" Do you think that I dare to move Chen Nan without any preparation?

"Even if he is a master, I want him to survive and die!"

A bright red handprint instantly appeared on Ye Wanzhi's delicate face, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of her mouth, but there was no fear in her eyes: "You will regret what you did today!" "

Something that gives a face!" Tang He was furious: "Let's go and see, you will see the man you like kneeling in front of me and wagging his tail and begging for mercy, begging me to let him go!"

"Xiao Tang, treat beautiful women gently and not be too rude!"

With a playful sound, an old man with white hair and a black robe walked into the private room!


Tang He quickly bowed to the other party!

The moment he saw the old man, Ye Wanzhi suddenly felt a strong sense of oppression!

The other party's eyes were too sharp, and his whole body exuded a wistful aura!

This made a sense of foreboding rise in her heart!

If nothing else, this person should be a cultivator!

And the strength is very strong!

Far more powerful than the two who were killed by Chen Nan in Daxing'anling!

The old man locked his gaze on Ye Wanzhi and revealed an intriguing smile: "Your vision is very good!"

Tang He had a flattering smile on his face: "If the old fancy this woman, then the junior will honor her to you, after all, being able to get your old favor is a blessing that she cultivated in her previous life!" "

In fact, Tang He originally wanted to occupy Ye Wanzhi after killing Chen Nan, after all, this is the goddess in his mind!

But since the old man took a fancy to her, even if he lent him a hundred guts, he would not dare to occupy Ye Wanzhi!

The old man showed a relieved gaze: "Not bad, there are good things that are still worried about the old man!" However, no matter how beautiful a woman is, the shelf life on my side is only once!

"After I have enjoyed her, the old man will reward her to you!"

Tang He was overjoyed and hurriedly said, "Being able to become a fellow practitioner with old age is a blessing for the younger generation!"

The old man frowned slightly, and asked puzzledly: "You are not a cultivator, why do you and I speak of the same people?"

Tang He laughed strangely: "Although the junior is not a cultivator, we can also enter the same path!"

"You guy, it's really interesting!" The old man laughed and understood what the people in Tang He's mouth meant!

Ye Wanzhi's face was sallow!

I never expected these two to be so shameless!

She couldn't believe what happened to these two people!

There is only endless despair and unwillingness in the heart!

Tang He whispered, "Old age, or the junior will go out first, and you will enjoy this woman first?" The

old man shook his head slightly, and a flash of essence flashed in his eyes: "No hurry, after her boyfriend comes, he her in front of him, don't you think it's very interesting?" "

Is it murderous? That's good! Tang He laughed!

Ye Wanzhi shed tears of despair!

She herself went to buy things outside the school, and on the way back, she was directly kidnapped by Tang He into the car, and then she was taken here!

Almost twenty minutes later!

The old man who closed his eyes suddenly opened his eyes and said, "Xiao Tang, you don't lose to Chen Nan!"

Tang He was puzzled: "What do you mean?"

"Because, that guy is not an ordinary person, but a cultivator at the peak of the ninth layer of the Foundation Building Period!" The old man said and walked out!

"That guy turned out to be a cultivator of the ninth layer of the Foundation Building Period?" Tang He was stunned, he knew that Chen Nan was a master, but he never dreamed that the other party was a cultivator!

"How could my grandmother, a cultivator of the ninth layer of the Foundation Building Period, be so shameless?"

"What is he like a Foundation Building Period powerhouse?!"

Tang He's mentality collapsed!

I never expected that Chen Nan would be so shameless!

Right now!

Chen Nan came into his eyes!

"Dog, you're coming pretty fast!" Tang He smiled viciously and lifted the stool, and carried Ye Wanzhi on the stool to the courtyard outside: "See?" We're not lying, your woman is in my hands!

"Wanzhi, who hit you?" Looking at the handprint on Ye Wanzhi's face, the anger in Chen Nan's heart instantly burned!

"I beat me, what can you do to me?" Tang He had a playful smile on his face: "Although you have the cultivation of the peak of the ninth layer of the foundation building period, Xiao Ye is not afraid of you at all!"

Chen Nan frowned!

How did he know that he had a nine-layer peak cultivation in the foundation building period?

Looking at the old man beside him, Chen Nan knew the answer!

This person's eyes were like torches, and his body exuded a wistful aura!

If nothing else, the other party should be a strong person in the Golden Pill Realm!

Tang He's face was full of anger: "Chen Nan, you humiliate me in every way, today I will make you pay a heavy price!"

"Not only will I kill you and avenge you for humiliating me, but I will also kill your woman in front of you!"

"Then, send you two to Yin Cao Di Mansion to accompany you!"

"Let the two of you be a pair of bitter mandarin ducks!"

"This is the end of being my enemy!"

The corners of Chen Nan's mouth flashed with disdain: "Do you think that he can defeat me just by himself?" Are you looking up to him too much?

"Shut up!" Tang He was furious: "Old age is a strong person at the peak of the first layer of the Golden Pill Period, and there are all ants under the Golden Pill Period, even if you step into the peak of the ninth layer of the Foundation Building Period?"

"I advise you to quickly apologize to the old man for kowtowing, so that his old man may give you a pain!"

"If not, I will cut you by a thousand cuts!"

Chen Nan's eyes were cold: "Old thing, you and I have no hatred or grudge, I don't want to kill you, if you leave now, I can let you live!"

"If not, you will die!"

Tang He gasped and scolded angrily: "You actually despise a strong man in the Golden Pill Stage realm? Are you crazy? The

old man's eyes also flashed with amazing killing intent: "I haven't met an arrogant junior like you for many years, I want to see how you kill me!" As

soon as the words fell, he turned his fingers into a sword, and a terrifying sword qi burst out of the air!

Carrying the momentum of destruction and decay!

At this moment, Chen Nan strangely disappeared in place!

Immediately appeared next to Tang He, but Ye Wanzhi evaporated out of thin air!

The sudden scene made the old man's eyes shine: "You actually have a spatial spirit treasure on you?" "

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