Old age laughs wildly!

He felt like he was crazy!

Before he changed it, he didn't think he could say such a thing!

But at this time...

He didn't have a choice!

Because he knew that only by becoming Chen Nan's dog could he survive today!

If not, you will surely die!

The golden boy appeared beside Chen Nan and said respectfully: "Mansion Master, I can perform a soul search technique to find the whereabouts of Emperor Yu in his memory!"

"Although this is a means only available to the strong in the Yuan Infancy Stage!"

"But it's not difficult!"

Chen Nan nodded slightly: "Then let's do it!"

The old man turned pale and exclaimed, "You can't do this..."

Before the words were finished, the golden boy pressed his palm on the other party's eyebrows, watching the memory of old age!

A minute later!

The golden boy withdrew his hand, and the old man was full of sluggishness, sometimes laughing, sometimes crying!

This is the end of forcibly being searched for by others, which will hurt the other party's spirit!

"Mansion Master, Emperor Yu is in the Ling family in Kyoto!"

"Now it's the guest of the Ling family!"

"Those of his subordinates are hidden in the major giants of Kyoto, the specific information is unknown!"

Chen Nan's expression became more solemn than ever!

It's a pleasure to find Emperor Yu!


His subordinates are all strong!

Once he wants to move Emperor Yu, it will definitely cause an unpredictable chain reaction!

After all, this is Kyoto!

Definitely not to cause a riot!

"Crossing the calamity first, and then find a way to lure out Emperor Yu after the tribulation is successful!"

Taking a deep breath, Chen Nan left the Immortal Mansion with Ye Wanzhi!

At the same time, he called Li Mu and asked him to investigate the affairs of the Ling family!

As the existence of the head of the thirteenth family, it is not difficult to investigate the Ling family!

Three days later!

Chen Nan received a call from Li Mu: "Found Emperor Yu, the Ling family has a courtyard near the imperial city, and Emperor Yu is cultivating in that courtyard!"

"That's not an ordinary courtyard, that courtyard is at the tail of the dragon vein!"

Chen Nan frowned: "Does Emperor Yu want to absorb the Dragon Vein Qi to improve his cultivation?"

Li Mu said, "According to the current situation, it should be this reason!" Although that courtyard was located above the dragon's tail, he also absorbed some dragon vein qi! "

The dragon vein is related to the luck of a country, and if it is all sucked away by Emperor Yu, then the luck of this country will also be affected!

"Emperor Yu's side, don't fight the grass snake first, wait for me to survive the Heavenly Tribulation, I will go and meet him for a while!"

Li Mu's tone became serious: "Are you sure?" "


There was silence on the other end of the phone!

Because Li Mu knew the risk of crossing the calamity!

I know the fate after the failure of the crossing!

Chen Nan grinned and said, "Although I am not sure of surviving the Heavenly Tribulation, then I can't go all out?"

Li Mu suddenly said, "Do you know why I admire you?"

Chen Nan: "It's really not easy to listen to you say that you admire me!"

Li Mu said: "You have a tenacious and persevering spirit, knowing that you can't do it, perhaps, it is also because of this that you will get the likes of so many women!"

Chen Nan asked rhetorically: "Isn't it because I am handsome?"

Li Mu: "When to cross the calamity, I will help you protect the Dharma!"

Chen Nan was amused: "You help me protect the Dharma?" Do you have that strength? "

Alright!" Li Mu compromised: "I really don't have the strength to help you protect the Dharma, but..." Holding the urn and helping you put your bones together can still be done!

Chen Nan said faintly: "In our hometown, the local custom is that only sons will hold urns!"

"You..." Li Mu was furious: "Forget it, Laozi is too lazy to deal with you as a fool!" Pay attention to safety when crossing the robbery, if something really happens, it is not a big deal!

"You and I are brothers, I will definitely do my best to take care of those red-faced confidants of yours!"

The corner of Chen Nan's mouth twitched: "If you say so, I will go to your sister tonight!"

Li Mu sighed lightly: "Take care!"

"Wait for me to triumph!"


for the next half month!

Chen Nan stayed in the laboratory!

Because Li Muya's laboratory has established a new research topic!

About the challenge of conquering monkeypox!

Although monkeypox is spreading in African countries, in the face of disasters, mankind is a community of common destiny!

After more than ten days of research!

Chen Nan found antibody bacteria against monkeypox in blue silver grass!

This discovery caused a global shock!

The name Chen Nan once again spread throughout the medical community!

Countless people admired and awe him!

If nothing else, he should get another Nobel Prize!


After the development of the CN3 vaccine, the Nobel Committee announced that Chen Nan won this year's Nobel Prize for Medical Contributions!

It's just that the certificate hasn't arrived in his hands yet!

And this time the development of a drug against monkeypox is also a feat of immeasurable merit!

Of course!

He doesn't care about that!

He left the campus and found Xu Qianxin!

Spent five warm days with her!

Then, a person went to the Huashan Sword Sect!

Although he is a student of Tsinghua Medical School!

But the other identity is the head of the Huashan Sword Sect!

Stayed in the Huashan Sword Sect for five days!

Chen Nan went to Junnamsan again, drank wine with his father-in-law Nangong He, and then returned to Jeju!

One went to the supermarket and bought countless ingredients!

After making a hearty dinner, Chen Nan called Jian Ning, He Shanshan, Xie Churan, Yue Qimeng and others one after another!

Let them come back for dinner!

The eve of the disaster!

Chen Nan came to the backyard!

The Immortal Killing Vine grows very vigorously in the backyard!

After Chen Nan appeared, a vine was woven into a hanging chair for Chen Nan to sit down!

Then, vines appeared in mid-air, weaving into words!

Immortal Vine: "You seem to have no confidence tomorrow!"

Chen Nan muttered, "For some reason, I always feel a little uneasy in my heart!" "

Anyone will have this feeling before crossing the calamity, as long as you have a firm belief in your heart, nothing is unpassable!"

Chen Nan looked at the villa that fell into darkness, heard their even breathing, and said softly: "If something happens to me, I hope you can help me protect them!" "


"Then... Such! Chen Nan got up and left the ninety-fifth villa without looking back, leaving the mid-level villa area!

In fact, he really wants to go to the small world of No. 9 to visit his parents and two little sisters!

But eventually gave up the idea!

He was afraid that his parents would be worried about this!

He was afraid that Chen Xiazhi and Chen Hanlu would not let him back!

Instead of that, it is better not to appear in front of their eyes!

In the blink of an eye, it was dawn!

Chen Nan came to the Yin Yang Feng Shui Bureau in the eastern part of Qinglong Mountain alone!

The reason for coming here is simple!

Nangong Wan and Wushan are buried here!

One is the guide on his path of cultivation!

One is the most guilty woman in his life!

Even if he dies, he can be with them!

It's dawn!

But not all bright either!

There is no sun in the sky!

There was a black cloud shrouded in the sky, and there was a faint sound of thunder coming from the clouds!

It's like a dragon roaring!

Especially at nine o'clock in the morning, the sight fell into darkness!

As if eternal, reach out and not see the five fingers!

Chen Nan slowly raised his head!

He knows!

Your own heavenly calamity is coming!

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