
The wooden double door opens slowly!

Reveal Emperor Yu's face full of majesty!

He looks like he's in his fifties, with a sharp beak and gills!

A pair of danfeng eyes gives people a feminine feeling!

It's just that his face is a little haggard!

"What good news?" Emperor Yu asked in a low voice!

Ling Yun said, "I just received news that a spirit stone mine has appeared in Jeju!" "

Spirit Stone Mine? Are you sure? Emperor Yu's eyes showed unconcealable excitement!

Spirit stones were extremely important to cultivators like them, even if he was one of the eighteen heavenly kings who were high, the number of spirit stones in his hand was only two digits...

If he can get a spirit stone vein, his strength will definitely be able to grow by leaps and bounds and become a strong person in the Yuan Infancy Realm!

Ling Yun said, "It's true, this matter is from within the guardian!"

"It is said that someone crossed the calamity near Qinglong Mountain, and because the calamity caused an earthquake, a spirit stone vein appeared on Qinglong Mountain!"

Emperor Yu was relieved!

It is very common for monks to cause earthquakes!

"What is the attitude of the Guardians?" Emperor Yu asked!

Ling Yun replied, "The idea of the Guardian High-level is simple, pretending not to know anything! I am afraid that the mining of the spirit stone mine will lead to disaster!

Emperor Yu's face flashed with disdain: "I can't see that the leader of your guardians is quite self-aware!"

When the words fell, he took out a jade tablet and said to him: "Ao San, you take someone to Jeju Qinglong Mountain, and heard that a spirit stone vein has appeared there, check if the news is true!"

"If it's true, summon me as soon as possible!"

Emperor Yu was once hit hard after leaving hell!

It wasn't the Eighteenth Heavenly King level powerhouse who hit him hard!

Instead, he went to Ultimate South Mountain and was induced by the cultivators there, and that battle directly injured his Jin Dan!

Although you can absorb the Dragon Vein Qi here!

But it can only suppress his injuries, and cannot be completely repaired!

If there is a spirit stone mine!

Not only can he repair his injuries, but he can even transform babies!

Become the only Yuan Infancy powerhouse among the Eighteen Heavenly Kings!

At that time, he will be able to dominate the world and make the earth his territory!


at the same time!

Xue Yun also rushed to Jeju with four other Heavenly King-level powerhouses!

I met Chen Nan at the Mid-Levels Villa!

They are the Demon King Ge Deng!

Fire Emperor Yantian!

Dao Emperor Liu Yidao!

As well as the sword demon sword lacking!

Except for Xue Yun, none of the other four Heavenly Kings had ever seen Chen Nan!

But he swore loyalty to Him!

Now that the master and servant meet for the first time, they are a little aggrieved in their hearts!

Before you have seen it, you swear allegiance to him!

It's unreasonable!

Xue Yun said, "Young Lord, the masters of the Golden Pill Period of our five parties have gathered in Jeju!"

"A total of eight hundred and thirty-three people, just waiting for your order, no matter who it is, it can be leveled!"

Perhaps the other four Heavenly Kings were not convinced by Chen Nan!

But Xue Yun could feel that Chen Nan's temperament had undergone earth-shaking changes!

If before, he was like an unsheathed sword!

At this moment, it was a sword pointing straight into the sky!

Even one look made him tremble!

"You seem to be disobeying me!"

Chen Nan's eyes were indifferent!

"The villain does not dare!"

Ge Deng, and the other four powerhouses at the peak of the Golden Pill Period lowered their heads at the same time!

"It's normal to disobey me, after all, I've just been Jindan!"

Chen Nan said, "Give you a chance, if any of you can hurt me, I will break the contract with your master and servant, and then let you leave!" "

That's it!

The four peak powerhouses of the Golden Pill Period once thought that they had auditory hallucinations!

I'll drop a good drop!

It's just a junior in the first floor of the Golden Pill Period!

So pretending?

This is too much of a concern for us, right?

In fact, except for the Blood Emperor Xue Yun, who was personally defeated by Chen Nan, the other four Golden Pill Period powerhouses were forced to defect to Chen Nan out of helplessness!

If he was a Yuan Infancy powerhouse, they would definitely be in awe of each other!

But on the contrary, he is just a strong man in the early stage of the Golden Pill Period!

Such people cannot gain their respect!

After all, those brothers under them also have the cultivation of the Golden Pill Period!

"I am willing to receive the divine power of the master!" Ge Deng's first spoke, indicating disbelief!

"Let's fight in the air!"

Chen Nan's imperial sword flew above the nine heavens!

Several other people also flew their swords into the air, looking at the ground at the height they were at, Jeju was like a matchbox!

"Master, I'm coming!"

Ge Deng's hands squeezed, and a tornado hundreds of meters thick suddenly appeared in mid-air, like a dragon, so that the void trembled!


The wind howled, tearing the void and emitting a piercing roar!

"Ge Deng, you amplified the move? Believe it or not, Lao Tzu chopped you now? Xue Yun was furious, he knew that Ge Deng's strongest means was the Divine Wind Technique!

This trick don't mention Chen Nan, even if he is swallowed by a tornado, he will have to pay a heavy price!

Chen Nan stood quietly on the gentleman's sword: "No problem, I need to test my strength with your strongest moves!" "

Isn't that a bit presumptuous?

The other three peak powerhouses of the Golden Pill Period were all stunned!

A cultivator in the early stage of the Golden Pill actually wanted to test his strength with the attack of the nine-layer peak powerhouse of the Golden Pill Period?

He really doesn't know what it means to be high and thick!

"Master, isn't that a bit presumptuous?" Xue Yun's face was full of nervousness, he knew that Chen Nan's strength was extraordinary, and he also knew that he had many magic weapons!

But if he didn't use those magic weapons, with his current strength, it would not be enough to resist the big move of the peak powerhouse of the Golden Pill Period!

"Not a big problem!" The long sword under Chen Nan's feet turned into a long rainbow, and under everyone's shocked eyes, it flew directly into that tornado!

If that's the case, that's it!

The problem was that Chen Nan didn't release the Protective Body True Qi at all!

This shocked everyone!

This is not to test their own strength, this is to commit suicide!

It is not difficult to know that his body will be torn to pieces by the tornado...

Wait a minute!

Why did the tornado shrink instantly?

Everyone's scalp was numb, and they thought that Chen Nan would disappear instantly after entering the tornado!

But that's not the case!

His flesh is intact, but the wind has become smaller!

"Groove, what happened? How did it come to be like this? Ge Deng's scalp was numb, and he didn't want to think about it, he squeezed it with both hands, and another tornado appeared out of thin air!

Roaring and merging with the tornado from before!

At the beginning, the power of the two tornadoes was fierce!

But as time passed, the wind weakened again!

Chen Nan was suspended in the air like a sea god needle, until the tornado around him completely disappeared, and only then did he let out a light sigh: "Sure enough, after surviving the Heavenly Tribulation, I can ignore any spell attack!"

"It's really getting more and more boring and less challenging!"

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