The appearance of this group of people surprised Chen Nan!

He didn't expect that a group of strong people appeared here!

There are more than 500 people as far as the eye can see!

Especially the six powerhouses at the peak of the Golden Pill Period led by them all had playful smiles on their faces!

"I really have to thank this Daoist friend for helping us defeat Emperor Yu!" An old man let out a hoarse laugh!

Another powerhouse at the peak of the Golden Pill Period spoke: "If it weren't for this little friend, even we would have a hard time defeating Emperor Yu!" Speaking of which, we are the ultimate yellow finch!

Chen Nan's expression was indifferent: "Let go of Emperor Yu, I can let you guys live!" At

this time, Chen Nan had already guessed the identities of the six people!

After all, today's True Cultivation Realm is tripod, and in addition to Xue Yun and the others, there are two other forces!

According to Xue Yun's description of those people!

These are most likely the people of the bloody hand man Tu Zhongwu!

It's just that he didn't expect that the other party actually infiltrated here!

And became a yellow finch!

"Little friend, we can let Emperor Yu go and leave it to you, but the spirit stone on his body must be given to us!" Zhong Wu continued, "And you must swear to the heavens that you will not retaliate against us, and you will not disclose the news that we have spirit stones to outsiders!" "

Chen Nan's means of killing the powerhouses in the late stage of the Golden Pill Period, they have all seen it!

I know the bravery of this person!

Even if they had hundreds of cultivators, they would definitely not be able to kill Chen Nan!

Therefore, they only went here to seek money!

"Are you bargaining?" Chen Nan snorted coldly, even if he faced countless masters, he was not afraid of a battle!

Because of this, Xue Yun and the others have always been in the Immortal Mansion!

The main reason why he didn't come out was that Chen Nan wanted to test his strength!

A long sword appeared in Zhong Wu's hand and directly rested it on Emperor Yu's neck: "If I'm not mistaken, you once swore to heaven to kill Emperor Yu, if I kill him with a sword at this time, I'm afraid you won't have a good end, right?"

"Are you really going to fight us for those spirit stones?"

A simple remark was like an invisible big hand strangling Chen Nan's throat!

He did swear to kill Emperor Yu, otherwise he would not be a man!

If the other party really kills Emperor Yu!

He is bound to be retaliated by that grandson of Heavenly Dao!

As for the consequences...


Souls will definitely be gone!

Taking a deep breath, Chen Nan said, "I, Chen Nan, swear to heaven, that if you return Emperor Yu to me, I am willing to swallow everything that happened today!"

"And promise not to kill you!"


A thunder exploded in the air!

The oath was recognized by the rules of the Heavenly Dao!

"I like to deal with people like you who understand!"

Zhong Wu smiled with a smile on his face, and after grabbing Emperor Yu's storage bag, he kicked Emperor Yu towards Chen Nan!

"Emperor Yu, you can die!"

Chen Nan held a gentleman's sword and slashed forward with a sword!


Seeing that devastating sword qi, Emperor Yu let out a desperate cry!

He wanted to dodge!

But the body suffered a heavy blow and was unable to do so!

I could only watch that terrifying sword qi coming towards me!


With a blood mist exploding in the air!

Emperor Yu's body was split in two by Chen Nan!

Even the golden pill in his body exploded directly!

A generation of Xeon, dying could not hurt Chen Nan in the slightest!

Chen Nan looked at the lonely tomb on the ground, his eyes full of sadness: "Wan'er, your revenge has been repaid, if you have knowledge under the spring, I hope you can be blind!"

"Chen Nan Daoyou, I hope we have the opportunity to meet again!" Zhong Wu arched his hand, wanting to take people away!

Chen Nan suddenly spoke: "Everyone, slow!"

"What else does Chen Nan Daoyou have to order?" Zhong Wu looked at Chen Nan with a smile, he didn't take him to heart at all, after all, he had sworn to the sky not to kill them!

Chen Nan smiled: "I have a few friends who want to say hello to you and communicate!" "

Words fall!

Xue Yun and the others appeared in mid-air out of thin air!

Hundreds of cultivators appeared at the same time, and this picture shocked Zhong Wu and the others!

It seems that he didn't expect that Chen Nan still had a spatial spirit treasure on him!

After a brief shock, Zhong Wu looked at Xue Yun: "Blood Emperor, I really didn't expect to see you here, one thing I don't understand, why are you with Chen Nan Daoyou?" The

five Golden Pill Stage peak powerhouses beside him also frowned!

Xue Yun carried a long sword on his shoulder with a playful smile on his face: "Why?"

"You may not believe it, Chen Nan is my master!"

As soon as these words come out!

The six Heavenly King-level powerhouses, as well as the masters behind them, were all stunned!

They really couldn't believe that the Blood Emperor who was high above actually recognized Chen Nan as the master!

Even if you hear it with your own ears, it feels unrealistic!

Xue Yun continued, "Yes, when I led someone to attack the Huashan Sword Sect, I was deeply impressed by the master's supreme divine posture, and then recognized him as the master and became his slave!"

"After that, I went to Shaolin and defeated Ge Deng, making him a slave to my master as well!"

"I don't need to say more about what happens after that, right?"

"If you weren't afraid of me, you wouldn't have allied with each other!"

Everyone was relieved!

In fact, the eighteen heavenly kings have been fighting constantly!

When they left hell, they had already thought about it, and came to the mundane world to find a place to cultivate quietly!

But Xue Yun expanded his power as if he was crazy!

With the power of thunder, he has absorbed four Heavenly King-level powerhouses!

After that, a sense of foreboding arose in their hearts!

Because of this, their other twelve Heavenly Kings would ally with each other, making the cultivation world a three-legged power!

It's just that!

They never expected that all this was because of Chen Nan!

Zhong Wu frowned, "So, what do you want to talk to us about?"

"Talk about what?" Scold! Liu Yidao's face was full of playfulness: "This spirit stone mine was discovered by my master, and it is also the key he used to lure out Emperor Yu, and now that all the spirit stones have been mined, you want to be a yellow sparrow?"

"How? What about bullying, huh? Fire

Emperor Yantian smiled viciously: "I'm sorry, if you want to be a yellow sparrow, then we can only send you to Huangquan Road to accompany Emperor Yu!"

Zhong Wu was furious: "The surname is Chen, do you want to backtrack?" Chen

Nan didn't answer his words, raised his hand and wrote a 'well' character in the air, completely sealing off this space!

This method shocked countless people!

The Rune Master is an existence above the Alchemist and the Alchemist!

Who would have thought that Chen Nan was still a rune master?

After blocking this space!


Chen Nan took out a cigarette and lit it, and then smoked it with a face full of intoxication: "Remember my previous vow, if I remember correctly, I said not to kill you, and swallow all today's things into my stomach!"

"But I... It doesn't seem to say that you won't let others kill you, right?

Speaking of this, he showed a charming smile: "So, I shouldn't be considered a backslider, right?" "

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