Xue Yun's screams echoed in Chen Nan's mind!

"What happened?" Chen Nan's expression was solemn!

Xue Yun and the others possessed the cultivation of the nine-layer peak of the Golden Pill Period, and they were absolutely invincible existences when looking at the world!

Even if you encounter a cultivator of the same realm, it will not be so miserable!

"It's the enforcers, the enforcers are coming, they want to arrest us and let us stay in hell forever!"

"I'll pass!"

Chen Nan turned around, and his figure flashed above the clouds!

He had read some ancient books and heard among Xue Yun and other people that every small world had a lifespan, and once it collapsed, it would heal on its own!

As for the so-called enforcers...

It is a team formed by the strong in seventeen small worlds!

They represent the laws of the True Cultivation Realm!

And Xue Yun and the others were arrested before because they fell into the hands of law enforcers!

Five minutes later, Chen Nan flew to the north of Jeju and intercepted two old men in the air!

They wear linen robes and crane hair, giving people a feeling of fairy wind and bones!

Riding a huge jade gourd underneath him, it looks like a ship floating above the clouds!

Xue Yun and the others were all imprisoned in the dantian, sitting listlessly on the jade gourd!

Seeing Chen Nan, the people who poked the Heavenly Society all showed fanatical eyes!

Although the strength of the enforcers is very strong, Chen Nan is not a soft persimmon!

"Gentleman's sword? Are you the head of the Huashan Sword Sect? Not bad, the Huashan Sword Sect actually has a master of the Golden Pill Period! The emaciated old man asked with a frown, he recognized the Junzi Sword as a token of the head of the Huashan Sword Sect!

"Exactly!" Chen Nan looked at him with one hand behind his back: "I don't know why the senior wants to arrest my person?" "

The strength of these two is very strong!

It is definitely not a strong person in the realm of the Golden Pill Period!

Not surprisingly, it should be a super strong person who has reached the realm of the Yuan Infancy Stage!

Although the strength of the powerhouse in the Yuan Infancy Realm is terrifying!

But Chen Nan had a feeling of being eager to try!

He really wanted to find a master to test how many pounds he had!

You Jin frowned: "You said that these prisoners are your people?"

Chen Nan said, "Yes, they have long been loyal to me, they are my people!" So, if you want to take them away, do you have to ask me?" "

His tone is flat!

Completely interpret arrogance and arrogance!

Especially the word please instruct, so that You Jin and Zhenkong, the two Yuan Infancy powerhouses, showed the same eyes as if they were stupid!

You Jin sneered, "Young man, do you know where we come from? What is the practice?

Chen Nan: "I don't want to know what you said, I just know that they are my people!"

Zhenkong snorted coldly: "A junior of the first layer of Jindan, dare to be so arrogant in front of us, do you really think that you are the head of the Huashan Sword Sect, we don't dare to kill you?" Having

said that, he was curious in his heart!

I don't know why Xue Yun and the others are loyal to Chen Nan!

After all, any one of them can crush Chen Nan if they choose at random!

You Jin said: "Zhenkong Daoyou is angry, we are law enforcers, we should convince people with reason, don't get angry and angry at every turn, this is not good!"

Speaking of this, he looked at Chen Nan: "Do you know what crime Xue Yun committed?" Do you know why he was imprisoned in hell?

"I'm not interested in these!" Chen Nan said, "No matter whether they were good or evil before, they haven't done a single thing that harms heaven and reason after they are loyal to me!"

"For that alone, I won't let you take them away!"

Zhenkong said angrily: "I really didn't expect that the head of the Huashan Sword Sect turned out to be a black and white guy, if it weren't for your ancestor of the Huashan Sword Sect, this old man alone would have cut you by a thousand cuts!"

You Jin was not angry, he waved his hand, signaling Zhenkong not to speak, and then said: "Xue Yun is from the thirteenth small world, he has killed three hundred and sixty lives of a family, from the elderly to the infant baby, he is a demon with bloody hands!"

"Shut up!" Xue Yun's eyes were scarlet, and he said angrily: "You only remember that I killed the Feng family for three hundred and sixty lives, why don't you ask what the Feng family did to my Xue family?"

"Just because my sister refused the Feng family's offer, the son of the Feng family became angry and not only occupied my sister, but even brutally killed her!"

"Afterwards, the son of the Feng family was worried about our Xue family's retaliation, so he framed us for colluding with the mountain thief and led the people of the official mansion to destroy seven hundred and twenty-five lives of my Xue family!"

"You claim to be enforcers and represent the rules of the small world!"

"However, after my Xue family was tragically destroyed, why didn't I see you upholding justice for my Xue family?"

"Didn't I go to the county to beat the drum and sound the grievances?"

"But does anyone take care of me?"


"Just because the master in the official mansion is the Feng family!"

"Not only that, but you even said that I am the remnant of the Xue family and want to kill me all!"

"I can only escape!"

"I can only use my means to avenge the seven hundred and twenty-five members of my Xue family!"

"I wondered, why can the Feng family destroy my Xue family, but the Xue family can't take revenge?"


"What is Law?"

"The True Cultivation Realm doesn't need the so-called bullshit law!"

"The law of the jungle survives the fittest, this is the law!"

"And the so-called law in your mouth is just an instrument of lynching in the hands of big people!"

"You ask these people behind me!"

"Even if their hands are covered in blood, which one was not forced by you to go to a dead end?"

His eyes were full of hatred!

Even if more than two hundred years have passed since that tragic incident, every time he thinks of him, he will have a knife pain in his heart!

Chen Nan didn't expect that Xue Yun still had a blood sea feud on his body, and he spoke: "So, I don't think my people are guilty, how can I say that I am guilty of avenging my loved ones?"

You Jin frowned slightly: "Whether you are guilty or not is not for you to decide, our duty is to send them back to hell, if you block it, don't blame us for not giving face to the ancestors of the Huashan Sword Sect!"

"Let them go, I'll let you live!" Chen Nan's eyes showed a cold light!

He doesn't know what those small worlds really are like!

But as Xue Yun said, when the so-called law is reduced to being controlled by others, it becomes a bargaining chip in the hands of big people to play with the world!

This behavior!

He can't get used to it!

And the most important point!

Since Xue Yun and the others were part of the Heaven Piercing Society!

Then he would never watch them being taken away!

Zhenkong was furious: "Ignorant child, gave you face, didn't you?" Since you want to die, then old age will fulfill you! "When the words fall, he pinched the magic technique!

In a flash!

An emerald green sword qi burst out from the fingertips, dazzling, like a rainbow!

And at this moment!

Chen Nan stretched out his bare hands and resisted Zhenkong's sword qi, with a hint of doubt on his face: "This is the method of the strong people in the Yuan Infancy Period?" "

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