"They are my people, and no one can take them away without my permission in the future!"

Chen Nan's tone was flat, but it gave people a strong taste!


You Jin replied respectfully, and then untied Xue Yun and the others, and said, "Chen Xiaoyou, if it's okay, I'll quit first!" "

Get out!"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

You Jin was like an amnesty, cast a teleportation, and disappeared into heaven and earth in an instant!


But his roar echoed in the air!

"Chen Nan Xiaoer, you wait, it's not over between us!"

"You'd better stay in the mundane world all your life, if you dare to come to the Eighteen Square Small World!"

"I'm sure you have to come back!"

Chen Nan: "...

Is it so shameless?

I called myself Chen Nan Xiaoyou before!

Now he runs far away but calls himself Chen Nan Xiaoer?

What is the difference between this and a stray dog that escapes with its tail between its legs and is beaten?

Run to a safe distance before you dare to bark!

"Congratulations master, Master He Xi has obtained the recognition of the rules of the Heavenly Dao and has become the chosen son!"

Xue Yun and the others were full of fanaticism!

The chosen son is a Tianjiao in an era, and he can even get the help of the rules of Heaven's Dao at some times!

For example, Chen Nan before was clearly blessed by the rules of the Heavenly Dao!

Otherwise, there will be no lightning when the slap falls!

To put it bluntly, Chen Nan is a near-invincible existence in the mundane world!

Killing Zhenkong before is the best illustration!

"Listen to that old thing, if I enter the Eighteen-Party Small World, will I be rejected by the Eighteen-Party Small World?" Chen Nan asked!

Xue Yun said, "Yes, although the eighteen small worlds are attached to the earth, they are independent small worlds, and there are different rules of the Heavenly Dao there.

"If the master really goes there, his strength will be limited!"

Ge Dengdao: "Master, the Eighteen Square Small World is far inferior to the civilization on Earth, and there is no point in going there!"

Liu Yidao: "Yes, yes, the eighteen-party small world is now in the period of feudal rule, similar to the earth hundreds of years ago, it is not fun at all!" As long as you don't go there, they won't want to hurt you in the slightest!

Chen Nan shook his head: "My parents and little sister are now in the ninth-party small world, I have to go and then bring them back!" "

That's it!

Everyone's faces changed!

Xue Yun's tone trembled: "Master, that old guy's name just now is You Jin, and he is from the ninth-party small world!" "


Chen Nan never dreamed that the other party was from the ninth-party small world!

If he knew that his parents and little sister were staying there, the consequences would be unimaginable!

"You go to Kyoto and give this storage bag to Li Mu!"

Chen Nan threw Xue Yun a storage bag with 100,000 spirit stones inside!

He was going to go there himself!

Now it seems!

You have to go to the ninth-party world first!


He flew with his sword and flew towards the direction of Kunlun Mountain at the fastest speed!

Because he knew that the entrance to the ninth-party small world was in the Death Valley of Kunlun Mountain, Jia Xiu had told him that if he wanted to go to the ninth-party small world, he could call his name in the Death Valley!

Although Chen Nan also knew that the speed of the Yuan Infancy Stage powerhouse was faster, he could only gamble now!

Bet You Jin did not return to Kunlun Mountain in the first time!

On the eve of sunset!

Chen Nan arrived at Kunlun Mountain!

Just when he appeared in the sky above Kunlun Mountain, the dragon mastiff with golden-red hair appeared on a majestic snowy mountain!

What made Chen Nan feel happy was that the dragon mastiff had also survived the Heavenly Tribulation, and there was a demon pill in his body!

The breath is unusually thick!

Even if Chen Nan saw those cold eyes, he had a feeling of heart palpitations!

"Sister Mastiff, take me to Death Valley!"

Kunlun Mountain is huge, and Chen Nan alone can't find the specific location of Death Valley at all!

"You come with me!"

The dragon mastiff spat out words and took Chen Nan to crisscross the Kunlun Mountains!

An hour later!

One man and one mastiff appeared in a quiet valley!

There is no wind here, and the silence is a little weird!

Some human bones are looming on the ground, as well as animal skeletons!

The dragon mastiff said: "This place is the entrance to the ninth-party small world, because it connects the two worlds, so the rules of the heavenly path here are in a chaotic state, as long as you bring metal objects inside, you will be attacked by heavenly thunder!"

Chen Nan was relieved, and then said, "Have you seen that there are Yuan Infancy masters who entered the ninth-party small world today?"

The dragon mastiff said, "I did see the two Yuan Infancy masters leave the ninth-party small world and did not see them return!" "

Chen Nan's hanging heart has landed!

If you don't come back, you can completely blend into the ninth-party small world, and then bring your parents and little sister all back!

"Uncle Jia Xiu, I'm Chen Nan, please show up!"

His voice was like thunder, echoing at the entrance of the small world!

Jia Xiu once said, just call his name at the entrance of the small world!

Five minutes passed!

I didn't see Jia Xiu appear!

Didn't even get a response!

For some reason!

A sense of foreboding spread in Chen Nan's heart!

"Do you know how to enter the ninth-party small world?" Chen Nan looked at the dragon mastiff!

The dragon mastiff shook his head: "Except for the people of the ninth party world who open the passage inside, the people on the earth can't enter alone at all!" Unless someone from the ninth-party small world takes you in!

Chen Nan looked at the void: "Can you do me a favor?" He

knew that the rules of the Heavenly Dao generated consciousness, otherwise he would not target himself when he crossed the calamity!

Before he wouldn't help himself kill the Yuan Infancy powerhouse in Zhenkong!


Dark clouds rolled in the air, and one after another heavenly thunder continued to fall in the valley in front of Chen Nan!

"The eighteen small worlds are all independent existences, even if it is, there is no way to open the space-time channel!" The dragon mastiff made a deep sound!

"Moreover, it has always wanted to destroy the Eighteen Square Small World!"

"According to rumors, the existence of the eighteen small world has affected the balance of the world!"

"They have absorbed the spiritual energy of Kunlun Mountain!"

Chen Nan's face was full of anxiety!

He doesn't care about the impact of the eighteen small world on the earth, he just wants to take back his father and mother, and the two little sisters!


The dragon mastiff looked to the east and said with solemn eyes: "There is a Yuan Infancy powerhouse who has returned, and it is the one who left here today!" "

Is it You Jin?

Chen Nan's eyes lit up!

Since he is back, it is completely possible to kill him and never suffer from future problems!


He instantly vetoed the idea!

Although he can kill You Jin!

But after killing him, it is bound to cause a lot of chain reactions!

Instead of this, it is better to follow him into the ninth-party small world!

Think of this!

Chen Nan said, "Sister Mastiff, you leave first, I will follow him into the ninth-party small world!" The

dragon mastiff said, "It is said that there is a rune in each small world, if you can, I hope you can remove it, which will be of great benefit to you!" Saying that, it disappeared into Chen Nan's eyes!

Chen Nan immediately sacrificed out of the Immortal Mansion, and then flew into it!

In a flash!

The Immortal Mansion turned into a tiny speck of dust and fell on him after You Jin appeared!

Follow him into the ninth-party small world!

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