"Young Master Chen, go to the back garden and wait!" Shen Zhu spoke!

Chen Nan's calligraphy is far better than others, not to mention that the [Feelings] he wrote at this time are more in line with the mood of a strategist!

Only those who have never met hope to meet the Ming Lord!

Only in this way can we show our ambitions!

Then Chen Nan entered the back garden!

What he didn't expect was that he was the first person to come to the back garden!

Waited another almost an hour!

Five middle-aged people entered the back garden one after another!

In other words, the two strategists recruited by Shizi Mansion this time will be selected among the six of them!

At this point, Chen Nan thought that he was still confident!

First, he was quite smart in himself, not to mention absorbing Lu Zheng's memory!

"His Royal Highness Shizi has arrived!"

With a high-pitched voice, Shen Lang, wearing a white robe, with a face like a crown jade, and a pair of danfeng eyes, appeared in the eyes of everyone holding a colorful brocade chicken!

He wears a black brocade around his waist and walks with arrogant steps!

It fully explains what it means to be a gentleman!

Mei Lan Zhuju followed him to his left and right!

He sat under the pavilion in the back garden and said lightly: "Thank you for participating in the recruitment of the strategists of this world, although this government wants to recruit two advisers, if you cannot complete the test of this son, then please allow this son to say sorry!" Speaking

of this, he looked at Chen Nan, and there was an intriguing look in his slender eyes!

Obviously, Mei Lan Zhuju should have said good things about Chen Nan to him!

Otherwise, he wouldn't have noticed Chen Nan!

"The test of the last level has two questions!"

Shen Lang leaned lazily on the recliner, and the four sisters of Mei Lanzhuju pinched his shoulders, beat his legs, sent fruits to his mouth, and someone fanned the wind next to him!

His life is moisturizing and enviable!

"The first question is this colorful glazed chicken in my arms!"

"This chicken is unusually rare!"

"Living in the spiritual fields of the famous mountain Daoists, and growing up by taking those medicinal herbs!"

"According to legend, a glazed chicken with five kinds of feathers on its body is comparable to a thousand-year elixir!"

"And the glazed chicken with seven kinds of feathers is comparable to five thousand years of medicinal herbs!"

"Not only is the divine effect amazing, but the taste is excellent, comparable to the dragon meat in the sky!"

"This item was paid tribute by the Hundred Refining Sect to the imperial court, and the imperial court gave it to the father and king, and it took several twists and turns before it came to the hands of the son of this world!"

Chen Nan was secretly frightened!

The colorful glazed chicken is indeed a legendary treasure, but I didn't expect Shen Lang, a young man, to get this thing!

This can also be seen that King Wu doted on him!

Shen Lang: "It is said that the colorful glazed chicken is not only delicious in meat, but also good at dancing, it often dances in the mountains because of taking some kind of medicinal herbs, and the beautiful dance posture, with the colorful feathers on the body, is like a rainbow!"

"Therefore, I named the colorful glazed chicken [Chicken You Are Too Beautiful]!"

"However, it is only a few people who can see the colorful glazed chicken dancing in public!"

"Ben Shizi is fortunate to get a living colorful glazed chicken, so naturally I want to see it dancing in public!"

"So, the first test is to make it dance!"

"One incense per person for a limited time, and whoever can make it dance wins!"

Including Chen Nan!

The eyes of the six people showed stunned!

No one expected that the test of this level would be like this... Larger than life!

They are all here to be counselors, and you make us cockfight?

Please be a person, please?


This is the kid...

They can always come up with something surprising!

"To be fair, the six of you will use a lottery to choose who will play first!"

"The first one to play must be a bit of a loss!"

"Similarly, the last one to play can also take the opportunity to think of a way!"

Speaking of this, he looked at a subordinate!

The other party walked up to everyone with a bowl with six paper balls in the bowl!

Shen Lang ate the spirit fruit that Shen Ju sent to his mouth: "The six paper balls correspond to one to six, and the first appearance of the draw one, and so on!"

"Let's go!"

"Chen Nan is the first to come, let him smoke first!"

The next person appeared in front of Chen Nan with a bowl!

I don't know what kind of material this bowl is made of, but it can isolate the spiritual power of the cultivator!


At this time, he can only rely on luck!

Reaching out, he took out a paper ball, and when he opened it, it said six!

"Good luck!" Shen Lang showed a smile on his face for the first time, he liked handsome and strategic, if this kind of person was a little luckier, it would be the icing on the cake!

And now!

Chen Nan met two criteria!

Chen Nan smiled: "Before I met His Royal Highness Shizi, my luck was not good!" "

Shen Lang!

Mei Lan Zhu Ju!

As well as Fuzhongxia!

There were five other middle-aged people who were all stunned!

They've seen a lot of!

But a way like Chen Nan to slap horses is unheard of!

He didn't directly pat Shen Lang's, but this tactful way of patting horses is very in place!

At least Shen Lang felt very comfortable, and he smiled: "Give a seat!" "


Immediately, someone moved a stool and sent it to Chen Nan's side!

Chen Nan take a seat!

Then, like an outsider, watch as the other five try to fight the colorful glazed chicken!

Colorful glazed chicken is lazy!

Just quietly lying on the stone table and quietly watching the performance of those five people!


As if the five of them were treated as a joke!


All five ended in failure, and no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't make the colorful glazed chicken dance!

"Your Highness Shizi, this kind of competition is not fair!" A middle-aged man with a face full of unwillingness!

"Yes, the colorful glazed chicken belongs to the bird, and it is not connected with our human mind, and it is impossible for anyone to make it dance!"

"Yes, this kind of competition does not reflect our wisdom at all!"

The five people spoke!

Shen Lang frowned slightly, and a trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes: "You mean that this son of the world deliberately made it difficult for you?"

"The villain does not dare!" Five people bowed their heads at the same time!

Shen Lang snorted coldly: "The Terran race is the head of all spirits, even if the colorful glazed chicken is a bird, if there is a person with superior wisdom, it will definitely be able to make it dance!"

"You can't do it, it only proves that you are not unmatched in wisdom!"

The five people did not dare to breathe!

Shen Mei looked at Chen Nan: "Young Master Chen, it's your turn!"

Chen Nan got up and said, "Please ask Miss Shen Mei to help me prepare a copper mirror, the bigger the better!"

Shen Mei looked at Shen Lang with an inquiring gaze!


Shen Lang was lying on the recliner, a little drowsy!

These people are not as smart as he thought!

A moment later, Shen Mei brought a copper mirror more than two meters high with her subordinates!

Chen Nan slowly stood up: "Put this copper mirror in front of the colorful glazed chicken, it will dance on its own!" "

Everyone is full of curiosity!

Can a copper mirror make a colorful glass chicken dance?

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