During the conversation, Chen Nan followed Shen Lang to the bank of the Spring River!

Looking around, the left and right sides of the Chunjiang River are all brightly lit green buildings!

Countless women are holding fans and handkerchiefs at the door to solicit customers!

The tactful woman threw winks at the people passing by, and the bold one directly pulled her arm and walked towards the green building!

Chen Nan suddenly felt... It's nice to live in such a world!

Shen Lang said with a smile: "Sir must not have experienced the life of mortals, although mortals have a short lifespan, only dozens of years in a hurry, but in my opinion, mortal life is also different and wonderful!"

"Let's just say that on the bank of this Spring River, there are more than 300 green houses, and each green building has dozens, even hundreds of beautiful and moving girls!"

"And among the many green buildings, only this Floating Fragrance Courtyard ranks first!"

"The girls here are more than a water spirit, Mr. Baozhun has come once and wants to be a second time!"

Chen Nan shook his head disapprovingly: "Gentle Township Hero Tomb, cultivators of my generation should not indulge in wind and snow!" "

Although he is a scumbag!

Also lecherous!

But he has never done big health care, let alone visited the green building!

And now!

I don't have a choice...

"I have seen His Royal Highness Shizi!"

Just when the two of them just walked into the Floating Fragrance Courtyard, a middle-aged beautiful woman greeted her with excitement on her face: "Your Royal Highness Shizi, you haven't come for some days, you are here today, we have several peerless beauties in the Floating Fragrance Courtyard during this time!"

"They have just completed their training and are officially on duty today!"

It can be seen that Shen Lang often goes in and out of this kind of occasion!

Shen Lang said with a smile: "Mother Wu, I am not the protagonist tonight, this one next to me is the protagonist tonight!" He is Mr. Chen, the counselor in my house, and from now on when he comes here, all consumption will be on my account!

"I've seen Mr. Chen!" Mother Wu hurriedly saluted, her eyes staring at Chen Nan from time to time!

She had naturally heard of the recruitment of strategists in Shen Lang's mansion, but she didn't expect that the people recruited would be so young!

Chen Nan said lightly: "I heard that His Royal Highness Shizi praised the Piaoxiang Courtyard, Chen Mou specially came to take a look today, and asked Mother Wu to call out the flowers of the Piaoxiang Courtyard, so that Chen Mou could appreciate their demeanor!"

"Yes, yes, Mr. Chen, the fourth highness go upstairs, please, the girls have been waiting for a long time!" Mother Wu warmly invited Chen Nan and Shen Lang to the sixth floor!

When he ascended the building, Chen Nan felt the attention of several soul powers!

The strength of those people is very strong, there are Jindan late stage powerhouses, and even Yuan Infancy stage masters!

As Shen Lang said, there are many people and many forces who are paying attention to this strategist recruited by Shen Lang!

"Fourth Highness, Mr. Chen, please!"

After coming to a huge room on the sixth floor, Mother Wu pushed the door open with a smile!

The rooms are luxuriously decorated with fine mahogany furniture and silk!

The incense burner burns and gives off a refreshing fragrance!

What caught Chen Nan's eyes bright was not the decoration in the room!

It's those six beautiful people with graceful bodies and beautiful shapes!

They wear long dresses of different colors, their eyes are affectionate, and they are beautiful and moving!

"These beauties are not bad!" Shen Lang's eyes lit up, he often went in and out of the Floating Fragrance Courtyard, and said unceremoniously that these six girls could be called Hua Kui casually before they were in the past!

Chen Nan also smiled: "Yan thin ring fat, beautiful and moving, indeed pleasing to the eye, His Royal Highness Shizi, or do you choose first?"

Shen Lang laughed and said, "I didn't expect my husband to praise these six beauties like this, since my husband likes them, then how can I Shen Mou win people's favor?" Let the six of them serve you at the same time!

"How embarrassing that is!" Chen Nan showed a malicious smile: "But since His Royal Highness Shizi said so, then Chen Mou is disrespectful!"

Shen Lang looked at the six women: "Serve Mr. Chen well, if you make him happy, it will be your benefits, on the contrary, don't blame the son of this world for throwing you into the slums and giving them to those beggars!" "


Six people answered at the same time!

"Mother Wu, let's withdraw first!" Shen Lang handed Chen Nan a look that you know, and then turned and left!

"Do everything you can to serve Mr. Chen well!" Mother Wu gave a word with a straight face, and then followed Shen Lang's footsteps with a smile as bright as a chrysanthemum: "Your Highness Shizi, do you want Qiujiang to accompany you?" "Good



"A few girls, how are we going to play today?" Chen Nan smiled and spoke!

He didn't like this kind of occasion!

After all, I am very unfamiliar with these six people!

In his opinion, applause without an emotional basis is like a beast, it is a simple vent!

It doesn't resonate with the soul!


He knows!

These six people are definitely not ordinary women!

No matter how good it looks, his temperament is absolutely extraordinary!

If nothing else, it is very likely that their Great Highness, as well as the Third Highness, and Shen Nian sent to monitor him!

In addition, the other three are by no means ordinary people!

Although King Wu is the current Zuo Xiang and an extremely powerful minister, there are also some opponents in the dynasty!

Of course!

Maybe one of the other three could be someone arranged by King Wu!

"Mr. Chen, our sisters are your people tonight, you can play as much as you want!" A slightly plump woman smiled and led Chen Nan to sit down!

At the same time, a beautiful person poured a drink and sent it to Chen Nan's mouth!

This treatment is very good!

It is the so-called coming and going, but not impolite!

They feed Chen Nan wine, fruits, pastries!

Didn't Chen Nan also have to feed them bamboo?

Be an old!

They're all clean anyway!


almost two hours later!

The six of them all snuggled together quietly, their faces were red, they were panting, and their beautiful eyes were full of spring light!

In their eyes, Chen Nan was simply not a person!

Get rid of the animals!

All kinds of positions and flower work, they can't guard against it!

This look is not a decent gentleman!

Normal people play like this?

Afterwards, Chen Nan was a little tired, but asked curiously: "Why are you engaged in this job?" "

Listen to this!

The six people regarded Chen Nan as an ultimate old!

After all, many people ask the same topic after they're done!

But anyone who can ask this question is not a good thing!

They couldn't help but be a little disappointed!

I thought that Chen Nan was really a wise and intelligent strategist!

Even if they have different positions, they are also the first people in their lives after all!

You can also reminisce when you are old in the future!

But he never thought that he was a man who was addicted to the place of wind and moon!

Although he is superb in some aspects, he is difficult to take on a big job!


Under the pretext of convenience, they left the room one after another!

Spread what happened tonight to the owner behind them!

For a time, Chen Nan, the first strategist of Shizifu, had an additional title of yin demon...

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