Night falls!

Chen Nan followed Tuoba Yun's people to Yaju!

This is the most prosperous restaurant in White Emperor City!

But all the people who come and go here are some dignitaries and rich children!

Chen Nan still likes this very much!

If you invite someone to dinner, you have to be generous and not afraid of being known by others!

"Young Master, Mr. Chen is here!"

After entering a private room, the old man bowed to Tuoba Yun!

At this time, Chen Nan noticed Tuoba Yun!

This person is two meters tall, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a tiger's back and a bear's waist!

Being in your thirties looks like you're in the prime of life!

"I've seen Master Horse!"

Chen Nan bowed slightly!

He came to see Tuoba Yun only as the aunt of King Wu's Mansion, not the generalissimo of the Terracotta Horse!

"Mr. Chen, no need to be polite, please sit, let's eat and chat!" Tuoba Yun smiled, and then ordered the next person to serve!

Moments later, hearty dishes are delivered to the table!

Then Tuoba Yunping retreated everyone!

Perhaps because of his martial arts background, Tuoba Yun was very bold, and even dried two bowls of spirits, and then said: "Mr. Chen doesn't need to speculate about the purpose of my invitation to come, I Tuoba Yun has a straight personality, and I can say whatever I have!"

"I heard that Mr. Kong is extremely brave and claims that King Kong does not fall, I want to ask, have you taken some kind of medicine?"

"If so, can you give me some?"

Chen Nan was puzzled: "What does Master Donma mean by this?"

Tuoba Yun said, "I have a friend who was really flowing against the current of his true qi when he was cultivating in the early years, so that he couldn't be like a normal man!"

"As a brother, I feel deeply sorry for him!"

"Over the years, I have also helped him find a good remedy, but I have not found the right medicine for him!"

The corners of Chen Nan's mouth twitched secretly!

Your friend is afraid of yourself, right?

Do you dare to say that you speak straight?

Thinking of this, Chen Nan said: "I sympathize with Master Ma Ye's friend, but that kind of thing depends on personal talent, and it has no effect with drugs!"

"Is there really nothing there is anything that can be done?" Tuoba Yun's face was full of unwillingness!

Guarding the beautiful lady but can't start, don't mention how uncomfortable it is in his heart!

Chen Nandao: "I have a way to make the friends of the horse master feel better!"

Tuoba Yun's eyes lit up: "I want to hear about it!"

Chen Nan said: "Let your friend not contact the opposite sex, if you can, it is best to enter the palace, after all, the living environment will give him a lot of pressure!"

"If he goes to a place where there are only men, he will definitely forget what happened!"

Tuoba Yun almost lifted the table!

Lao Tzu is also the generalissimo of the Great Yan Imperial Court!

You actually let Lao Tzu enter the palace as a eunuch?

Knock knock!


There was a knock on the door outside!

"Get out!"

Tuoba Yun drank angrily!

He is in a restless mood now!

Don't want to be disturbed!


The door was pushed open!

Then came a tall young man with a jade tree in the wind, he held a wine glass and said with a smile: "Who provoked my brother-in-law to be so angry?"

"It turned out to be the eldest brother!" Seeing Shen Cong, Tuoba Yun quickly got up and saluted!

Immediately looked at Chen Nan, who was dumbfounded, and said, "Mr. Chen, this is the eldest son of King Wu's Mansion, Shen Cong, the current commander of the city defense battalion!" "

Caomin Chen Nan, meet Your Highness!" Chen Nan couldn't see any emotion on his face, but a huge wave rose in his heart!

Although it was the first time he saw Shen Cong!

But it gave him a sense of déjà vu!


This person's appearance is too similar to Lu Zheng who took him!

It's like it's carved out of a mold!

And that's not the most critical!

The most important thing is that Lu Zheng did have a son, but he disappeared eighty years ago!

"Could Shen Cong be Lu Zheng's son?"

Chen Nan knew that he couldn't use his appearance to measure the actual age of a true cultivator!

"You are the strategist of the old four mansions?" Shen Cong looked at Chen Nan with a smile, this person seemed to be honest and honest, but who would have thought that he would be so brave?

Chen Nan: "It's the grass people!"

Shen Cong snorted quietly: "I heard that my brother-in-law was banqueting here, so I thought of coming here to say hello, but I didn't think that Mr. Chen was also there, I didn't bother you, right?"

"If you don't dislike it, how about two drinks together?"

Tuoba Yun said, "It's great that the eldest brother can come!"

Who expected Shen Cong to shake his head: "Forget it, Mr. Chen is a strategist in the old four mansions, if I get too close to him, I will harm Mr. Chen!" "

This is a retreat to advance!

No matter who it is, if you reject Shen Cong at this time, it will give people a very brainless feeling!

Chen Nan naturally wouldn't be like this, he said with a smile: "Your Highness said seriously, we just met by chance, there is nothing wrong with having a meal and drinking a drink together!"

"Coupled with the open-minded nature of the Fourth Highness, naturally he will not suspect Chen because of this matter!"

He can confirm!

Shen Cong is 100% Lu Zheng's son!


He has now found and got rid of You Jin!

And the way to separate Shen Cong and King Wu!

Before that, you must have a good relationship with Shen Cong!

Then the three sat together, only talking about the wind and moon, not about state affairs!

"Brother Chen, in fact, this Kyoto wind and moon place, Piaoxiang Courtyard can only rank second, and there is a more interesting place than Piaoxiangyuan!" After three rounds of drinking, Shen Cong also opened the chatterbox!

Tuoba Yun wants to go...

Although he likes this kind of thing, he has a weak heart, which will only add to the sadness!

"Is there a place in Kyoto that can compare to the Floating Fragrance Temple?" Chen Nan's face was full of surprise, and there was a word, the women of the Piaoxiang Courtyard were very high!

Although he didn't think about it a second time, he was a little curious when he learned that there was something more interesting than Piaoxiangyuan!


Pure curiosity!

Even if you want to go to this kind of occasion one day, it is with the mentality of seeing the world!

Shen Cong grinned: "There is indeed a place that can be compared to the Floating Fragrance Courtyard, and that place is called the Ten Thousand Demon Cave!" "

Ten Thousand Demon Cave?" Chen Nan frowned, this place is not a place of wind and moon!

Shen Cong sighed: "Actually... People are not fun at all, what is fun are those monster beasts that have cultivated to a certain realm and can transform into humans!

"They're far more interesting than humans!"

"For example, a fox that has cultivated to human form has a white tail... Gee!


"It's fun!"

Chen Nan's face was full of admiration: "Chen Mou thinks that he is a frequent visitor to the Wind and Moon Place, but this point is not comparable to His Royal Highness, admire, admire!"

Shen Cong handed him a look that you know how to see: "Do you want to take you to meet the world?" "

Hear this!

Tuoba Yun's heart trembled!

He knew that Shen Cong definitely didn't come here by accident!

He most likely came towards Chen Nan!

If Chen Nan agreed to Shen Cong's proposal at this time, he would definitely fall for his plan!

At that time, Shen Lang is bound to be dissatisfied with him!

Yes, Shen Cong's purpose is to separate the relationship between the two!

Chen Nan hesitated and couldn't help but say, "Wouldn't it be too expensive?" "

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