Shen Cong said in a low voice, "King Ning!

"Impossible, this can't be!" Shen Fei is unbelievable!

Shen Cong said, "Third man, this is just a dream, a dream!" He

knew Shen Fei's character, and instead of insisting that he was the son of King Ning, it was better not to say anything!

With his personality, he will definitely suspect this!

"You may not believe it, I saw you and a twin brother in my dream!" Shen Cong continued, "Because your brother suffered an accident when he was born, and Princess Ning both died tragically!"

"Of course, what happens in the dream is fake, not real!"

"Okay, I still have business, so I won't stay longer!"

Then Shen Cong left Shen Fei's mansion!

Although Shen Cong was gone, Shen Fei's heart could not be calm for a long time!

He also didn't believe Shen Cong's dream!

But he always wondered if he and Shen Cong were his father's biological sons!

And now!

Shen Cong's dream made a huge wave in his heart!

With his understanding of Shen Cong, if this guy didn't know something, he would definitely not deliberately tell himself what dream he had!

There is a way to verify whether this dream is real!

Then he changed into civilian clothes and left the mansion, heading straight for the imperial tomb!

He had heard that Princess Ning and her son were buried in the imperial mausoleum!

It is said that Princess Ning had heavy bleeding during the delivery that year, so that adults and children were not saved!

King Ning was so grief-stricken that he let his wife and children be buried in the imperial tomb!

If what Shen Cong said is true!

Then he can completely judge whether he is the son of King Ning by spilling blood to recognize his relatives!


When he came to the imperial tomb, he performed a retreat technique and appeared in Princess Ning's tomb!

There is a ban in the imperial tomb!

Ordinary people simply can't cast any spells here!

But Shen Fei is different, he is the commander of the forbidden army of the palace!

There is no place in the entire Imperial City that he can't go!

After entering Princess Ning's tomb, he found Princess Ning's jade coffin in the main tomb!

Hesitating, he pushed open the lid of the coffin!

The next moment, a beautiful woman appeared in his eyes!

And next to her there is a chubby baby!

Because the coffin is made of 10,000 years of cold jade, the body can be stored inside without decay for 10,000 years!

At this moment, Shen Fei's heartbeat suddenly accelerated!

Although this was the first time he had seen Princess Ning!

But there is an inexplicable sense of familiarity!

He bites his fingertips!

A drop of blood dripped on Princess Ning's forehead!

Then he squeezed it with both hands!

In a flash!

The blood was actually absorbed by Princess Ning!

This moment!

The tears in Shen Fei's eyes instantly burst, and he knelt heavily in front of the coffin, crying silently: "The child is not filial, and disturbs the mother's undead!"

"Mother rest assured, the child will definitely find out the truth of that year and avenge you and your brother!"

He knocked his head three times!

Although he does not know the truth of the matter!

But one thing is obvious!

King Wu must be the real culprit behind the scenes!

Otherwise, Prince Ning would not have become King Wu's son!

Thinking of King Wu's sinister and cunning methods, and the Liang Zi between him and King Ning!

The truth seems to be surfacing!

He wanted to make himself fight King Ning and let them kill each other!

"King Wu, you have lost your conscience, if you don't cut you by a thousand cuts, it will be difficult to eliminate the hatred in my heart!" Shen Fei made a vow in his heart!

But he was not carried away by anger!

"Since the eldest brother broke the relationship with King Wu on the grounds of dreams, then he must know the inside story!"

"Like who the hell is he?"

"Can we join forces to shake King Wu?"

"I have to talk to my eldest brother about this!"

That night!

Shen Fei came to Shen Cong's ruling mansion with two altars of wine!

Shen Cong was not surprised by Shen Fei's appearance, but it was all in his reason!

Not only that, but even let the next person prepare a table of sumptuous drinks!

It was as if the two brothers had agreed to have dinner together!

"Big brother, let's get straight to the point, who are you?" After three rounds of drinking, Shen Fei suddenly asked!

Shen Cong smiled: "Have you determined your identity?"

"I sneaked into Princess Ning's tomb and confirmed my background!" Shen Fei's face was complicated.

Shen Cong said: "This Jiangshan belongs to your Shen family, although you grew up in the Wuwang Mansion since you were a child, but your surname is Shen after all!" And I'm different, my surname is Lu!

Shen Fei was taken aback: "The surname of the former prime minister?

Shen Cong's face was full of bitterness: "I have killed countless people in my life, including the remnants of the previous dynasty!"

"However, I never dreamed that I was also a remnant of the former dynasty!"

"I killed a lot of my people!!

Shen Fei gritted his teeth and said, "I have also killed many people from King Ning!"

Shen Cong said: "Third old, our brothers have grown up together since childhood, and although they don't have any blood relationship with each other, they are also brothers!"

"Even though our current identity has changed, we have a common enemy!"

"I can tell you very responsibly that Chen Nan in the old fourth mansion is my father!"

"Big brother, are you kidding?" Shen Fei's face was full of shock, and the impact this news brought him was no less than learning that he was not the son of King Wu!

Shen Cong said, "To be precise, it was my father who took away Chen Nan's body!"

Shen Fei cleared his throat: "But your father is also very brave!" Shen

Cong's face was full of embarrassment!

My father went to the Piaoxiang Courtyard to fight one against six, and he didn't stop all night, so that he was... Envy!

Shen Fei said seriously: "Big brother, tell me about your plan!"

Shen Cong said, "Help my father gain the trust of the fourth elder, and strive to let him find the whereabouts of the Danshu Iron Ticket and the Death-Free Gold Medal, so that the Jia family can be saved!"

"With the influence of the Jia family in the court, combined with King Ning's prestige in the rivers and lakes, it can completely bring down King Wu!"

Shen Fei's heart was as delicate as a hair, and he shook his head: "It is not difficult to let your father gain the trust of the fourth elder, but it is difficult to gain the trust of King Wu!"

"However, I do have a way to get your father to gain King Wu's trust!"

"It's just that we have to start this battle with the fourth in advance!"

"Only in this way can your father make meritorious achievements and gain the trust of King Wu!"

"But if you do this, our brothers' lives will be in danger!"

"Er... Take back what you just said!

"As long as we pretend not to know each other's identities, King Wu will definitely not kill us!"

Shen Cong gritted his teeth and said, "As long as you can take down King Wu, even if you pay for your life, why not?"

A cold light flashed in Shen Fei's eyes: "Then ten days later, ten days later, and the old fourth will fight for life and death!" "


the other side!

Chen Nan entered the interior of the Immortal Mansion!

He was ready to open the third layer of the Immortal Mansion!

Although I don't know what treasures are in the third layer of Immortal Mansion!

But if you can open the third space!

He also has more confidence to fight against King Wu in this world!

To put it bluntly, whether he can open the third layer of the space of the Immortal Mansion directly determines his life and death!

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