
Chen Nan woke up!

Then I took the healing elixir!

After that, Shen Lang took him to King Wu's Mansion!

It has been more than half a month since Chen Nan came to this world, and this is the first time he has seen this powerful and oppositional Zuo Xiang!

King Wu is eight feet tall and unusually burly!

Thick eyebrows, small eyes, but shining, as if it can penetrate people's hearts!

The face that was not angry and threatening exuded a smell of domination!

Even Chen Nan felt a strong sense of oppression!

After all, this is the strongest expert he has ever seen!

"Caomin Chen Nan meets King Wu!"

Chen Nanxing bowed!

King Wu: "Mr. Chen doesn't have to be polite!"

Shen Lang said, "Father, thanks to Mr. Chen yesterday, if he hadn't sacrificed his life to save him, the child would have lost half of his life even if he didn't die!"

King Wu nodded slightly: "I already know what happened yesterday!" "

He is very satisfied with Chen Nan's performance!

"I wonder what Mr. Chen thinks about the current situation?" King Wu looked at Chen Nan!

"Today, His Majesty is incompetent, and although he has been in charge of the government for more than ten years, he has not achieved anything! Today, Your Majesty is sorry for the emperor and sorry for the people of Li! "The matter has come to this, Chen Nan can only say this!

He knew that King Wu had asked him to come here just to hear these words!

King Wu said again, "How should this situation be broken according to what Mr. Yi sees?"

Chen Nan: "The remnants of the former dynasty can break this situation!"

"What does that mean?" For the first time, a smile appeared on King Wu's face!

Chen Nandao: "King Wu is a loyal courtier, even if he has both ability and integrity, he cannot murder His Majesty and replace him!"

"But if the remnants of the previous dynasty murdered Your Majesty!"

"There will be no king in the country!"

"When the Son did not establish a prince today!"

"At that time, King Wu will definitely be able to sit on the throne of God as the people want!"

King Wu remained silent: "Do you know that just these words today can kill you?"

Chen Nan smiled with a smile: "King Wu won't kill me!"

King Wu asked, "Why are you so sure?"

Chen Nan: "Because you don't know where the remnants of the previous dynasty are!"

"So, you need me to pretend to be the remnant of the former dynasty!"

"Only in this way can we kill the current emperor!"

"You can take your place!"

King Wu narrowed his eyes slightly, making his already slender eyes look as if they were closed!

But Chen Nan felt an extremely dangerous feeling!

He was even ready to enter the Immortal Mansion at any time!

After all, in the face of such a super powerhouse, he had no chance to release the Sword Immortal Puppet at all!

For Chen Nan, King Wu is extremely dangerous!

But for King Wu, why didn't he feel this way?

He thinks he is proficient in the art of power and scheming, and treats all living beings as pawns!

And at the moment!

But he felt a feeling of being seen through his heart!

He never thought that there were people in this world who were smarter than him!

He knows!

People like Chen Nan can use it!

But it can't be controlled by him at all!

Because he can't control this kind of person at all!

"When I sit on the throne, the first thing is to kill this person, otherwise it will eventually become a great disaster!"

Thinking of this, he looked at Chen Nan: "Then are you willing to become a sharp knife in the hands of this king?"

Chen Nan bowed: "It is an honor for juniors to serve Wang Ye!" King

Wu nodded slightly: "Three days later, the Son of Heaven will patrol south, microservice private visit, there will be close protection of masters, all you have to do is kill those masters with one blow when they are not prepared!"

"If you dare, swear to heaven, what happened today is rotten in your stomach!"

"If a word is leaked, or there is a different intention, the soul will not be able to die well!"

Upon hearing this, Chen Nan suddenly came to the spirit, and raised his right hand in confidence: "I, Chen Nan, swear to the heavens, and will always be loyal to King Wu, if I violate this oath, the heavens will thunder and split the soul!" "

Is he afraid to swear?

I'm really not afraid!

It's a small world, after all!

As an outsider, his oath is not bound at all!

"Okay, you go down, I'll let people tell you the specific route!" King Wu said lightly, with the oath, he was not afraid that Chen Nan would have evil intentions!

Chen Nan said, "King Wu, I can be loyal to you and help you fight the rivers and mountains."

"But how can I trust you?"

"If you finish using me and kill me again, won't I be too humiliated?"

"Or does King Ben also swear to heaven that he will never kill you?" King Wu had a hint of anger in his tone!

Chen Nan: "King Wu has a lofty status and is an extremely powerful courtier, how dare the grass people make you swear?"

King Wu said coldly, "Then what do you want?"

Chen Nan was neither humble nor arrogant: "Exchange my life's loyalty for a secret to you, this deal is not excessive, right?"

"What do you want?" King Wu's eyes were cold, this was the first time someone dared to ignore him!

If it weren't for Chen Nan's Qilin talent, he would have killed him a long time ago!

Chen Nan: "The Jia family's Dan Book Iron Ticket and Death-Free Gold Medal!"

King Wu was stunned for a moment, and then laughed: "Everyone knows that the Jia family's Danshu iron coupons and death-free gold medals have long been lost, why did you ask King Ben for them?"

"Could it be that you think King Ben stole the Dan Book Iron Ticket and the Death-Free Gold Medal?"

Chen Nan sighed slightly: "I regard King Wu as a virtuous lord, but it seems that King Wu you treat me as an idiot!" Even so, it seems that we can't do big things together!

"Why did you conclude that the Danshu Iron Ticket and the Death-Free Gold Medal were in the hands of King Ben?" King Wu showed an intriguing smile!

Chen Nan: "The remnants of the former dynasty just visited the Jia family, and then you led people to arrest eighty-one members of the Jia family, and then the Jia family's Danshu iron coupons and death-free gold medals were stolen, except for you, I really can't think of anyone else!"

"You're smart!"

King Wu chuckled, and then waved his hand casually: "Since you want it, then King Ben will give it to you!"

"Lord Xie Wuwang's trust, the grass people will definitely not live up to your high expectations!" Chen Nan put away the Dan Book Iron Ticket and the Death-Free Gold Medal, and then turned and left!

Although now with the Danshu iron coupon and the death-free gold medal, he can completely save the Jia family!

But it is not enough for him!

You can't take down King Wu at all!


He must cooperate with King Wu to act in a play!

Make him a rat crossing the street!

Let his emperor dream become a dream bubble!


He is better at this trick than anyone!


This scene is difficult to act, and the slightest mistake will reveal flaws!

If that were the case, it would be difficult for even him to end well!

Time passes!

Early in the morning three days later, Chen Nan appeared in a small post station two hundred kilometers away from White Emperor City!

His identity today is the treasurer of the post station!

As for his mission, it was to assassinate Shen Ao, the current emperor of the southern tour!

I thought there would be someone else to cooperate!

However, he found that the entire post station was only himself...

In other words, he wants to kill Shen Ao and the masters around him with his own strength!

This is very difficult for him...

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